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http://www.100md.com 2011年12月5日 许妍


     【摘要】 面对医疗市场日益激烈的竞争,医院管理者越来越重视绩效管理体系的构建以及绩效考核方法的选择与应用。本文结合医院实际,分别阐述了四种应用较广的绩效考核方法在医院管理中的应用,并就不同考核方法的适应范围提出几点思考。

    【关键词】 绩效考核; 平衡计分卡; 目标管理法; 360度绩效管理; 关键绩效指标法

    Performance appraisal method in hospital management application XU Yan. Peking University Peoples hospital, Beijing 100044, China

    【Abstract】 The face of increasingly fierce market competition in health care, hospital administrators more and more attention to building a performance management system and performance evaluation method of choice. This article describes four methods of performance appraisal in hospital management application, and to adapt to the different range of assessment methods to make some thoughts.

    【Key words】 Performance appraisal; The balance score card; Management by objectives; 360°feedback; Key performance indicator


    随着医疗卫生体制改革的不断深化和医疗服务市场的逐步变革,公立医院的整体运营环境正在发生重大变化,现代医院管理逐渐从传统的经验管理转向科学的绩效管理[1]。为保证公立医院的正常、高效运转,越来越多的医院管理者开始关注医院的运营绩效情况,并尝试应用科学的绩效考核方法,优化激励机制,强化成本管理,实现医院社会效益与经济效益的双赢 ......
