
现在位置:首页 > 医学版 > 期刊论文 > 基础医学 > 生理学报 > 2005年
    07-01-01 Specific pattern of ionic channel gene expression associated with pacemaker activity in the mouse heart
    07-01-01 Pancreatic two P domain K+ channels TALK-1 and TALK-2 are activated by nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species
    07-01-01 Induction of striatal long-term synaptic depression by moderate frequency activation of cortical afferents in rat
    07-01-01 Low threshold calcium currents in rat cerebellar Purkinje cell dendritic spines are mediated by T-type calcium channels
    07-01-01 Vasopressin-stimulated CFTR Cl– currents are increased in the renal collecting duct cells of a mouse model of Liddle's syndrome
    07-01-01 Gender-modulated endogenous baseline neuropeptide Y Y1-receptor activation in the hindlimb of Sprague-Dawley rats
    07-01-01 Increased corticospinal excitability after 5 Hz rTMS over the human supplementary motor area
    07-01-01 Defined types of cortical interneurone structure space and spike timing in the hippocampus
    07-01-01 Two developmental switches in GABAergic signalling: the K+–Cl– cotransporter KCC2 and carbonic anhydrase CAVII
    07-01-01 Aspects of the homeostaic plasticity of GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition
    07-01-01 Structure of cortical microcircuit theory
    07-01-01 Hippocampal gamma-frequency oscillations: from interneurones to pyramidal cells, and back
    07-01-01 Structure/function correlates of neuronal and network activity–an overview
    07-01-01 Stratum oriens horizontal interneurone diversity and hippocampal network dynamics
    07-01-01 Kainate receptors and rhythmic activity in neuronal networks: hippocampal gamma oscillations as a tool

    07-01-01 Glutamate suppresses GABA release via presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors at baroreceptor neurones in rats
    07-01-01 NR2 subunit-dependence of NMDA receptor channel block by external Mg2+
    07-01-01 Regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and citric acid cycle intermediates during high cardiac power generation
    07-01-01 Raised dietary n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid intake increases 2-series prostaglandin production during labour in the ewe
    07-01-01 The influence of normal human ageing on automatic movements
    07-01-01 Comparison of forearm blood flow responses to incremental handgrip and cycle ergometer exercise: relative contribution of nitric oxide
    07-01-01 Exogenous nitric oxide inhibits sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction in human skin
    07-01-01 Preceding muscle activity influences motor unit discharge and rate of torque development during ballistic contractions in humans
    07-01-01 Voltage-controlled Ca2+ release and entry flux in isolated adult muscle fibres of the mouse
    07-01-01 Relations between substrate affinities and charge equilibration rates in the rat GABA cotransporter GAT1
    07-01-01 Effects of stretch-activated channel blockers on [Ca2+]i and muscle damage in the mdx mouse
    07-01-01 Voltage-controlled Ca2+ release and entry flux in isolated adult muscle fibres of the mouse
    07-01-01 Autogenic modulation of mechanoreceptor excitability by glutamate release from synaptic-like vesicles: evidence from the rat muscle spindle
    07-01-01 Stimulation of adrenoceptors inhibits store-operated channel currents via a cAMP-dependent protein kinase mechanism in rabbit portal vein my
    07-01-01 Role of voltage-dependent calcium channels in stimulus–secretion coupling in rabbit carotid body chemoreceptor cells

    07-01-01 Frequency-dependent acceleration of relaxation in mammalian heart: a property not relying on phospholamban and SERCA2a phosphorylation
    07-01-01 Imaging transcription in vivo: distinct regulatory effects of fast and slow activity patterns on promoter elements from vertebrate troponin
    07-01-01 Alterations in insulin receptor signalling in the rat epitrochlearis muscle upon cessation of voluntary exercise
    07-01-01 Ca2+-independent hypoxic vasorelaxation in porcine coronary artery
    07-01-01 ‘Fast’ and ‘slow’ muscle fibres in hindlimb muscles of adult rats regenerate from intrinsically different satellite cells
    07-01-01 Cardiac troponin C (TnC) and a site I skeletal TnC mutant alter Ca2+ versus crossbridge contribution to force in rabbit skeletal fibres
    07-01-01 Cyclic AMP-dependent Cl– secretion induced by thromboxane A2 in isolated human colon
    07-01-01 Expression and function of bradykinin B1 and B2 receptors in normal and inflamed rat urinary bladder urothelium
    07-01-01 The microcirculation: a motor for the systemic inflammatory response and large vessel disease induced by hypercholesterolaemia
    07-01-01 Selectivity and interactions of Ba2+ and Cs+ with wild-type and mutant TASK1 K+ channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes
    07-01-01 Increased ratio of rapsyn to ACh receptor stabilizes postsynaptic receptors at the mouse neuromuscular synapse
    07-01-01 Capacitative calcium entry supports calcium oscillations in human embryonic kidney cells
    07-01-01 Localization and function of the Kv3.1b subunit in the rat medulla oblongata: focus on the nucleus tractus solitarii
    07-01-01 What's in store for Ca2+ oscillations
    07-01-01 Contributions of the input signal and prior activation history to the discharge behaviour of rat motoneurones

