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http://www.100md.com 2011年9月1日 陈锦钊 蔡东岭等




    Experimental study of traumatology&orthopedicsI in the treatment of detumescence analgesia and promoting fracture healing efficacy

    Chen Jinzhao Cai Dongling Liu Chunlan Chen Xiaofeng

    Panyu TCM Hospital,Guangzhou,511400

    【Abstract】Objective:To investigate the therapeutic effect of traumatology&orthopedicsI on fracture and explore its mechanism.Methods:detumescence and analgesia experiment:The experimental animals which respectively intragastrac administration were divided into normal group, high dose group, middle dose group and low dose group. The methods included hot-plate procedure and the ear swelling induced with xylene.Besides, The bone mineral density (BMD) and the parameters of hemorheology in the fractured radius were also observed in 14 and 28 days after treatment. Results:The traumatology&orthopedicsI can reduce engorgement and increase the pain threshold. The high and middle dose group can increase the BMD and reduce platelet aggregation, which had obvious variance compared with the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion: The traumatology&orthopedicsI have the effect ofdetumescence and analgesia,can improve and accelerate fracture healing in the catagmatic rabbits by increasing BMD and improving blood rheology.

    【Keyword】Traumatology&orthopedicsI; detumescence; analgesia; facture; Bone mineral density

    骨折愈合是个复杂的过程,影响因素很多。自从1959年刘润田[1]首次报道中药促进骨折愈合的动物研究以来,人们通过从不同的角度进行了深入的研究,并得出较为可靠的结论,显示中医药促进骨折愈合的生命力。广州市番禺区中医院研制的骨伤方I号是骨折治疗后结合辩证分期的内服中药, 为进一步探讨其消肿、镇痛及促进骨折愈合的作用机理,本实验通过动物实验为该药的临床应用提供药理学依据,现将其结果总结报告如下:


    1.1实验动物昆明小鼠,雌雄兼用,体质量18~22g, 大耳白家兔,雄性,体重2~2.5kg,均购自广东省医学实验动物中心,合格证号:粤监证字2008A015。

    1.2药物与试剂供试品: 自拟骨伤方I号,由广州市番禺区中医院提供,由金银花、连翘、田七、甘草、防风、蝉蜕、赤芍、羚羊角、薏苡仁等组成,并配制成高、低剂量(0.12、0.03g/mL);试剂:二甲苯(天津市科密欧化学试剂有限公司生产,批号: 20070523); 3 ......
