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http://www.100md.com 2018年4月1日 《湖南中医药大学学报》 20184
     〔摘要〕 目的 从病因胃排空延缓、内脏高敏性、心理因素等入手改良建立新的功能性消化不良肝郁脾虚证动物模型。方法 将SD大鼠随机分为5组:高脂组(A组)、大黄组(B组)、复合组(C组)、夹尾对照组(D组)、 空白对照组(E组)。除空白对照组,其余4组以束缚和游泳为基础,在A组加入可以导致胃排空延缓的高脂,在B组加入可以导致脾虚的苦寒泻下药大黄煎剂,并将A、B进行结合形成复合组(C组),而D组是国内常用的造模方法即夹尾刺激法,且以D组作为对照,通过观察行为学状态,检测胃排空率、小肠推进率对造模结果进行评价。结果 造模结束后,A、B、C、D组大鼠均出现扎堆、靠边, 活跃度降低, 攻击性减少, 易受惊吓且易怒,毛发枯乱无光泽, 粪便变软等表现;与E组相比,其他4组造模组的胃排空率和小肠推进率均有降低,C、D组降低显著,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 选用复合组的造模方法可以使大鼠出现一系列的肝郁脾虚症状,并且有效地降低大鼠的胃排空率和小肠推进率。

    〔关键词〕 功能性消化不良;肝郁脾虚证;动物模型

    〔中图分类号〕R285.5;R965.1;R57 〔文献标志码〕A 〔文章编号〕doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-070X.2018.04.002

    〔Abstract〕 Objective From the delay of gastric emptying, visceral hypersensitivity, psychological factors and other causes to improve the establishment of a new animal model of dyspepsia rats with liver depression and spleen deficiency syndrome. Methods The SD rats were randomly divided into five groups: high fat group (group A), rhubarb group (group B), combination group (group C), clip tail control group (group D), blank control group (group E). Except for the blank control group (group E), the remaining four groups were given the basis training of restraint and swimming. In group A, the high fat caused delay of gastric emptying was added. In group B, bitter cold diarrhea decoction caused spleen deficiency was added, and group C was formed by combination of group A and group B. Group D as a control group was given a commonly used modeling method of tailgating stimulation. The modeling results were evaluated by observing behavioral status, gastric emptying rate, small intestine propulsion rate. Results After modeling, rats in group A, B, C and D appeared the behavior of getting together, keeping to the side, decreased activity, reduced aggression, vulnerable to scared and irritable, hair dull and dull, and soft stool. Compared with group E, the gastric empting rate and small intestine advance rate in other four groups decreased, and the decrease degree in group C and D was more obvious, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.01). Conclusion The compounding method could make rats appear a series of symptoms of liver depression and spleen deficiency, and effectively reduce the gastric emptying rate and intestinal propulsion rate in rats.

    〔Keywords〕 functional dyspepsia; liver depression and spleen deficiency; animal models

    功能性消化不良(functional dyspepsia,FD)是一種常见的功能性胃肠病,且尚无器质性原因可究,在全球范围内总患病率约为11.5%~14.5%[1],在流行病学调查显示国内功能性消化不良的患病率为23.5%[2]。临床表现主要为食欲不振、腹胀、腹痛、早饱、嗳气、恶心呕吐等,其发病机制尚未完全阐明,目前以胃容受性受损、内脏敏感性增高、胃肠动力障碍为主要病理生理改变[3]。功能性消化不良动物模型是进行功能性消化不良相关研究的重要基础,目前国内外已建立多种FD动物模型,常用的有郭氏夹尾应激法[4]即用夹鼠尾的方法来激怒大鼠;碘乙酰胺灌胃法则是根据炎症后内脏敏感性增高的机制设计的,刚刚出生10 d的大鼠用0.1%的碘乙酰胺蔗糖溶液进行灌胃,等到大鼠成熟期即可成为功能性消化不良大鼠模型[5]等单因素造模方法;也有复合因素造模方法,碘乙酰胺联合夹尾刺激造模[6];如韩秋艳等用慢性夹尾激怒加高浓度大黄灌胃法造模[7]。但是单因素造模法存在刺激因素过于单一,存在与临床实际情况相差太大的问题,而复合因素的造模方法则能够更为全面地模拟FD发病因素的多样化、复杂化。研究人员从功能性消化不良的主要病因即胃排空延缓、内脏高敏感、肝郁脾虚以及外邪致病(如饮食不节、药物所伤)入手,将已有的造模方法进行组合改良,建立复合因素动物模型,试图探索出一种在造模过程中能降低动物死亡率、更贴近自然发病情况的造模方法,为功能性消化不良的造模提供更好的思路及方法。, http://www.100md.com(朱洁 王叶 郭璇 刘乐平 韩志飞)
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