    07-01-01 A maternal low protein diet during pregnancy and lactation in the rat impairs male reproductive development
    07-01-01 Cerebral ammonia uptake and accumulation during prolonged exercise in humans
    07-01-01 Rhythmic changes in spike coding in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus
    07-01-01 Calcitonin gene-related peptide contributes to the umbilical haemodynamic defence response to acute hypoxaemia
    07-01-01 Advances in protein complex analysis using mass spectrometry
    07-01-01 Central 5-HT7 receptors are critical for reflex activation of cardiac vagal drive in anaesthetized rats
    07-01-01 Increased glomerular angiotensin II binding in rats exposed to a maternal low protein diet in utero
    07-01-01 Protein synthesis rates in human muscles: neither anatomical location nor fibre-type composition are major determinants
    07-01-01 Axially symmetric semi-infinite domain models of microdialysis and their application to the determination of nutritive flow in rat muscle
    07-01-01 Candidate-based proteomics in the search for biomarkers of cardiovascular disease
    07-01-01 Quantitative functional analysis of protein complexes on surfaces
    07-01-01 Using models of the myocyte for functional interpretation of cardiac proteomic data
    07-01-01 Charge immobilization of the voltage sensor in domain IV is independent of sodium current inactivation
    07-01-01 The protein kinase MEK1/2 mediate vascular endothelial growth factor- and histamine-induced hyperpermeability in porcine coronary venules
    07-01-01 Allosteric activation of sodium–calcium exchange by picomolar concentrations of cadmium

    07-01-01 Candidate interneurones mediating group I disynaptic EPSPs in extensor motoneurones during fictive locomotion in the cat
    07-01-01 Restriction of placental growth results in greater hypotensive response to -adrenergic blockade in fetal sheep during late gestation
    07-01-01 Hyperthermia: a failure of the motor cortex and the muscle
    07-01-01 Subunit-specific gating controls rat NR1/NR2A and NR1/NR2B NMDA channel kinetics and synaptic signalling profiles
    07-01-01 H1 receptor-mediated vasodilatation contributes to postexercise hypotension
    07-01-01 Effect of ammonium on the expression of osmosensitive genes in Madin–Darby canine kidney cells
    07-01-01 Exercise induces interleukin-8 expression in human skeletal muscle
    07-01-01 Length-dependent filament formation assessed from birefringence increases during activation of porcine tracheal muscle
    07-01-01 Perfusion–diffusion compartmental models describe cerebral helium kinetics at high and low cerebral blood flows in sheep
    07-01-01 Mutation of colocalized residues of the pore helix and transmembrane segments S5 and S6 disrupt deactivation and modify inactivation of KCNQ
    07-01-01 Feed-forward inhibition shapes the spike output of cerebellar Purkinje cells
    07-01-01 Delayed expression of large conductance K+ channels reshaping agonist-induced currents in mouse pancreatic acinar cells
    07-01-01 Expression of Na+-dependent citrate transport in a strongly metastatic human prostate cancer PC-3M cell line: regulation by voltage-gated Na
    07-01-01 Mobilization of sarcoplasmic reticulum stores by hypoxia leads to consequent activation of capacitative Ca2+ entry in isolated canine pulmon
    07-01-01 Activation of ferret erythrocyte Na+–K+–2Cl– cotransport by deoxygenation

    07-01-01 The physiological regulation of toll-like receptor expression and function in humans
    07-01-01 Modulation of gastro-oesophageal vagal afferents by galanin in mouse and ferret
    07-01-01 Short openings in high resolution single channel recordings of mouse nicotinic receptors
    07-01-01 Vagal afferent nerves with nociceptive properties in guinea-pig oesophagus
    07-01-01 Increased persistent Na+ current and its effect on excitability in motoneurones cultured from mutant SOD1 mice
    07-01-01 Excitatory purinergic neurotransmission in smooth muscle of guniea-pig taenia caeci
    07-01-01 -Adrenoceptor constrictor responses and their modulation in slow-twitch and fast-twitch mouse skeletal muscle
    07-01-01 Mechanisms of acetylcholine-mediated vasodilatation in young and aged human skin
    07-01-01 Reduced ventricular flow propagation velocity in elite athletes is augmented with the resumption of exercise training
    07-01-01 Induced sharp wave-ripple complexes in the absence of synaptic inhibition in mouse hippocampal slices
    07-01-01 The ATP hydrolysis and phosphate release steps control the time course of force development in rabbit skeletal muscle
    07-01-01 Kinetics of muscle contraction and actomyosin NTP hydrolysis from rabbit using a series of metal–nucleotide substrates
    07-01-01 Different intracellular polyamine concentrations underlie the difference in the inward rectifier K+ currents in atria and ventricles of the
    07-01-01 Two Kir2.1 channel populations with different sensitivities to Mg2+ and polyamine block: a model for the cardiac strong inward rectifier K+
    07-01-01 The effect of intracellular acidification on the relationship between cell volume and membrane potential in amphibian skeletal muscle

