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超声定位下凿洞式深挖活检对Borrmann Ⅳ型胃癌诊断价值的探讨(1)
http://www.100md.com 2014年9月15日 《中外医学研究》 201426
     【摘要】 目的:探讨超声内镜定位下凿洞式深挖活检对Borrmann Ⅳ型胃癌诊断的价值。方法:回顾性分析病理确诊的53例Borrmann Ⅳ型胃癌的临床资料,比较常规活检及超声内镜定位下凿洞式深挖活检对Borrmann Ⅳ型胃癌的诊断结果。结果:常规胃镜首次活检诊断Borrmann Ⅳ型胃癌阳性率30.2%(16/53),活检阴性患者多次重复活检阳性率13.5%(5/37),常规内镜活检总阳性率为39.6%(21/53)。46例Borrmann Ⅳ型胃癌患者行超声内镜检查,诊断与病理符合率为95.5%(44/46)。21例多次活检阴性患者行超声内镜定位下凿洞式深挖活检,术后标本送病理检查阳性率61.9%(13/21)。仅2例患者活检后创面少量渗血,所有患者术后观察无出血、穿孔等并发症发生。结论:超声内镜定位下凿洞式深挖活检显著提高Borrmann Ⅳ型胃癌临床内镜活检阳性率,为Borrmann Ⅳ型胃癌的诊断提供了更有效的病理确诊依据。该操作安全性高,费用少,值得临床推广。

    【关键词】 Borrmann Ⅳ型胃癌; 胃镜活检; 超声内镜; 深挖活检
, 百拇医药
    中图分类号 R730.4 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1674-6805(2014)26-0063-02

    【Abstract】 Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic yield of EUS-guided holing biopsy in Borrmann type Ⅳ gastric cancer.Method:The clinical diagnose data of 53 cases of Borrmann type Ⅳ gastric cancer patients who were confirmed pathologically by operation examination or gastroscopy were analyzed retrospectively.Result:The positive rate of first routine biopsy was 30.2%(16/53). The cases with negative first routine biopsies were treated with repeated biopsies(2-4 times),and the positive rate was 13.5%(5/37).The overall positive rate of gastroscopic routine biopsy was 39.6%(21/53).46 cases were diagnosised by EUS,and the coincidence rate in diagnosing Borrmann type IV gastric cancer was 95.5%(44/46).The cases with negative gastroscopic routine biopsy were treated with EUS-guided holing biopsys, and the positive rate was 61.9%(13/21). Minor bloods oozing in 2 patients were controlled by epinephrine. Neither severe hemorrhage nor perforation was founded in any cases. Conclusion:EUS-guided holing biopsy has superiority of raising the positive rate of gastroscopic biopsy. It is an effective technique to diagnosis Borrmann type Ⅳ gastric cancer with pathological basis. And the technique is safety and inexpensiveness.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Borrmann type Ⅳ gastric cancer; Gastroscopic biopsy; EUS; Holing biopsy

    First-author’s address: The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310003,China

    Bonrmann IV型胃癌是以癌细胞在胃壁内的弥漫浸润为特征,先累及黏膜下层,再沿胃壁四周浸润生长。胃镜下表现早期缺乏特异性,常无明显溃疡或局部肿块,仅为胃蠕动减慢或消失。常规活检甚至反复多次活检病理检出率不高,极易误诊、漏诊,并影响疾病治疗与预后。尽管超声内镜、CT、胃肠造影能提供影像学的辅助诊断依据,但无法获得病理学确诊依据。研究表明深挖活检可以获取黏膜下组织,提高黏膜下肿瘤内镜活检诊断的阳性率。本研究通过回顾性分析53例Borrmann IV型胃癌胃镜下常规活检、超声内镜检查及其定位下凿洞式深挖活检的临床资料,探讨凿洞式深挖活检对Borrmann IV型胃癌的临床诊断价值。
, http://www.100md.com
    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    选取2009年1月-2014年3月笔者所在医院手术及胃镜病理确诊的Borrmann Ⅳ型胃癌53例,男31例,女22例,年龄27~84岁,平均56.3岁。其中12例无明显临床症状,为常规体检时发现,其余41例表现为上腹痛腹胀11例,黑便8例,明显消瘦7例,食欲减退10例,恶心呕吐5例。53例患者均进行胃镜检查及常规活检,46例患者行超声内镜检查。对常规活检阴性者进行2~4次重复活检,21例多次活检阴性者进行超声内镜引导下凿洞式深挖活检。29例行手术治疗,其中根治性手术18例,姑息性手术11例,10例术后病理与术前内镜活检病理相符合,19例为剖腹探查确诊。最终病理检查示未分化癌2例,中分化腺癌1例,低分化腺癌37例,印戒细胞癌13例。, http://www.100md.com(周辛欣等)
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