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http://www.100md.com 2012年9月5日 《中国医学创新》 2012年第25期
     【摘要】 目的:探讨自拟“七味通脉热敷贴”干预输液性浅静脉炎的效果。方法:模型组:每次在羊后肢浅静脉输入20%甘露醇后不给予任何干预措施。对照组:每次在羊后肢浅静脉输入20%甘露醇后沿穿刺点周围静脉给50%硫酸镁湿敷。试验组:每次在羊后肢浅静脉输入20%甘露醇后沿穿刺点周围静脉给予自拟“七味通脉热敷贴”贴敷,至下次穿刺时取下。观察光镜下羊后肢浅静脉管壁的细胞变化。结果:模型组光镜下见羊后肢浅静脉管壁细胞壁聚集了大量的炎细胞浸润,并且有血栓的形成;对照组光镜下见羊后肢浅静脉管壁细胞壁有炎细胞浸润,还可见到有细胞壁细胞水肿,但比模型组轻;试验组光镜下见羊后肢浅静脉管壁细胞壁相对比较完整,几乎看不到炎细胞的浸润,无细胞水肿。结论:自拟“七味通脉热敷贴”局部外敷,起到活血化瘀、清热散结、消肿止痛的作用,预防浅静脉炎明显优于50%硫酸镁湿热敷,且价格低廉,护理操作性强,无皮肤刺激等副作用,值得在临床上推广。

    【关键词】 中药; 治疗; 静脉炎

    The Research of Goat Animal Experiment in Vein Preventing Superficial Transfusion Phlebitis with Self Made “Qiwei Tongmai Heated Application”/FANG Xiao-li.//Medical Innovation of China,2012,9(25):003-005

    【Abstract】 Objective:To discuss the effect of intervening superficial transfusion phlebitis with self made “Qiwei tongmai heated application”.Method:UUO group:No intervention was given to goat every time except for injecting 20% mannit through superficial vein in hind leg.Control group:After injecting 20% mannit through superficial vein in hind leg of goat,50% magnesium sulfate was used for wet packing every time around the venipuncture site.Treatment group:After injecting 20% mannit through superficial vein in hind leg of goat,self made “Qiwei tongmai heated application” was used for heat packing every time around the venipuncture site,and moved before next puncture.Observe the change of cell around the goat superficial vein wall with light microscope.Result:In the UUO group,plenty of inflammatory cells were observed assembling in the the goat superficial vein wall,and thrombus formed.In the control group,some inflammatory cells were also observed gathering in the goat superficial vein wall,and the cell from cells wall were seen dropsy,but slighter than that of UUO group.In the experimental group,no inflammatory cells were observed assembling in the goat superficial vein wall,and the vein wall intact relatively and not dropsy.Conclusion:Partial external application of self made “Qiwei tongmai heated application”can promote blood circulation,remove blood stasis,clear heat,ease pain,and prevent the form of superficial phlebophlogosis,much better than wet dressing with 50% magnesium sulfate.It is cheap,and has easy operability in nursing,no side effect such as skin stimulus.It is worth promoting in clinical practice.

    【Key words】 Chinese medicine; Treatment; Phlebitis

    First-author’s address:The Orthopedic Hospital of Wendeng,Wendeng 264400,China


    静脉输液在临床疾病的抢救、治疗和康复中有着重要作用。目前,静脉输液的患者中近80%发生了不同程度的浅静脉炎[1]。浅静脉炎是由于静脉内长期输入浓度较高、刺激性较强的药物,或放置刺激性大的塑料管而引起的化学性或机械性的局部炎症;也可因在输液过程中,无菌操作不严格而引起局部静脉的感染。表现为沿浅静脉走向出现条索状红线,局部组织发红、肿胀、灼热、疼痛,有时伴有畏寒、发热等全身症状[2]。静脉炎可因治疗不善而出现局部慢性硬结、静脉硬化、闭塞、静脉炎后综合征,甚至形成溃疡,给患者带来巨大的痛苦,甚至影响药液的输入而延误治疗。国内外对于浅静脉炎防治方法的报道,总体上分为药物和物理方法两大类。硫酸镁湿敷是目前比较公认的治疗浅静脉炎的方法,但其可操作性差,并易对皮肤造成刺激。目前,国内外有关防治静脉炎的报道很多,但目前尚无公认的较理想的静脉炎治疗方法。为了解决上述问题,于2006年2月成立了课题组,针对输液所致浅静脉炎的特点,笔者自拟了“七味通脉热敷贴”对输液性浅静脉炎进行了预防护理。为了明确其效果及作用机制,进行了“七味通脉热敷贴”对羊后肢浅静脉输液性浅静脉炎的动物实验,取得了很好的效果,现报告如下。, 百拇医药(房笑丽)
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