    07-01-01 Attenuated noradrenergic sensitivity during local cooling in aged human skin
    07-01-01 Neurovascular responses to mental stress
    07-01-01 Paradoxical muscle contractions and the neural control of movement and balance
    07-01-01 Elementary purinergic Ca2+ transients evoked by nerve stimulation in rat urinary bladder smooth muscle
    07-01-01 An electrical description of the generation of slow waves in the antrum of the guinea-pig
    07-01-01 Stimulation of non-classical receptive field enhances orientation selectivity in the cat
    07-01-01 Temperature effects on neuronal membrane potentials and inward currents in rat hypothalamic tissue slices
    07-01-01 Muscular mechanical hyperalgesia revealed by behavioural pain test and c-Fos expression in the spinal dorsal horn after eccentric contractio
    07-01-01 Microelectrode array recordings of cultured hippocampal networks reveal a simple model for transcription and protein synthesis-dependent pla
    07-01-01 Compound-specific Na+ channel pore conformational changes induced by local anaesthetics
    07-01-01 Fast erg K+ currents in rat embryonic serotonergic neurones
    07-01-01 K+ secretion activated by luminal P2Y2 and P2Y4 receptors in mouse colon
    07-01-01 Slow volume transients in amphibian skeletal muscle fibres studied in hypotonic solutions
    07-01-01 Role of the N-terminal negative charges of actin in force generation and cross-bridge kinetics in reconstituted bovine cardiac muscle fibres
    07-01-01 Induction by kainate of theta frequency rhythmic activity in the rat medial septum–diagonal band complex in vitro

    07-01-01 Exercise in the fasted state facilitates fibre type-specific intramyocellular lipid breakdown and stimulates glycogen resynthesis in humans
    07-01-01 Oleoylethanolamide excites vagal sensory neurones, induces visceral pain and reduces short-term food intake in mice via capsaicin receptor T
    07-01-01 The effect of sleep onset on upper airway muscle activity in patients with sleep apnoea versus controls
    07-01-01 Activation of heteroliganded mouse muscle nicotinic receptors
    07-01-01 5'AMP activated protein kinase expression in human skeletal muscle: effects of strength training and type 2 diabetes
    07-01-01 Betamethasone effects on fetal sheep cerebral blood flow are not dependent on maturation of cerebrovascular system and pituitary–adrenal axi
    07-01-01 Mechanical activation of rectal intraganglionic laminar endings in the guinea pig distal gut
    07-01-01 Arginine–glycine–aspartic acid (RGD)-containing peptides inhibit the force production of mouse papillary muscle bundles via 51 integrin
    07-01-01 Susceptibility of the heart to ischaemia–reperfusion injury and exercise-induced cardioprotection are sex-dependent in the rat
    07-01-01 A human congenital myasthenia-causing mutation (L78P) of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor with unusual single channel properties
    07-01-01 Tonic release of glutamate by a DIDS-sensitive mechanism in rat hippocampal slices
    07-01-01 Role of the transient outward current (Ito) in shaping canine ventricular action potential – a dynamic clamp study
    07-01-01 Neurosteroid administration and withdrawal alter GABAA receptor kinetics in CA1 hippocampus of female rats
    07-01-01 Prostaglandin E2 potentiates a TTX-resistant sodium current in rat capsaicin-sensitive vagal pulmonary sensory neurones
    07-01-01 Calcium transients in developing mouse skeletal muscle fibres

    07-01-01 Protein kinase A-dependent enhanced NMDA receptor function in pain-related synaptic plasticity in rat amygdala neurones
    07-01-01 Autoregulation of the cerebral circulation during sleep in newborn lambs
    07-01-01 After-effects of near-threshold stimulation in single human motor axons
    07-01-01 Phase-dependent and task-dependent modulation of stretch reflexes during rhythmical hand tasks in humans
    07-01-01 Cytosolic Ca2+ concentration and rate of increase of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in the regulation of vascular permeability in Rana in
    07-01-01 CFTR fails to inhibit the epithelial sodium channel ENaC expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes
    07-01-01 Synchronization of enteric neuronal firing during the murine colonic MMC
    07-01-01 Physiological properties of rod photoreceptor electrical coupling in the tiger salamander retina
    07-01-01 Synaptic facilitation and enhanced neuronal excitability in the submucosal plexus during experimental colitis in guinea-pig
    07-01-01 Expression pattern of neuronal and skeletal muscle voltage-gated Na+ channels in the developing mouse heart
    07-01-01 Modulation of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release by glycolysis in cat atrial myocytes
    07-01-01 Differential expression of heat shock protein 27 and 70 in renal papillary collecting duct and interstitial cells – implications for urea re
    07-01-01 Ca2+-activated myosin-ATPases, creatine and adenylate kinases regulate mitochondrial function according to myofibre type in rabbit
    07-01-01 Visualization of localized store-operated calcium entry in mouse astrocytes. Close proximity to the endoplasmic reticulum
    07-01-01 Early expression of AMPA receptors and lack of NMDA receptors in developing rat climbing fibre synapses

