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http://www.100md.com 2019年10月1日 《中国中医药图书情报》 20195

摘要:目的 分析近年來国内乳腺癌研究的科研产出情况,对其研究现状进行客观分析,为相关研究决策的制订提供参考。方法 以中国科学引文索引数据库(CSCD)为统计来源,统计2009-2018年乳腺癌研究的相关文献,使用Excel 2016、CiteSpace 5.3.R9、VOSviewer 1.6.11等,对各年度乳腺癌研究的相关文献数量、发文机构统计、来源出版物分布、研究热点、高被引文献等进行统计分析。 结果 共检索出有效文献14 697篇。各年度发文数量较为平稳;其中天津医科大学、复旦大学等中东部综合类、医药类院校发文较多;《中国肿瘤临床》等期刊载文较多;研究集中于肿瘤学、普通内科学、药理学等领域;陈万青等所著有关肿瘤发病与死亡分析的一系列论文被引频次较高。结论 乳腺癌是发病率较高的女性癌症之一,发病率呈逐年上升趋势。研究机构实力两极分化,需要将重点支持与均衡发展相结合。各机构应推动交叉学科的发展,注重挖掘传统中医药学宝库,有助于提高乳腺疾病研究的科研产出。


DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5707.2019.05.004

中图分类号:G353.1;R737.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5707(2019)05-0015-07

Abstract: Objective To analyze the research output of domestic research on breast cancer in recent years; To provide objective analysis of its current research status; To provide references for the formulation of relevant research decisions. Methods With the Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD) as the statistical source, literature related to research on breast cancer from 2009 to 2018 was collected and statistical analysis was conducted from the aspects of the number of relevant literature, statistics of publications, distribution of source publications, research hotspots, and highly cited literature by using Excel 2016, CiteSpace 5.3.R9, Vosviewer 1.6.11 and other tools. Results Totally 14 697 useful articles were retrieved. The number of literature published in each year was relatively stable. Among them, Tianjin Medical University, Fudan University and other central and eastern comprehensive and medical universities had more publications. Chinese Journal of Clinical

Oncology has more articles. The research mainly focused on oncology, general internal medicine, pharmacology and other fields. A series of articles about the analysis of cancer incidence and death by CHEN Wanqing et al. have been cited frequently. Conclusion Breast cancer is one of the female cancers with high incidence, and its incidence is increasing year by year. Research institutions are polarized and priority support needs to be combined with balanced development. All institutions should promote the development of interdisciplinary research and pay attention to excavating TCM treasures, which will improve the output of the research on breast diseases.

Key words: breast cancer; Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD); bibliometric analysis, 百拇医药(刘江峰 龚梦婷 戚桂波 李冯 钱爱兵)

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