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http://www.100md.com 2017年12月25日 《中外医疗》 2017年第36期
     [摘要] 目的 分析在中药临床应用当中,出现的不良反应及其相关原因,并分析相应的解决对策。方法 方便选择该院在2016年1—12月年期间出现中药不良反应的60例患者为对象,对所有患者出现不良反应的相关类型、原因等进行分析,并且针对不良反应情况选择相应的对策。结果 在60例中药不良反应患者当中,皮肤系统受累为20例、心血管系统13例,神经系统为10例,还有很多其他身体系统受到影响。出现不良反应的原因主要为用药时间过长(占比46.7%)、药不对症(占比30.0%)、中药炮制方式不当(占比11.7%)等,且患者分布于各个年龄段当中,最小为4岁,最大为82岁。 结论 在临床接受中药治疗的患者当中,在多种因素影响下,患者可能会出现中药不良反应,相关人员应对此进行分析,并提出相应的解决对策。

    [关键词] 中药;原因;不良反应;对策;分析

    [中图分类号] R288 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)12(c)-0176-03

    [Abstract] Objective This paper tries to analyze the adverse reactions and their related causes in the clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine and to analyze the corresponding countermeasures. Methods From January to December 2016 60 patients with adverse reactions of traditional Chinese medicine in this hospital were convenient selected as the objects. The types and causes of adverse reactions in all patients were analyzed. Corresponding countermeasures were also given according to the adverse reactions. Results Among 60 patients with adverse reactions of traditional Chinese medicine, there were 20 cases of skin system involvement, 13 cases of cardiovascular system, 10 cases of nervous system, and many other body systems were affected. The main causes of adverse reactions were medication for a long time (accounting for 46.7%), medicine was not symptomatic (accounting for 30.0%), improper processing methods of Chinese medicine (accounting for 11.7%), etc, and patients were distributed among all ages with minimum of 4 years old, the maximum of 82 years old. Conclusion Among the patients receiving traditional Chinese medicine in clinical practice, patients may experience adverse reactions of traditional Chinese medicine under the influence of many factors. Relevant personnel should analyze this and propose corresponding solutions.

    [Key words] Traditional Chinese medicine; Causes; Adverse reactions; Countermeasures; Analysis


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    从该院接受中药治疗的患者当中方便选择60例出现中药不良反应的患者为相关对象,该次研究得到了该院相关部门的审批通过,且所有患者为自愿入组,入组之前阅读并签署了知情同意书。该院在该次研究当中,将以下对象排除在外:精神功能障碍患者、接受其他西药治疗的患者、意识不清患者、非自愿入组的患者、生活无法自理患者、无法配合研究进行患者、表达与认知功能障碍患者。在所有患者当中,男性患者为34例,女性患者为26例,患者年龄最小为4岁,年龄最大为82岁。, 百拇医药(杨建土)
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