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http://www.100md.com 2011年9月15日 《中国中医药咨讯》 2011年第18期
     【摘要】 二妙散为金元时期著名医家朱丹溪所创名方。近年高等中医药院校的多版《方剂学》教材均认为该方具有清热燥湿之功,主治湿热下注证。笔者认为该方本治疗肺热脾伤的痿证,其主治病证、病机和治法及组方配伍特点无一不体现了朱丹溪的“阳常有余,阴常不足”养阴学派的学术思想。

    【关键词】 二妙散;配伍

    【Abstract】 Ermiao powder was invented by Zhu danxi in Jin-yuan Dynasty. It has heat-clearing and dampness-drying functions in recent textbooks of Formula of TCM. It can be used to treat syndrome of damp-heat downward flow. We think that it can cure atrophy syndrome caused by lung-heat and spleen-deficiency. The syndrome it treated, treatment methods it used and compatibility of this formula reflect the “Yang-excess and Yin-deficiency” academic ideology of Zhu danxi.

    【Key words】 Ermiao powder; compatibility

    二妙散来源于《丹溪心法》[1],为金元时期著名医家朱丹溪所创名方。中医药高等院校统编的五、六、七各版《方剂学》教材[2]中均认为该方具有清热燥湿之功,主治湿热下注证。其病症可具体表现为:筋骨疼痛,下肢痿软无力的痿证;足膝红肿疼痛的脚气病;湿热带下症或下部湿疮等 ......

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