
现在位置:首页 > 医学版 > 期刊论文 > 五官科学 > 国际眼科杂志 > 2000年
    06-12-12 Expression of transforming growth factor-Btype
    06-12-12 Inhibitory effect of tetrandrine eye drops on
    06-12-12 Induction of heat shock protein 27 in retinalganglion cells and its role in a rat glaucoma model
    06-12-12 Effect of locally administered rapamycin andcyclosporin A on penetrating keratoplasty rejection rat model
    06-12-12 The inhibitory effect of triamcinolone acetonide on the proliferation of monkey choroid -retinal endothelial cells in hypoxia condition
    06-12-12 Clinical analysis of complications during manual small incision cataract surgery
    06-12-12 人工晶状体眼晶状体后囊膜混浊对视功能的影响