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http://www.100md.com 2018年7月25日 《中外医疗》 2018年第21期
     [摘要] 延续护理是指患者所处环境由医院转换为社区或者家庭,持续开展后期治疗,减少再次入院就诊的机率。国内外对延续护理的针对性研究已很广泛,而且这种护理模式已应用于老年性疾病及慢性疾病的治疗中。该文通过探究延续护理在康复期精神分裂症的应用,以便于临床借鉴与参考。目前我国人口中,精神分裂症患者数量超过400万人,但其病因尚未完全阐明,目前针对性研究已经揭示部分影响因素,如遗传因素、个性特征、环境因素、生化代谢等。与其他临床疾病不同,精神分裂症至今也没有确切的化验结果及实验室检查支持临床进行诊断。现在的治疗模式和过去大不相同,传统治疗经过减少攻击性,减少自伤,在家属帮助下可院外治疗。现在的治疗模式对精神分裂症在康复模式下,提出全病程治疗回归社会。因此延续护理应运而生,它的实施可使患者在院外症状能够得到改善,再建立人际关系与独立生活技能。

    [关键词] 延续护理;康复期;精神分裂症患者;研究进展

    [中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)07(c)-0196-03

    Continuing Nursing Progress in Patients with Schizophrenia During Rehabilitation

    LIU Xue-ying, LU Li-li

    Chongzuo City Retired Military Hospital, Chongzuo, Guangxi, 530219 China

    [Abstract] Continuing care means that the patient's environment is transformed from a hospital to a community or family, and continuous treatment is carried out to reduce the chance of re-admission. The targeted research on continuing nursing at home and abroad has been extensive, and this nursing model has been applied to the treatment of senile and chronic diseases. This article explores the application of nursing in the rehabilitation of schizophrenia in order to facilitate clinical reference. At present, the number of schizophrenia patients in China is more than 4 million, but its etiology has not yet been fully elucidated. Currently targeted research has revealed some influencing factors, such as genetic factors, personality characteristics, environmental factors, biochemical metabolism, etc. Unlike other clinical diseases, schizophrenia still has no exact test results and laboratory tests support clinical diagnosis. The current treatment model is very different from the past. Traditional treatment reduces aggression, reduces self-injury, and can be treated outside the home with the help of the family. The current treatment model for schizophrenia in rehabilitation mode, proposes a full course of treatment to return to society. Therefore, continuation of care came into being, and its implementation allows patients to improve symptoms outside the hospital, and then establish interpersonal relationships and independent life skills.

    [Key words] Continuing nursing; Rehabilitation; Schizophrenia; Research progress

    延續护理是临床护理的延伸,其概念在1969年国际护士协会最终将其定义为:通过一系列的行动设计,用以确保患者在不同的健康照护场所(如从医院到家庭)及同一健康照护场所(如医院的不同科室)得到不同水平的协作性与连续性的照护。通常是指从医院到家庭的延续,包括经由医院制定的出院计划,转诊患者回归家庭或社区后的持续随访与指导。2011年Baxter等论述延续性护理的6个维度,即跨机构延续、团队间延续、信息延续、灵活性延续、纵向延续、关系或者个人延续。以上内容归纳为3方面:①患者信息的延续;②医疗护理服务的延续;③医患关系的延续,根本上基于“以人为本”的康复理念,对患者后期康复起至关重要作用。精神分裂症是一组病因未明的重性精神病。临床上往往表现为症状各异的综合征,涉及感知觉、思维、情感和行为等多方面的障碍以及精神活动的不协调。患者一般意识清楚,智能基本正常。部分患者在发病过程中会出现认知功能的损害,部分患者最终出现精神衰退和精神残疾,但部分患者经过治疗后可保持痊愈或基本痊愈状态。康复期精神分裂症患者处于痊愈危险期,受多种因素影响,易发生多种问题,康复期间涉及心理评估、用药依从性、病情评价、日常生活能力、人际交往能力、职业能力等多方面的恢复。延续护理针对康复期精神分裂症可根据既往住院病情记录,量身定制个体化治疗方案,巩固临床疗效,衔接院内与院外环境转换,基本平稳过渡康复危险期,使亲属愉快接纳患者回归社会与家庭,减轻双方负担。为探求临床经验提供新方法、新思路。, http://www.100md.com(刘雪英 陆莉莉)
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