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http://www.100md.com 2016年11月1日 《风湿病与关节炎》2016年第11期
     【摘 要】目的:运用数据挖掘方法初步总结龙华医院风湿科治疗干燥综合征用药规律,分析陈湘君、苏励、顾军花、茅建春4位医师用药特色。方法:收集2014年11月至2016年5月陈湘君、苏励、顾军花、茅建春4位医师门诊治疗干燥综合征有效处方380首,运用中医传承辅助平台V2.5对相关药物进行频数分析、关联分析及聚类分析。结果:龙华医院风湿科治疗干燥综合征高频数药物包括生地黄、芦根、玉竹、白花蛇舌草、白术、炙甘草、北沙参、莪术、南沙参和丹参等;药物四气五味分析示所用药物大部分属于寒性(52.27%),甘味(42.61%)和苦味(33.62%);药物归经分析示所用药物大部分归于肝经(3116次)。陈湘君教授治疗干燥综合征以甘酸生津为主,最常用的6味中药分别为石斛、白芍、北沙参、玉竹、麦冬和甘草;苏励教授治疗干燥综合征在甘酸生津的基础上,注重活血通络,最常用的


    【关键词】 干燥综合征;数据挖掘;龙华医院风湿科;用药规律;用药特色

    Analysis of the Medication Laws and Characteristics of Treating Sj?gren's Syndrome in the Department of Rheumatism of Longhua Hospital based on Data Mining

    ZHANG Dong-yu,SU Li,MAO Jian-chun,GU Jun-hua,CHEN Xiang-jun,TIAN Yu

    【ABSTRACT】Objective:To summarize the medication laws of treating sj?gren's syndrome in the Department of rheumatism of Longhua Hospital based on Data Mining and analyze the medication characteristics of four physicians CHEN Xiang-jun,SU Li,GU Jun-hua and MAO Jian-chun.Methods:Three hundred and eighty effective prescriptions of treating sj?gren's syndrome from November 2014 to May 2016 of the four physicians were collected.The TCM inheritance auxiliary platform V2.5 was used to make frequency analyses,correlation analyses and cluster analyses to related drugs.Results:High frequency drugs used to treat sj?gren's syndrome in the Department of rheumatism of Longhua Hospital include Shengdihuang(Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch),Lugen(Rhizoma Phragmitis),Yuzhu(Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati),Baihuasheshecao(Herba Hedyotidis),Baizhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae),Zhigancao(Radix Glycyrrhizae preparata),Beishashen(Radix Glehniae),Ezhu(Rhizoma Curcumae Phaeocaulis),Nanshashen (Radix Adenophorae Tetraphyllae)and Danshen(Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae).By the analysis of their nature and flavor,52.27% of them are cool in nature,42.61% are sweet and 33.62% are bitter.By the analysis of their meridian tropism,most of them belong to the liver meridian(3116 times).CHEN Xiang-jun focuses on the regeneration of body fluid with drugs of sweet and sour nature such as Shihu(Herba Dendrobii Nobilis),Baishao(Radix Paeoniae Alba),Beishashen,Yuzhu,Maidong(Radix Ophiopogonis Japonici)and Gancao(Radix Glycyrrhizae).Based on using sweet and sour drugs,SU Li puts emphasis on promoting blood circulation to remove meridian obstruction,frequently used drugs including Shengdihuang,Ezhu,Nanshashen,Yuzhu,Lulutong(Fructus Liquidambaris),Zhigancao and Baizhu.On the basis of regeneration of body fluid with drugs of sweet and sour nature,GU Jun-hua pays more attention to soothing liver to regulate qi,frequently used drugs including Lugen,Digupi(Cortex Lycii Radicis),Gouqizi(Fructus Lycii),Gouteng(Ramulus Uncariae Rhynchophyllae cum Uncis),Yujin(Radix Curcumae Wenyujin),Hehuanpi (Cortex Albiziae),Shouwuteng (Caulis Polyoni Multiflori),Zhigancao and Baizhu.On the same basis,MAO Jian-chun focuses on eliminating phlegm by clearing heat,often applied drugs including Baihuasheshecao,Danshen,Beishashen,Zhebeimu (Chekiang Fritillary Bulb),Pugongying (Herba Taraxaci Mongolici),Foshou (Fructus Citri Sarcodactylis),Gouqizi,Lianzixin (Plumula Nelumbinis),Nvzhenzi (Fructus Ligustri Lucidui),Hanliancao (Herba Ecliptae Eclipta prostrala L.),Huangqin (Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis) and Mimenghua(Flos Buddlejae).Conclusion:Physicians in the Department of Rheumatism of the Longhua Hospital use Chinese drugs to treat primary sj?gren's syndrome by clearing heat and nourishing yin,promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis with drugs such as Shengdihuang,Lugen,Yuzhu,Nanshashen,Baihuasheshecao.The other three physicians have inherited and carried forward the clinical experience of professor CHEN Xiang-jun to achieve good clinical results. (张冬钰 苏励 茅建春 顾军花 陈湘君 田雨)
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