    07-01-01 Hyperthermia increases sensitivity of pulmonary C-fibre afferents in rats
    07-01-01 Mitochondria-associated apoptotic signalling in denervated rat skeletal muscle
    07-01-01 Increased cardiac sympathetic nerve activity following acute myocardial infarction in a sheep model
    07-01-01 The distribution of cutaneous sudomotor and alliesthesial thermosensitivity in mildly heat-stressed humans: an open-loop approach
    07-01-01 Effects of atrial natriuretic peptide on the extrasplenic microvasculature and lymphatics in the rat in vivo
    07-01-01 Activity-induced tissue oxygenation changes in rat cerebellar cortex: interplay of postsynaptic activation and blood flow
    07-01-01 Early origins of obesity: programming the appetite regulatory system
    07-01-01 Investigating the causes of low birth weight in contrasting ovine paradigms
    07-01-01 Developmental processes and the induction of cardiovascular function: conceptual aspects
    07-01-01 The effects of anaemia as a programming agent in the fetal heart
    07-01-01 Placental angiogenesis in sheep models of compromised pregnancy
    07-01-01 Molecular, cellular and endocrine signalling in the perinatal cardiovascular system: interplay and developmental programming
    07-01-01 Circulating levels of nitric oxide and vascular endothelial growth factor throughout ovine pregnancy
    07-01-01 Periconceptional nutrition and the relationship between maternal body weight changes in the periconceptional period and feto-placental growt
    07-01-01 Endothelial vasodilator production by ovine uterine and systemic arteries: ovarian steroid and pregnancy control of ER and ER levels

    07-01-01 AMP kinase activation with AICAR further increases fatty acid oxidation and blunts triacylglycerol hydrolysis in contracting rat soleus musc
    07-01-01 Glucose clearance is higher in arm than leg muscle in type 2 diabetes
    07-01-01 AMP kinase activation with AICAR simultaneously increases fatty acid and glucose oxidation in resting rat soleus muscle
    07-01-01 A C-terminal skeletal muscle sodium channel mutation associated with myotonia disrupts fast inactivation
    07-01-01 Sensory transduction of pulmonary reactive oxygen species by capsaicin-sensitive vagal lung afferent fibres in rats
    07-01-01 Regulation of GluR1 abundance in murine hippocampal neurones by serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase 3
    07-01-01 Glucocorticoid adrenal steroids and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase isoforms in the regulation of GluR6 expression
    07-01-01 Null mutation of myeloperoxidase in mice prevents mechanical activation of neutrophil lysis of muscle cell membranes in vitro and in vivo
    07-01-01 A1152D mutation of the Na+ channel causes paramyotonia congenita and emphasizes the role of DIII/S4–S5 linker in fast inactivation
    07-01-01 Lessons from the leptin paradox in cardiac regulation – too much versus too little
    07-01-01 Calcium oscillations in interstitial cells of the rabbit urethra
    07-01-01 Leptin repletion restores depressed adrenergic contractility in ob/ob mice independently of cardiac hypertrophy
    07-01-01 Occludin as direct target for glucocorticoid-induced improvement of blood–brain barrier properties in a murine in vitro system
    07-01-01 Adrenoceptor-mediated long-term up-regulation of the release machinery at rat cerebellar GABAergic synapses
    07-01-01 Computational modelling of H+-coupled peptide transport via human PEPT1

