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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月15日 李洁 李霞 荆志敏


     【摘要】  目的应用彩色多普勒超声心动图检测甲亢患者的心脏形态及心功能的变化,并与20例正常人超声心动图作对比。方法采用超声诊断仪测量甲亢心患者(38例)以及正常人(20名)心脏各房室的大小值,计算心功能指标,并比较2组之间的差异。彩色血流观察二尖瓣、三尖瓣反流程度。结果甲亢心患者以左室增大为主,部分合并瓣膜反流,心功能测值部分参数低下,与正常人对照组相比,有显著性差异(P <0.01),甲亢心检出率明显高于X线及EKG检查。结论彩色多普勒超声心动图是甲亢性心脏病诊断及随访的简单、无创性检查方法。

    【关键词】 彩色多普勒超声心动图甲状腺功能亢进

    【中图分类号】 R541.85【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 1674-0742(2011)06(b)-0175-02

    Echocardiographic Diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism on the Significance of heart disease

    LI Jie1LI Xia2jing Zhimin1

    Department of Ultrasound Yanbu Hospital Nanhai District in Foshan,Guangdong 528247,China

    【Abstract】  ObjectiveColor Doppler echocardiography in patients with hyperthyroidism and cardiac function in heart shape changes, and with 20 normal echocardiogram for comparison.MethodsMeasurement of ultrasonic diagnostic cardiac patients with hyperthyroidism(38 cases) and normal(20 cases) the value of the heart the size of each compartment, calculated cardiac function, and to compare the differences between the two groups ......
