☉ 10586151:Surface Expression of GluR-D AMPA Receptor Is Dependent on an Interaction between Its C-Terminal Domain and a 4.1 Protein
☉ 10586152:The Functional Consequences of Changes in the Strength and Duration of Synaptic Inputs to Oscillatory Neurons
☉ 10586153:Adverse Effects of Supplemental L-Arginine in Atherosclerosis
☉ 10586154:Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 2003
☉ 10586155:The RAS Effector RIN1 Modulates the Formation of Aversive Memories
☉ 10586156:Transient and Progressive Electrophysiological Alterations in the Corticostriatal Pathway in a Mouse Model of Huntington's Disease
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☉ 10586158:Enhanced B Cell Expansion Survival and Humoral Responses by Targeting Death Receptor 6
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☉ 10586160:A Chemokine, SDF-1, Reduces the Effectiveness of Multiple Axonal Repellents and Is Required for Normal Axon Pathfinding
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☉ 10586162:A Dynamic Dendritic Refractory Period Regulates Burst Discharge in the Electrosensory Lobe of Weakly Electric Fish
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☉ 10586167:Negative Regulation of T Cell Receptor–Lipid Raft Interaction by Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte–associated Antigen 4
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☉ 10586169:Expression of CXCL16 in Human T Cells
☉ 10586170:A Crucial Role of Glycoprotein VI for Platelet Recruitment to the Injured Arterial Wall In Vivo
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☉ 10586172:Extrahepatic Synthesis of Factor VII in Human Atherosclerotic Vessels
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☉ 10586174:Functional Interplay Between Angiotensin II and Nitric Oxide
☉ 10586175:A Single Amino Acid Alteration in Cytoplasmic Domain Determines IL-2 Promoter Activation by Ligation of CD28 but Not Inducible Costimulator (ICOS)
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☉ 10586179:DNA Methylation Maintains Allele-specific KIR Gene Expression in Human Natural Killer Cells
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☉ 10586189:Hormone Replacement Therapy and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
☉ 10586190:Prospective Estimation of Recombination Signal Efficiency and Identification of Functional Cryptic Signals in the Genome by Statistical Modeling
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