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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月5日 廖星明,郭少贤,代莹


     [摘要] 目的:探讨X线与CT在胸部闭合性损伤诊断中的作用特点。方法:回顾性分析本院2006年6月~2010年6月分别应用X线与CT扫描96例胸部闭合性损伤患者的资料。结果:①本组CT检查显示肋骨骨折11例、胸骨骨折1例、锁骨骨折4例,胸椎骨折2例;X线片显示38例肋骨骨折、3例胸骨骨折、5例锁骨骨折,未发现有胸椎骨折病例;②CT检查发现胸部 X线片未检出的单纯血胸14例、单纯气胸8例和血气胸3例;③CT检查较胸部X线片多检出创伤性湿肺4例,肺挫裂伤4例,肺不张 4例,膈肌破裂1例。结论:CT检查是早期诊断肺实质性损伤的重要方法,能为临床医师提供可靠的诊断和治疗依据。

    [关键词] CT;肺损伤;闭合性;X线

    [中图分类号] R445 [文献标识码] C[文章编号] 1674-4721(2011)07(a)-091-02

    Chest X ray and CT in the diagnosis of blunt trauma compared

    LIAO Xingming, GUO Shaoxian, DAI Ying

    Department of Radiology, Dongguan City Wangniudun Hospital, Guangdong Province, Dongguan523200, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To study the chest X ray and CT diagnosis of blunt trauma characteristics. Methods: A retrospective analysis of our hospital from June 2006 to June 2009, respectively, during the application of X ray and CT scan of 96 cases of blunt chest injury data. Results: ①The group of CT examination revealed a rib fracture, 11 cases of fracture of sternum, clavicle fracture in 4 cases, 3 cases of thoracic fractures; X-ray film showed 38 cases of rib fractures, 3 cases of sternal fracture, 5 cases of fracture, not found a thoracic fracture cases; ②CT showed the 5 misdiagnosed cases, CT examination also found that chest X-ray chest were not detected in the pure blood of 14 cases, eight cases of simple pneumothorax, three cases of pneumothorax and blood; ③CT compared with chest X-ray examination detected more traumatic wet lung in 4 cases, 4 cases of pulmonary contusion, atelectasis in 4 cases, 1 case of diaphragmatic rupture. Conclusion: CT examination is substantial damage in the early diagnosis of lung important method for clinicians to provide a reliable basis for the diagnosis and treatment.

    [Key words] CT; Lung injury; Closed; X ray


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    本组96例患者,其中,男78例,女18例,年龄16~66岁,平均42.5岁,其中27~48岁有69例,占71.9%,96例中交通事故57例,挤压伤8例,锐器挫伤10例,摔伤9例,打击伤12例;单纯胸部损伤 55例,合并部位损伤41例。临床表现为胸痛、咳嗽、气促、呼吸困难、发绀,部分患者咯血或痰中带血,严重者为昏迷。

    1.2 方法

    本组患者均行 X线检查和胸部多层螺旋CT机平扫。扫描范围自肺尖至肋膈角。扫描参数:120 kV,100 mA,层厚10 mm,螺距 1.2~1.5 mm,所有扫描层面均应肺窗、纵隔窗及骨窗观察。


    2.1 胸部 X线片检查结果

    胸部X线片显示:骨折46例(47.9%),其中胸骨骨折3例,肋骨骨折38例,锁骨骨折5例。单纯血胸 31例(32.3%),单纯气胸 27例(28.1%),血气胸15例(15.6%),肺挫裂伤24例(25.0%),创伤性湿肺 12例(12.5%),肺不张 9例(9.4%),皮下或纵隔气肿 25例(26.0%),膈肌破裂2例(2.1%),纵隔增宽 6例(6.3%)。

    2.2 胸部 CT检查结果

    胸部CT显示:骨折18例(18.8%),其中胸骨骨折1例,肋骨骨折11例,胸椎骨折2例,锁骨骨折4例。单纯血胸45例(46.9%),单纯气胸 35例(36.5%),血气胸 18例(18.8%),创伤性湿肺 16例(16.7%),肺不张 13例(13.5%),肺挫裂伤28例(29.2%),皮下或纵隔气肿 13例(13.5%),膈肌破裂3例(3.1%),纵隔增宽3例(3.1%)。

    2.3 胸部 X线片及CT检查结果的比较


    3 讨论

    创伤致死率极高,约占我国城市居民死亡原因的第5位[2]。胸部闭合性损伤多为肺实质损伤,造成肺内毛细血管充血水肿、血管扩张和破裂出血 ......