    07-01-01 Onset exercise hyperaemia in humans: partitioning the contributors
    07-01-01 Spontaneously active and InsP3-activated ion channels in cell nuclei from rat cerebellar Purkinje and granule neurones
    07-01-01 Sustained rise in triacylglycerol synthesis and increased epididymal fat mass when rats cease voluntary wheel running
    07-01-01 Electrophysiological differences between nociceptive and non-nociceptive dorsal root ganglion neurones in the rat in vivo
    07-01-01 Role of extracellular Ca2+ in gating of CaV1.2 channels
    07-01-01 In vivo and in vitro functional characterization of Andersen's syndrome mutations
    07-01-01 Theta-burst repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation suppresses specific excitatory circuits in the human motor cortex
    07-01-01 Critical amino acid residues involved in the electrogenic sodium–bicarbonate cotransporter kNBC1-mediated transport
    07-01-01 Clathrin-mediated endocytosis in snake motor terminals is directly facilitated by intracellular Ca2+
    07-01-01 Expression and function of dipeptidyl-aminopeptidase-like protein 6 as a putative subunit of human cardiac transient outward current encoded
    07-01-01 The Ca2+ spark of mammalian muscle. Physiology or pathology
    07-01-01 -Latrotoxin increases spontaneous and depolarization-evoked exocytosis from pancreatic islet cells
    07-01-01 Paradoxical SR Ca2+ release in guinea-pig cardiac myocytes after adrenergic stimulation revealed by two-photon photolysis of caged Ca2+
    07-01-01 The nitric oxide donor sodium nitroprusside stimulates the Na+–K+ pump in isolated rabbit cardiac myocytes
    07-01-01 Extension and magnitude of denervation in skeletal muscle from ageing mice

    07-01-01 Sex differences in transgenerational alterations of growth and metabolism in progeny (F2) of female offspring (F1) of rats fed a low protein
    07-01-01 Resetting of the arterial baroreflex increases orthostatic sympathetic activation and prevents postural hypotension in rabbits
    07-01-01 Partitioning oxidative fuels during cold exposure in humans: muscle glycogen becomes dominant as shivering intensifies
    07-01-01 Increase in group II excitation from ankle muscles to thigh motoneurones during human standing
    07-01-01 Limitations to systemic and locomotor limb muscle oxygen delivery and uptake during maximal exercise in humans
    07-01-01 Cerebrovascular responses to hypoxia and hypocapnia in high-altitude dwellers
    07-01-01 Post-stimulus potentiation of transmission in pelvic ganglia enhances sympathetic dilatation of guinea-pig uterine artery in vitro
    07-01-01 Role of chloride channels in bradykinin-induced guinea pig airway vagal C-fibre activation
    07-01-01 The senses
    07-01-01 Time and intensity coding at the hair cell's ribbon synapse
    07-01-01 Structure and function of parallel pathways in the primate early visual system
    07-01-01 Creating a sense of auditory space
    07-01-01 Navigation in space – the role of the macaque ventral intraparietal area
    07-01-01 Non-nicotinic transmission in autonomic ganglia revisited – an important physiological function
    07-01-01 Computing with thalamocortical ensembles during different behavioural states

    07-01-01 Calcitonin gene-related peptide antagonism attenuates the haemodynamic and glycaemic responses to acute hypoxaemia in the late gestation she
    07-01-01 Autonomic nervous system influence on arterial baroreflex control of heart rate during exercise in humans
    07-01-01 A critical role of TRPM channel-kinase for human magnesium transport
    07-01-01 Differential responses to CO2 and sympathetic stimulation in the cerebral and femoral circulations in humans
    07-01-01 Manipulation of peripheral neural feedback loops alters human corticomuscular coherence
    07-01-01 Maternal nutrient deprivation induces sex-specific changes in thyroid hormone receptor and deiodinase expression in the fetal guinea pig bra
    07-01-01 Metabolic alkalosis reduces exercise-induced acidosis and potassium accumulation in human skeletal muscle interstitium
    07-01-01 Comparative gene expression profile of mouse carotid body and adrenal medulla under physiological hypoxia
    07-01-01 Enhancement of calcium-dependent afterpotentials in oxytocin neurons of the rat supraoptic nucleus during lactation
    07-01-01 Cytoskeletal regulation of calcium-permeable cation channels in the human syncytiotrophoblast: role of gelsolin
    07-01-01 Both cGMP and peroxynitrite mediate chronic interleukin-6-induced negative inotropy in adult rat ventricular myocytes
    07-01-01 Inhibition of sarcoplasmic reticular function by chronic interleukin-6 exposure via iNOS in adult ventricular myocytes
    07-01-01 Mechanism of riboflavin uptake by cultured human retinal pigment epithelial ARPE-19 cells: possible regulation by an intracellular Ca2+–calm
    07-01-01 Down regulation of Kv3.4 channels by chronic hypoxia increases acute oxygen sensitivity in rabbit carotid body
    07-01-01 Gain modulation by serotonin in pyramidal neurones of the rat prefrontal cortex

