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http://www.100md.com 2012年2月15日 潘海波


     [摘要] 目的 观察缩宫素在剖宫产术中不同的给药方式对血流动力学的影响。 方法 选择本院2010年5月~2011年5月40例足月子宫下段剖宫产孕妇,随机分为两组,其中一组20例为观察组,于胎儿娩出后子宫肌注缩宫素10 U,同时由另一通道静脉泵注以 > 10 min静脉匀速输注0.9%氯化钠溶液50 mL及10 IU缩宫素;另一组20例为对照组,于胎儿娩出后子宫肌注缩宫素l0 U,同时55~60 s内静脉单次推注0.9%氯化钠溶液10 mL及10 IU缩宫素。常规监测BP、SpO2和ECG。 结果 两组患者用药后5 min血压、心率升高,用药后10 min,血压、心率向正常水平靠拢,其中血压升高幅度对照组显著高于观察组,差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01),心率升高幅度对照组高于观察组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),不良反应发生率对照组明显高于观察组,差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01);两组产妇用药后子宫收缩情况以单盲法询问手术医生,两组产妇在用药后5、10、15、20 min子宫紧张度,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。 结论 同剂量的缩宫素静脉泵注,药物浓度相对较低,可起到收缩子宫的作用,同时又能预防和减轻心血管不良反应的发生,保证手术的安全性。

    [关键词] 麻醉;剖宫产术;缩宫素;心血管;不良反应

    [中图分类号] R719.8 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2012)02(b)-0056-02

    Clinical observation on application of Oxytocin in cesarean section

    PAN Haibo

    Department of Anesthesiology, the Second People's Hospital of Longgang District in Shenzhen City of Guangdong Province, Shenzhen 518112, China

    [Abstract] Objective To observe the effect of Oxytocin in cesarean section delivery with a different way to hemodynamics. Methods Forty pregnant women with lower uterine segment cesarean section from May 2010 to May 2011 in our hospital were randomly divided into two groups, 20 patients were in the observation group, the uteruses were given 10 U Oxytocin with intramuscular injection after the baby were delivered, while they were given 0.9% saline solution of 50 mL and 10 IU Oxytocin by the other channel of amedrop with speech of more than 10 min; 20 patients in control group, who were given 10 U Oxytocin in the uterus after the baby been delivered with intramuscular injection, while they were given 10 mL 0.9% saline solution and 10 IU Oxytocin with intravenous single injection of 55-60 s. BP, SpO2 and ECG were detected. Results Blood pressure and the heart rate of two groups increased after 5 min treatment, blood pressure and the heart rate of two groups were increased and closed to the normal levels after 10 min treatment, the increase of blood pressure in control group were significantly higher than that of observation group, difference was highly significant (P < 0 ......
