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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月5日 张顺芬 曾玲


     [摘要] 目的 了解近年来昭通市餐饮单位餐具消毒状况,提供食品安全监督管理依据,达到规范餐饮单位的食品卫生,促进餐饮业健康发展。 方法 采用大肠菌群快速纸片法,依据《食(饮)具消毒卫生标准》(GB14934-1994)进行采样、检测和评价。 结果 通过对昭通市昭阳区范围内590家餐饮单位的餐具(含茶室饮具)进行抽检,共抽检3 540件,合格 2920 件,合格率82.5%。 结论 昭通市餐饮单位餐具总体抽检合格率偏低,仅为82.5%,体现出本市餐具消毒现状不容乐观,因此,实施提升餐具消毒工作实效,加强对餐饮单位业主及从业人员卫生知识培训,强化卫生意识,加强餐饮单位的监督管理措施等方面仍有大量工作有待完善和加强。

    [关键词] 餐饮单位;餐具消毒;分析;改善措施

    [中图分类号] R155.5 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2012)01-018-02

    Analysis of the current situation of tableware disinfection in Zhaotong catering units in 2010

    ZHANG Shunfen ZENG Ling

    Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Zhaotong City in Yunnan Province, Zhaotong 657000, China

    [Abstract] Objective To understand the situation of tableware disinfection in Zhaotong catering units recently, providing a basis for food safety supervision and management, for standard of food hygiene for catering units, promote catering healthy development. Methods Using coliform rapid paper strip method, according to " Hygienic standard for disinfection of dinner and drinking set " (GB14934-1994) for sampling, testing and evaluation. Results By Sampling inspection cutlery (including tea set) within 590 catering units in Zhaoyang district of Zhaotong, sampling a total of 3 540, 2 920 are qualified, the qualified rate is 82.5%. Conclusion Tableware sampling in Zhaotong catering units have the low pass rate of only 82.5%, show the current situation of tableware disinfection in Zhaotong is not optimistic, therefore, strengthen the catering units owners and their employees health knowledge training, strengthen health awareness, strengthen supervision and management, etc. there is still much work to be improved.

    [Key words] Catering units; Tableware disinfection; Analysis; Improvement measures


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 资料来源

    对昭通市昭阳区范围内590家餐饮单位的餐具包括碗(钵)、盘(碟)、杯子、盆等进行随机抽检(因本次抽检90%以上餐饮单位均使用一次性卫生筷,故未对筷子进行抽样),共抽检餐具3 540件。

    1.2 监测方法与标准

    按照《食(饮)具消毒卫生标准》(GB14934-1994)进行现场采样和实验室检测。采样方法:随机抽取消毒后准备使用的各类食具6件,每件贴纸片两张,每张纸片面积25 cm2(5 cm×5 cm)用无菌生理盐水湿润大肠菌群检测用纸片后,立即贴于食具内侧表面,30 s后取下,置于无菌塑料袋内。检验方法:将已采样的纸片置37 ℃培养16~18 h,若纸片保持紫蓝色不变为大肠菌群阴性,纸片变黄并在黄色的背景上呈现红色斑点或片状红晕为阳性。评价标准为检出大肠菌群(个/50 cm2)阳性为不合格,本次检测所用纸片由北京赛蒂克生物技术有限实业公司生产,有效期内使用。

    2 结果

    2.1 检测结果

    590家餐饮单位中抽检的3 540件餐具样品,检测结果合格2 920 件,合格率为 82.5%[1]。

    2.2 各类餐具大肠菌群检测结果比较



    2.3 不同类别餐饮单位餐具大肠菌群检测结果比较 ......
