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http://www.100md.com 2015年6月25日 《中外医疗》 201518
     [摘要] 目的 研究胃癌术后早期肠内营养护理,改善病人术后早期的营养状况提供依据。方法 利用分组法,将患者随机分成早期肠内营养(EEN)组和未施行肠内营养(N-EEN)组(n=38),EEN组于胃癌术后24 h经术中放置的鼻空肠管应用能全进行早期肠内营养,N-EEN组为术后静脉营养,术前、术后7 d测定血清白蛋白、血清前白蛋白和体重、记录术后肠蠕动、排气时间和术后并发症。结果 EEN组和N-EEN组术后体重、胃肠功能恢复时间、血清前白蛋白和白蛋白的变化差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 早期肠内营养对减轻应激、减少术后并发症,促进切口愈合,缩短住院时间,降低医疗费用有重要意义。

    [关键词] 护士;胃癌术后;早期肠内营养;护理体会

    [中图分类号] R541.4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2015)06(c)-0146-03

    [Abstract] Objective To study the early enteral nutrition for patients after gastric cancer surgery so as to provide a basis for improving the postoperative early nutrition of the patients. Methods Seventy-six patients were randomly divided into the early enteral nutrition (EEN) group and non-early enteral nutrition (N-EEN) group with 38 cases in each in accordance with the method of grouping. The EEN group were given early enteral nutrition via nasojejunal feeding tube placed during the operation at the time of 24h after surgery. The N-EEN group were given postoperative intravenous nutrition. The serum albumin ......
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