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http://www.100md.com 2016年11月5日 《中国当代医药》2016年第31期
     [摘要]目的 比较静脉肾盂造影前不同肠道准备的应用与效果。方法 选取2014年5月~2015年7月我院收治的拟进行静脉肾盂造影的83例患者作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分为番泻叶组(41例)和硫酸镁组(42例)。番泻叶组采用番泻叶口服进行肠道准备,硫酸镁组采用硫酸镁灌肠进行肠道准备。比较两组的肠道清洁满意度、起效时间、达到肠道清洁时间、排便次数以及恶心呕吐、腹胀、腹痛等并发症发生率。结果 硫酸镁组的肠道清洁满意度为95.24%,显著高于番泻叶组的75.61%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。硫酸镁组的起效时间、达到肠道清洁时间显著短于番泻叶组,排便次数多于番泻叶組,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。硫酸镁组的并发症发生率为4.76%,显著低于番泻叶组的24.39%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 静脉肾盂造影前不同肠道准备的应用效果存在差异,番泻叶口服和硫酸镁灌肠均可有效清肠,但硫酸镁灌肠起效更快且肠道清洁度更高,并发症发生率更低,安全性更高,值得临床推广应用。


    [中图分类号] R814.43 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2016)11(a)-0164-03

    [Abstract]Objective To compare the application and effect of different bowel preparation before intravenous pyelography.Methods 83 cases underwent intravenous pyelography from May 2014 to July 2015 in our hospital were selected and divided into the Senna group (41 cases) and the Magnesium Sulfate group (42 cases) according to the random number table method.The Senna group was given Senna oral for bowel preparation,the Magnesium Sulfate group was given Magnesium Sulfate enema for bowel preparation.The degree of intestinal cleaning satisfaction,onset time,achieving the bowel cleaning time,defecation frequency and the incidence rate of nausea and vomiting,abdominal distension,abdominal pain and other complications were compared between the two groups.Results The degree of intestinal cleaning satisfaction in the Magnesium Sulfate group was 95.24%,which was higher than 75.61% in the Senna group,with significant difference (P<0.05).The onset time,achieving the bowel cleaning time in the Magnesium Sulfate group was shorter than that in the Senna group,the defecation frequency in the Magnesium Sulfate group was morer than that in the Senna group,with significant difference (P<0.01).The incidence rate of complications in the Magnesium Sulfate group was 4.76%,which was lower than 24.39% in the Senna group,with significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion There are differences in the application effect of intravenous pyelography before bowel preparation between Senna oral and Magnesium Sulfate enema,oral Senna and Magnesium Sulfate enema can effectively clear bowel,but Magnesium Sulfate enema has a faster onset,higher intestinal cleanliness,lower incidence rate of complications,and higher safety,it is worthy of clinical promotion and application.

    [Key words]Intravenous pyelography;Different bowel preparation;Senna;Magnesium Sulfate

    静脉肾盂造影是泌尿系统常用的造影方法,可有效对肾脏的排泄功能进行测定,还可观察尿路器质性病变,操作简单且具有较高的诊断价值,但肠道准备的充分性可直接影响摄片图像的清晰度和诊断效果,肠道中若粪便和积气较多,则可影响诊断,需重新摄片[1-2]。为了获得清晰图像,在进行静脉肾盂造影之前需做好肠道相关准备工作。目前,临床肠道准备方法较多,如低压清洁灌肠、口服番泻叶及硫酸镁等,但不同肠道准备方法对患者的影响也存在差异,如部分患者用药后可出现腹痛[3-4]。为探讨安全有效的肠道准备方案,本研究对静脉肾盂造影前不同肠道准备的应用与效果进行对照分析,现报道如下。 (林燕群 钟嫔 胡珍钰)
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