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http://www.100md.com 2012年2月5日 徐秀芳 冯春梅


     [摘要] 目的 分析孕妇焦虑、抑郁发生的相关因素,探讨实施护理干预措施的效果,以提高围生保健的质量。 方法 选取初次到门诊产前检查的64例孕妇,随机分为干预组和对照组各32例,对照组只给予孕妇常规护理,而干预组在进行常规护理的同时联合系统化护理干预措施。对两组孕妇均采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)进行测评分析。 结果 孕妇焦虑、抑郁高于国内常模(P < 0.01)。干预组和对照组焦虑、抑郁分值比较差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 实施综合护理及心理干预措施能有效改善孕妇焦虑、抑郁情绪,从而提高心理健康水平,顺利度过孕产期。

    [关键词] 孕妇;焦虑;抑郁;影响因素;护理干预

    [中图分类号] R473.71 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)02(a)-0116-02

    The assessment and nursing intervention of anxiety and depression in pregnant women

    XU Xiufang FENG Chunmei

    Department of Obstetrics, the Central Hospital Taian City in Shandong Province, Taian 271000, China

    [Abstract] Objective To analyze the occurrence and related factors of anxiety, depression in pregnant women, to investigate the effect of nursing interventions, to improve the perinatal care. Methods Sixty four cases of pregnant women of the initial prenatal clinic were randomly divided into control group and intervention group, 32 cases in each group. The routine care was given to the control group, the routine care and systematic care interventions were given to the intervention group. The SAS and SDS were used to detect the anxiety and depression of two groups. Results The anxiety and depression of pregnant women was higher than the national norm(P < 0.01). The scores of intervention and control group had a significant difference in the factor of anxiety and depression(P < 0.05). Conclusion The implementation of integrated care and psychological interventions can improve the mood of anxiety and depression, improve mental health and reduce dystocia rate.

    [Key words] Pregnant woman; Anxiety; Depression; Influence factor; Nursing intervention


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    选取2010年6月~2010年12月来门诊初次产前检查的孕妇为对象,无妊娠合并症和并发症,无严重内科疾病,排除精神病史和人格障碍,定时在门诊产前检查,孕妇年龄21~33岁,孕周18~36周。依据上述标准入组的64例孕妇,随机分为干预组和对照组各32例,两组孕妇的年龄、孕周、文化程度等一般资料比较差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。

    1.2 方法

    1.2.1 干预方法 对照组只给予孕妇学校常规护理,不采取任何干预措施,干预组在孕妇学校常规护理基础上,还接受系统、规范化的个体护理干预。内容包括:①热情接待孕妇,帮助安排就诊,主动介绍门诊产检的医师,取得孕妇的信任。②加强孕妇学校教育,讲授妊娠、分娩相关知识,介绍妊娠过程的放松技术与配合以及科学育儿等知识,积极开展生殖健康教育,树立正确的生育观。③向孕妇说明按时产检的重要性,做好妊娠期营养、饮食、睡眠健康指导,及时筛查高危孕妇,积极治疗产前并发症。④通过讲座、个别座谈等方式对孕妇家属进行教育,以获得积极的配合。引导孕妇及家属正确对待孕期出现的不适,尤其当孕妇表现焦虑、烦躁、抑郁时要表示充分理解,并给与安慰与指导。⑤树立孕妇信心 ......