    07-01-01 The role of central 5-HT3 receptors in vagal reflex inputs to neurones in the nucleus tractus solitarius of anaesthetized rats
    07-01-01 Paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation protocol applied to visual cortex of anaesthetized cat: effects on visually evoked single-uni
    07-01-01 Short periods of prenatal stress affect growth, behaviour and hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal axis activity in male guinea pig offspring
    07-01-01 Inspiratory phase-locked alpha oscillation in human olfaction: source generators estimated by a dipole tracing method
    07-01-01 Fibre-type specificity of interleukin-6 gene transcription during muscle contraction in rat: association with calcineurin activity
    07-01-01 NO signalling decodes frequency of neuronal activity and generates synapse-specific plasticity in mouse cerebellum
    07-01-01 A functional glutamatergic neurone network in the medial septum and diagonal band area
    07-01-01 Rat subicular networks gate hippocampal output activity in an in vitro model of limbic seizures
    07-01-01 Molecular determinants of glycine receptor subunit sensitivities to Zn2+-mediated inhibition
    07-01-01 Early expression of KCC2 in rat hippocampal cultures augments expression of functional GABA synapses
    07-01-01 Modulation of calcium currents is eliminated after cleavage of a strategic component of the mammalian secretory apparatus
    07-01-01 Kv7/KCNQ/M and HCN/h, but not KCa2/SK channels, contribute to the somatic medium after-hyperpolarization and excitability control in CA1 hip
    07-01-01 Specificity of TRH receptor coupling to G-proteins for regulation of ERG K+ channels in GH3 rat anterior pituitary cells
    07-01-01 Serotonergic neurones drive spontaneous activity in the developing mouse hindbrain
    07-01-01 Visualization of transmitter release with zinc fluorescence detection at the mouse hippocampal mossy fibre synapse

    07-01-01 Beyond the brush border: NHERF4 blazes new NHERF turf
    07-01-01 Low carbon dioxide permeability of the apical epithelial membrane of guinea-pig colon
    07-01-01 Differential chemosensory function and receptor expression of splanchnic and pelvic colonic afferents in mice
    07-01-01 Increased uncoupling protein-2 mRNA abundance and glucocorticoid action in adipose tissue in the sheep fetus during late gestation is depend
    07-01-01 NaPi-IIa and interacting partners
    07-01-01 The role of NHERF-1 in the regulation of renal proximal tubule sodium–hydrogen exchanger 3 and sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporter 2a
    07-01-01 TRP channels: novel gating properties and physiological functions
    07-01-01 Gating of TRP channels: a voltage connection
    07-01-01 Coming out of the NHERF family
    07-01-01 Functional role of TRPC proteins in native systems: implications from knockout and knock-down studies
    07-01-01 The involvement of Cav3.2/1H T-type calcium channels in excitability of mouse embryonic primary vestibular neurones
    07-01-01 A transitional period of Ca2+-dependent spike afterdepolarization and bursting in developing rat CA1 pyramidal cells
    07-01-01 Extremely rapid recovery of human cone circulating current at the extinction of bleaching exposures
    07-01-01 Decreasing xanthine oxidase-mediated oxidative stress prevents useful cellular adaptations to exercise in rats
    07-01-01 TRP channels in Drosophila photoreceptor cells

    07-01-01 The influence of small fibre muscle mechanoreceptors on the cardiac vagus in humans
    07-01-01 Confocal imaging of [Ca2+] in cellular organelles by SEER, shifted excitation and emission ratioing of fluorescence
    07-01-01 Erectile dysfunction in mice lacking the large-conductance calcium-activated potassium (BK) channel
    07-01-01 The interstitial distribution of macromolecules in rat tumours is influenced by the negatively charged matrix components
    07-01-01 Fluid volume or arterial pressure, that is the question
    07-01-01 Size selectivity of hyaluronan molecular sieving by extracellular matrix in rabbit synovial joints
    07-01-01 Effects of calcineurin activation on insulin-, AICAR- and contraction-induced glucose transport in skeletal muscle
    07-01-01 Proton modulation of recombinant GABAA receptors: influence of GABA concentration and the subunit TM2–TM3 domain
    07-01-01 Sinus node dysfunction following targeted disruption of the murine cardiac sodium channel gene Scn5a
    07-01-01 Neuropeptide and calcium-binding protein gene expression profiles predict neuronal anatomical type in the juvenile rat
    07-01-01 Found in translation: neural feedback from exercising muscles
    07-01-01 Descending vasa recta pericytes express voltage operated Na+ conductance in the rat
    07-01-01 The structural basis of the increase in isometric force production with temperature in frog skeletal muscle
    07-01-01 Synergistic interactions between Ca2+ entries through L-type Ca2+ channels and Na+–Ca2+ exchanger in normal and failing rat heart
    07-01-01 The contribution of TRPM8 channels to cold sensing in mammalian neurones

