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http://www.100md.com 2018年11月1日 《世界睡眠医学杂志》 201811
     摘要 目的:探讨人性化护理干预结合湿性愈合疗法在肿瘤住院患者压疮中的应用以及对睡眠质量的影响。方法:选取2017年2月至2018年2月福州总医院分院收治的肿瘤患者200例,按照随机数字法随机分为观察组和对照组,每组100例,观察组患者实施人性化护理干预,对照组患者实施简单护理,比较2组不同护理方式下患者的压疮发生率、护理满意度评分以及患者住院时长、睡眠质量。结果:观察组患者压疮发生率与住院时长,在通过人性化护理干预后,观察组治疗指标评分和对照组比较明显降低;然而观察组患者睡眠质量和护理满意度和对照组比较明显升高,2组患者数据比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:对于我院接受住院治疗的肿瘤患者,在其使用湿性愈合疗法治疗的同时,护理人员给予其人性化护理干预,能有效的降低患者的压疮发生率,对改善患者的睡眠质量,促进患者病情快速恢复具有重要影响,除此以外还降低了患者住院时间等治疗指标,提高了患者护理满意度,具有理想的治疗效果,具良好的应用价值。

    关键词 人性化护理干预;湿性愈合疗法;睡眠质量;压疮护理


    Humanized Nursing Intervention Combined with Wet Healing Therapy in the Treatment of Pressure Ulcers in Hospitalized Tumor Patients and the Effect on Sleep Quality

    Cheng Ling

    (The branch hospital of Fuzhou general hospital,Fuzhou,350001)

    Abstract Objective:To explore the application of humanized nursing intervention combined with wet healing therapy in the treatment of pressure ulcers in hospitalized tumor patients and the effect on sleep quality.Methods:A total of 200 cases of patients with tumor in the branch hospital of Fuzhou general hospital from February 2017 to February 2018 were divided into 2 groups used random number table method,carrying out the humanized nursing intervention to observation group,and use given the simple nursing to the patients in the control group,compare the incidence of pressure ulcers and nursing satisfaction ratings and in-hospital time and sleep quality in this two groups.Results:After the humanized nursing intervention,the incidence and length of hospital stay of pressure ulcers in the observation group were significantly reduced.However,the sleep quality and nursing satisfaction of the patients in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:Humanized nursing intervention combined with wet healing therapy,patients can effectively reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers,to improve the sleep quality of patients,promote patients recover quickly to have an important influence,in addition,can reduce the the in-hospital treatment indexes such as time,improves patient care satisfaction,has the ideal treatment effect,they are worth to be widely used.

    Key Words Humanized nursing intervention;Wet healing therapy;Quality of sleep;Pressure ulcer care

    壓疮是肿瘤患者在疾病发展至后期极易出现的一种并发症,由于患者的活动受到限制,需要长期卧床进行休养,肌肉组织无法获得有效的锻炼,血液循环受阻,加之大部分肿瘤患者会出现营养不良的现象,大大增加了压疮的发生率;肿瘤患者一旦发生压疮,不仅会让患者感受到不适,而且增加了临床治疗与护理的困难度,在患者接受湿性愈合疗法的同时,对肿瘤患者进行人性化护理干预具有重要意义。我们选取肿瘤患者200例,分组观察压疮发生率、护理满意度评分以及患者住院时长、睡眠质量。, http://www.100md.com(程玲)
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