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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月15日 金丽君 林锋 黄丽丽 章荷芳


     [摘要] 目的 了解临床护士在当前工作状态下的心理体验,找出护士职业倦怠的原因,促进护士健康的职业心理的形成。 方法 采用自行设计的半结构式调查问卷对4家县级综合性医院的890名护士进行自我认识、职业价值观、外界刺激、身心反应、应对方式、工作满意度及有无离职倾向等的调查,对调查结果进行统计学分析。 结果 护士普遍感到工作压力大,压力的主要来源是各种检查考核、工作强度、护患关系;护士最渴望自己的工作能得到病人、领导、医生的理解与尊重,并把病人的不理解、不尊重列入从护生涯最伤心的事;有近半数的护士有焦虑和压抑情绪;合同制护士普遍对自已的工作报酬不满意;在各种压力面前,许多护士懂得用不同方式进行自我内心调节和及时的压力释放。 结论 护理管理者可以通过了解护士面临的工作压力和困惑以及护士内心的思考,帮助护士解决困难,提高护士的工作愉悦感和护理服务质量。

    [关键词] 县级医院;临床护士;职业倦怠;工作压力

    [中图分类号] R135 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2012)02-0011-02

    Investigation on professional experience of the clinical nurse in county hospital

    JIN Lijun1 LIN Feng2 HUANG Lili1 ZHANG Hefang1

    1.Dept. of Nursing, the First People's Hospital of Taizhou in Zhejiang Province, Taizhou 318020, China; 2.Science and Education Division, Taizhau Enzhe Medicine Center Luqiao Hospital, Taizhou 318050, China

    [Abstract] Objective To understand the nurse in the current state of mental experience and professional fatigue to the nurse, promote the formation of mental health professional. Methods Adopted in designing the structure of the questionnaire to 4 county comprehensive hospital 890 nurse their knowledge and professional values and input and reactions, response and job satisfaction and it was left to the investigation, the survey results for statistical analysis. Results The general work under great pressure, pressure of the major sources of inspection, assessment and work with the relationship between the desire of his own; work to be patient, leadership and the doctor's understanding and respect, and the patient's hard to understand and respect from the guard in the career of; nearly half of the nurses with anxiety and oppressive emotion; the contract system was to work with. In various pressures, many of the nurse to my soul with different ways to adjust and timely release of pressure. Conclusion Nursing management can understand the nurse the work under pressure and confusion and nurse her to think, to help nurse solve their problems, improved the nurse's job pleasure and quality of service.

    [Key words] County hospital; Clinical nurse; Professional fatigue; Pressure of work ......