    07-01-01 Shortening velocity of human triceps surae muscle measured with the slack test in vivo
    07-01-01 Factors determining the precision of the correlated firing generated by a monosynaptic connection in the cat visual pathway
    07-01-01 The GABAergic projection of the dentate gyrus to hippocampal area CA3 of the rat: pre- and postsynaptic actions after seizures
    07-01-01 Molecular mapping of a site for Cd2+-induced modification of human ether-à-go-go-related gene (hERG) channel activation
    07-01-01 Fetal brain hypometabolism during prolonged hypoxaemia in the llama
    07-01-01 A maternal cafeteria diet during gestation and lactation promotes adiposity and impairs skeletal muscle development and metabolism in rat of
    07-01-01 Functional interconnectivity between the globus pallidus and the subthalamic nucleus in the mouse brain slice
    07-01-01 Influence of ionic strength on the time course of force development and phosphate release by dogfish muscle fibres
    07-01-01 A single CaVcan reconstitute both trafficking and macroscopic conductance of voltage-dependent calcium channels
    07-01-01 Activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) by resiniferatoxin
    07-01-01 Retrograde endocannabinoid regulation of GABAergic inhibition in the rat dentate gyrus granule cell
    07-01-01 Arachidonate-regulated Ca2+-selective (ARC) channel activity is modulated by phosphorylation and involves an A-kinase anchoring protein
    07-01-01 cAMP increases Ca2+-dependent exocytosis through both PKA and Epac2 in mouse melanotrophs from pituitary tissue slices
    07-01-01 Nitric oxide synthase inhibition affects sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release in skeletal muscle fibres from mouse
    07-01-01 Physiological and morphological development of the rat cerebellar Purkinje cell

    07-01-01 Presynaptic control of group Ia afferents in relation to acquisition of a visuo-motor skill in healthy humans
    07-01-01 Differences in left ventricular long-axis function from mice to humans follow allometric scaling to ventricular size
    07-01-01 Defining electrical communication in skeletal muscle resistance arteries: a computational approach
    07-01-01 Zinc inhibits human ClC-1 muscle chloride channel by interacting with its common gating mechanism
    07-01-01 Direct inhibition of substantia gelatinosa neurones in the rat spinal cord by activation of dopamine D2-like receptors
    07-01-01 Fasted-state skeletal muscle protein synthesis after resistance exercise is altered with training
    07-01-01 -Scorpion toxin effects suggest electrostatic interactions in domain II of voltage-dependent sodium channels
    07-01-01 Separation of P/C- and U-type inactivation pathways in Kv1.5 potassium channels
    07-01-01 Lack of manifestations of diazoxide/5-hydroxydecanoate-sensitive KATP channel in rat brain nonsynaptosomal mitochondria
    07-01-01 A novel osmosensitive voltage gated cation current in rat supraoptic neurones
    07-01-01 The birth (and adolescence) of LTP
    07-01-01 Protective role of hydrogen peroxide in oxygen-deprived dopaminergic neurones of the rat substantia nigra
    07-01-01 Water permeability of Na+–K+–2Cl– cotransporters in mammalian epithelial cells
    07-01-01 Enhancement of spontaneous synaptic activity in rat Purkinje neurones by ATP during development
    07-01-01 Factors mediating powerful voltage attenuation along CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites

    07-01-01 Influence of recombinant human erythropoietin treatment on pulmonary O2 uptake kinetics during exercise in humans
    07-01-01 Non-synaptic mechanisms underlie the after-effects of cathodal transcutaneous direct current stimulation of the human brain
    07-01-01 Short-term exercise training in humans reduces AMPK signalling during prolonged exercise independent of muscle glycogen
    07-01-01 Interaction of chemoreceptor and baroreceptor reflexes by hypoxia and hypercapnia – a mechanism for promoting hypertension in obstructive sl
    07-01-01 Transient cutaneous vasodilatation and hypotension after drinking in dehydrated and exercising men
    07-01-01 Movement-related frequency modulation of beta oscillatory activity in the human subthalamic nucleus
    07-01-01 Anandamide elicits an acute release of nitric oxide through endothelial TRPV1 receptor activation in the rat arterial mesenteric bed
    07-01-01 The effect of low protein diet in pregnancy on the development of brain metabolism in rat offspring
    07-01-01 Single channel properties of hyperpolarization-activated cation currents in acutely dissociated rat hippocampal neurones
    07-01-01 Role of aspartate 298 in mouse 5-HT3A receptor gating and modulation by extracellular Ca2+
    07-01-01 Contribution of N- and C-terminal channel domains to Kv channel interacting proteins in a mammalian cell line
    07-01-01 Vesicles in snake motor terminals comprise one functional pool and utilize a single recycling strategy at all stimulus frequencies
    07-01-01 Molecular mechanisms of regulation of fast-inactivating voltage-dependent transient outward K+ current in mouse heart by cell volume changes
    07-01-01 Governor recalled! Now what
    07-01-01 Functional role of Na+–HCO3– cotransport in migration of transformed renal epithelial cells

