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http://www.100md.com 2018年3月1日 《健康前沿》 20185


    Study on Subjective Well-being of Old People in

    Small and Medium Cities

    Zhou Miao Miao 1,Zhao Jiu Hua2,Wen Ji Yue 3

    (1,2. West Anhui Health Vocational College,Lu,an 237005,China;3. Department of Pharmacology,Anhui Medical University,He,fei 230000)

    Abstract:China has entered an aging population society. Attention and research on the physical and mental health of the elderly has become an important social issue. Research on the subjective well-being of the elderly has become one of the current research hotspots. The author explores the concepts and influencing factors of subjective well-being. Analyze the status quo of subjective well-being of the elderly in small and medium-sized cities to help the elderly maintain their physical and mental health.

    Key words:small and medium-sized cities;seniors;subjective well-being

    人口老齡化是当今世界各国共同关注的话题 ......
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