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http://www.100md.com 2019年7月1日 《湖南中医药大学学报》 20197
     〔摘要〕 目的 评价湖南麻阳产甜橙幼果枳实的质量,并与市面上不同产地的枳实进行含量比较。方法 参考2015版《中华人民共和国药典》枳实项下的性状、鉴别、水分检查、浸出物、含量测定等多种方法对湖南麻阳产枳实进行全面的质量研究,对其他产地枳实进行辛弗林含量的测定并与麻阳产枳实进行比较。结果 麻阳产枳实的性状与药典描述相符;显微粉末鉴别也与药典的显微特征相符;水分含量为11.18%,低于药典规定的15%;总灰分为5.14%,低于药典规定的7.0%;浸出物测定结果为26.08%,高于药典规定的12.0%;辛弗林含量为1.08%,远高于药典0.30%的限度,也高于收集的其他几个产地枳实中辛弗林含量。结论 湖南麻阳产枳实按中国药典枳实项下性状鉴别、水分检查、浸出物、含量测定方法检测均符合标准规定,且辛弗林含量结果远高于药典限度并优于一些市售产品。本研究首次对麻阳产枳实的质量进行评价,对发掘麻阳枳实的质量优势、指导麻阳县甜橙的综合利用、助力精准扶贫有相当积极的作用。

    〔关键词〕 甜橙;麻阳;枳实;质量评价;综合利用

    〔中图分类号〕R284 〔文献标志码〕A 〔文章编号〕doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-070X.2019.07.013

    〔Abstract〕 Objective To evaluate the quality of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus produced in Mayang, Hunan Province and compare it with other products from different producing areas. Methods A comprehensive quality study was conducted on Fructus Aurantii Immaturus from Mayang, Hunan province by referring to the methods of character identification, water content test, extract determination and other methods under the Chinese pharmacopoeia, 2015. The content of synephrine in Fructus Aurantii Immaturus produced in other places was determined and compared with it produced in Mayang. Results The characters of immature bitter orange produced in Mayang were consistent with those described in pharmacopoeia. The microscopic powder identification was also consistent with the microscopic characteristics of the pharmacopoeia. The moisture content was 11.18%, which was lower than the 16% specified in the pharmacopoeia. The total ash was 5.14%, which was lower than the 7.0% specified in pharmacopoeia. The extract was 26.08%, which was higher than the 12.0% specified in pharmacopoeia. The content of synephrine was 1.08%, which was much higher than the limit of 0.30% in pharmacopoeia, and also higher than the content of synephrine in other products. Conclusion The characteristics identification, moisture test, extract and content determination of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus produced in Mayang were all in accordance with the standards of Chinese pharmacopoeia. This study is the first to evaluate the quality of the Fructus Aurantii Immaturus in Mayang, and has a positive effect on the exploration of the quality advantage and comprehensive utilization of the Fructus Aurantii Immaturus in Mayang.

    〔Keywords〕 Citrus sinensis; Mayang; Fructus Aurantii Immaturus; quality evaluation; comprehensive utilization

    枳實为常用中药,应用历史悠久,始载于《神农本草经》,其味苦、辛、酸,性微寒,归脾、胃经。具有破气消积、化痰散痞的功效,主要用于治疗积滞内停、痞满胀痛、泻痢后重、大便不通、痰滞气阻、胸痹、结胸、脏器下垂。2015版《中华人民共和国药典》(以下简称《中国药典》)中收录枳实为芸香科植物酸橙Citrus aurantium L.及其栽培变种或甜橙Citrus sinensis Osbeck 的干燥幼果。5~6 月收集自落的果实,除去杂质,自中部横切为两半,晒干或低温干燥, 较小者直接晒干或低温干燥[1]。现代药理学研究证明枳实主要具有促进胃排空[2-3]、升高血压[3-4]、加强心肌收缩力[5]、促进脂质代谢[6]的作用。, 百拇医药(邱伊星 肖瑞飞 龚力民 邓莹 王智 朱久宜 王炜)
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