    07-01-01 Hindlimb unweighting for 2 weeks alters physiological properties of rat hindlimb motoneurones
    07-01-01 Involvement of Src tyrosine kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase in the facilitation of calcium channels in rat nucleus of the tractu
    07-01-01 Propagation in the transverse tubular system and voltage dependence of calcium release in normal and mdx mouse muscle fibres
    07-01-01 Paired-pulse potentiation of 7-containing nAChRs in rat hippocampal CA1 stratum radiatum interneurones
    07-01-01 A new quantitative (two-photon extracellular polar-tracer imaging-based quantification (TEPIQ)) analysis for diameters of exocytic vesicles
    07-01-01 Sequential compound exocytosis of large dense-core vesicles in PC12 cells studied with TEPIQ (two-photon extracellular polar-tracer imaging-
    07-01-01 Exocytosis and endocytosis of small vesicles in PC12 cells studied with TEPIQ (two-photon extracellular polar-tracer imaging-based quantific
    07-01-01 ATP sensitivity of ATP-sensitive K+ channels: role of the phosphate group of ATP and the R50 residue of mouse Kir6.2
    07-01-01 Transient outward K+ currents in rat dissociated subfornical organ neurones and angiotensin II effects
    07-01-01 Activation of AMPK in rat hypothalamus participates in cold-induced resistance to nutrient-dependent anorexigenic signals
    07-01-01 Orexinergic projections to the cat midbrain mediate alternation of emotional behavioural states from locomotion to cataplexy
    07-01-01 Muscle spindle signals combine with the sense of effort to indicate limb position
    07-01-01 Neurokinin-1 receptor desensitization to consecutive microdialysis infusions of substance P in human skin
    07-01-01 Tetrahydrobiopterin augments endothelium-dependent dilatation in sedentary but not in habitually exercising older adults
    07-01-01 Postprandial triacylglycerol uptake in the legs is increased during exercise and post-exercise recovery

    07-01-01 Long-term in vivo modulation of synaptic efficacy at the neuromuscular junction of Rana pipiens frogs
    07-01-01 Fibroblast growth factor 14 is an intracellular modulator of voltage-gated sodium channels
    07-01-01 Localization of myosin II and V isoforms in cultured rat sympathetic neurones and their potential involvement in presynaptic function
    07-01-01 Functional NR2B- and NR2D-containing NMDA receptor channels in rat substantia nigra dopaminergic neurones
    07-01-01 Sodium pump 2 subunits control myogenic tone and blood pressure in mice
    07-01-01 Spike coding during osmotic stimulation of the rat supraoptic nucleus
    07-01-01 Parallel reflex pathways from flexor muscle afferents evoking resetting and flexion enhancement during fictive locomotion and scratch in the
    07-01-01 Organization of common synaptic drive to motoneurones during fictive locomotion in the spinal cat
    07-01-01 Mitral annular myocardial velocity assessment of segmental left ventricular diastolic function after prolonged exercise in humans
    07-01-01 Dissociated effects of diazepam and lorazepam on short-latency afferent inhibition
    07-01-01 Prolonged strenuous exercise alters the cardiovascular response to dobutamine stimulation in male athletes
    07-01-01 The effect of caffeine on glucose kinetics in humans – influence of adrenaline
    07-01-01 Cortical regions associated with autonomic cardiovascular regulation during lower body negative pressure in humans
    07-01-01 From ‘soup physiology’ to normal brain science
    07-01-01 Exercise rapidly increases eukaryotic elongation factor 2 phosphorylation in skeletal muscle of men

    07-01-01 Activation of KATP channels by H2S in rat insulin-secreting cells and the underlying mechanisms
    07-01-01 IP3-mediated Ca2+ increases do not involve the ryanodine receptor, but ryanodine receptor antagonists reduce IP3-mediated Ca2+ increases in
    07-01-01 Kv1 channels selectively prevent dendritic hyperexcitability in rat Purkinje cells
    07-01-01 Evidence for parasympathetic vasodilator fibres in the rat masseter muscle
    07-01-01 Effect of hydration on interstitial distribution of charged albumin in rat dermis in vitro
    07-01-01 Ca2+/calmodulin protein kinase II and memory: learning-related changes in a localized region of the domestic chick brain
    07-01-01 Vertebral position alters paraspinal muscle spindle responsiveness in the feline spine: effect of positioning duration
    07-01-01 Economy of locomotion in high-altitude Tibetan migrants exposed to normoxia
    07-01-01 Visual guidance of the human foot during a step
    07-01-01 Actions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on spinal nociceptive transmission during inflammation in the rat
    07-01-01 The effect of changes in cardiac output on middle cerebral artery mean blood velocity at rest and during exercise
    07-01-01 Synergistic interactions between airway afferent nerve subtypes regulating the cough reflex in guinea-pigs
    07-01-01 Photoreceptor encoding of supersaturating light stimuli in salamander retina
    07-01-01 A role for leucine in rejuvenating the anabolic effects of food in old rats
    07-01-01 Different neuronal populations of the rat median preoptic nucleus express c-fos during sleep and in response to hypertonic saline or angiote