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http://www.100md.com 2008年4月1日 《中国中西医综合临床杂志》 2008年第4期

    【关键词】腰椎间盘突出症 腰椎间盘膨隆症 辩证 施治

    Lumbar disc herniation and lumbar disc Penglong of the dialectical and Treatment

    Cai Jianfei

    【Abstract】Asked prominent lumbar disc disease and Penglong of the clinical manifestations of the disease are very similar, both to low back pain, lumbar activities restricted, radiation sciatic nerve pain as the main body of.We can not rely on x-and CT-examination and treatment. We must play by the injured Chinese characteristics, by means of four attending carefully Bianbie attribute the disease to arrive at a correct treatment means, can receive multiplier effect.I think that fill its shortage of yuan Shen Yin Yin is the treatment of lumbar disc herniation, especially the lumbar disc Penglong asked of the key.

    【Key words】Lumbar disc herniationBulging lumbar disc diseaseDialecticalTreatment

    腰椎间盘突出症与膨隆症在临床上的表现的体征十分相似 ......

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