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http://www.100md.com 2014年4月1日 李海玉 胡艳敏


     摘要:金元医家刘完素在仲景诊治霍乱基础上,从湿热加以论治,在霍乱的病因病机认识、诊疗方法上均有进一步的发展。他认为吐下霍乱大多是由于饮食不当,湿留肠胃,加之火热燥动扰乱,清浊相混而引起。在治疗上,分辨寒热,利湿为主,必先用五苓散、益元散、桂苓甘露饮,认为此三药“乃吐泻之圣药”。刘完素对霍乱的证治,对现代霍乱、副霍乱、急性胃肠炎等疾患以及某些食物中毒的治疗具有重要的启示与现实意义。关键词:刘完素;湿热;霍乱doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5707.2014.02.008Characteristics of Liu Wansu’s Theory of Treating Cholera from the Angle of Dampness-HeatLi Haiyu1, Hu Yanmin2(1. Institute of Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China; 2. Institute of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China)Abstract: Physician Liu Wansu in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, who treated and discussed cholera from dampness-heat aspect, further developed the etiology and pathogenesis theory, the diagnosis and treatment theory for cholera treatment. He pointed out that vomiting and diarrhea of cholera are mostly due to improper diet, damp-heat stagnating in intestines and stomach, and the mixture of qing-zhuo ......
