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http://www.100md.com 2020年3月5日 《中外医学研究》 20207
     【摘要】 目的:对帕金森病中西医结合的治疗效果进行分析探讨。方法:将2017年1月-2018年12月收治的168例帕金森病患者随机分为两组,对照组84例采用常规西医治疗,观察组84例采用中西医结合治疗,对比两组治疗效果。结果:治疗后两组UPDRS评分均低于治疗前,且观察组评分低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组治疗总有效率为95.24%,高于对照组的80.95%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:对帕金森病患者采用中西医结合治疗,可有效缓解患者临床症状,提高治疗效果,改善患者的健康与生活质量,值得临床应用推广。

    【关键词】 帕金森病 中西医 治疗效果

    doi:10.14033/j.cnki.cfmr.2020.07.066 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1674-6805(2020)07-0-02

    Clinical Effects of 84 Cases of Parkinson Disease Treated with Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine/YANG Chengdong, CHEN Yan. //Chinese and Foreign Medical Research, 2020, 18(7): -154

    [Abstract] Objective: To analyze and discuss the therapeutic effect of the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine in Parkinson disease. Method: A total of 168 patients with Parkinson disease admitted to our hospital from January 2017 to December 2018 were randomly divided into two groups. A total of 84 patients in the control group were treated with conventional western medicine, and 84 patients in the observation group were treated with integrated Chinese and western medicine. The therapeutic effects of the two groups were compared. Result: The UPDRS scores of the two groups after treatment were lower than those before treatment, and score of the observation group was lower than that of the control group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The effective rate of the observation group was 95.24%, which was higher than 80.95% of the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine for patients with Parkinson disease can effectively alleviate the clinical symptoms, improve the therapeutic effect, improve the health and quality of life of patients, and it is worthy of clinical application.

    [Key words] Parkinson disease Chinese and western medicine Therapeutic effect

    First-author’s address: Weihai Municipal Second Hospital Affiliated to Qingdao University, Weihai 264200, China

    帕金森病(Parkinson disease, PD)为临床常见性神经系统性疾病,多发于老年人,临床表现主要包括肢体行动静止性迟缓、心动迟缓、肌强直、姿势迟缓,若治疗不及时或治疗不当,会严重影响患者的生活质量[1]。临床上目前对于帕金森病多采用多巴丝肼片治疗,该药物能够有效控制临床症状,但是长期服用患者会产生耐药性,增加不良反应发生率[2]。近年来,随着中医理论的不断发展,中医在帕金森病治疗中的优势逐渐显现了出来。为了进一步对帕金森病的治疗方法进行探讨,笔者对所在医院2017年1月-2018年12月收治的168例患者进行对照研究,现报道如下。

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    选取2017年1月-2018年12月在笔者所在医院治疗的168例帕金森病患者为研究对象。纳入标准:(1)符合帕金森病诊断标准[3];(2)原发性疾病。排除标准:(1)帕金森综合征或帕金森叠加综合征;(2)合并严重心、肝、肾等器官疾病;(3)合并精神障碍类疾病;(4)对此次研究所选药物过敏。随机分为两组,观察组84例,男50例,女34例;年龄44~78岁,平均(62.89±3.26)岁。对照组84例,男52例,女32例;年齡43~76岁,平均(62.04±3.91)岁。两组一般资料比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。患者均了解该研究目的及意义,并自愿参加,研究经医学伦理委员会批准同意。, http://www.100md.com(杨承东 陈彦)
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