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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月15日 吕艳清,刘道践,赵敬昌,周旭


     [摘要] 目的:通过分析肝病患者电话咨询数据,讨论设立医疗咨询电话的意义和解决的主要问题。方法:回顾性整理记录完整的电话咨询资料2 816例,对数据进行归类和分析讨论。结果:本组电话咨询患者基本情况表明,男性多于女性,年龄18~58岁的电话咨询患者占84%以上,我国北方地域的肝病电话咨询患者占63%以上;患者咨询所关心的问题主要为愈后及转归(73.79%)、专家信息(70.35%)、经济问题(69.49%)、用药问题(65.09%);从肝病类别分布上看,本组电话咨询患者中传染性肝病患者占70%以上;超过1/3的患者不能坚持系统治疗。结论:在今后的电话咨询工作中应该进一步加强宣传,加大服务范围,提高咨询队伍的素质和咨询质量,更好地服务于社会。

    [关键词] 肝病;电话咨询;回顾性分析

    [中图分类号] R512.6 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)01(b)-167-03

    Analysis of tele-consultation by 2 816 patients with liver diseases in our hospital

    LV Yanqing, LIU Daojian, ZHAO Jingchang, ZHOU Xu*

    Center of Medical Informatics, 302 Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100039, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To analyze the record of tele-consultation by patients with liver diseases in our hospital to determine significance of medical tele-consultation and main issues addressed by it. Methods: The record of tele-consultation by 2 816 patients with liver diseases were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The number of male consulting patients was higher than that of female ones. Meanwhile, most of the consulting patients were aged 18-58 (84%) and 63% of them were residents in north China. The major issues addressed by the patients were disease prognosis and outcome (73.79%), expert's information (70.35%), disease cost (69.49%) and medication (65.09%). Over 70% of the patients were with infectious liver diseases and 1/3 of them could not keep on systemic treatment. Conclusion: We should further strengthen knowledge popularization and service scope as well as promote comprehensive ability of consulting team and consultation quality to better serve the society.

    [Key words] Liver disease; Tele-consultation; Retrospective analysis

    随着社会的进步、人民生活水平的提高和医疗科技的发展,人们日益重视自身健康和生活质量,更加需要来自医疗方面的信息服务。近年来,屡见医疗机构为患者提供专业的电话咨询服务的报道[1-4]。电话咨询能够拓宽服务途径,深化服务功能,提高服务效果,具有较好的社会效益。本院开展了针对肝病患者的电话咨询服务。一方面,电话咨询使患者足不出户就能获得专业的指导,及时解决肝病患者的一些问题;另一方面,通过电话咨询,医护人员能获得肝病患者的大量信息及医护需求,完善医疗工作,加强肝病患者在非住院期间的健康教育,为肝病患者提供专业的指导和服务。本文回顾性整理记录了比较完整的电话咨询资料2 816例次,对数据进行归类汇总和分析讨论,报道如下:

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料


    1.2 方法


    2 结果

    2.1 咨询者基本情况


    2.2 咨询内容分类

    患者电话咨询内容比较复杂,患者(或家属)一次通话往往要咨询几个方面的内容,本文对所有问题归类累计汇总;同时,咨询服务人员通过电话问答,判断其电话咨询的主要问题并加以记录和统计 ......
