☉ 11122251:高原地区严重多发性创伤1627例特点及救治探讨
☉ 11122252:原位肝移植中移植肝早期功能的评价
☉ 11122253:下肢急性/亚急性血栓的流变治疗初步研究
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☉ 11122255:重症肌无力外科治疗的围手术期处理
☉ 11122256:p27蛋白在肝门部胆管癌的表达及临床意义
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☉ 11122262:采用人工网片无张力疝修补术47例的护理
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☉ 11122265:Functional Imaging Reveals Numerous Fields in the
☉ 11122266:Dynamics of the Central Bottleneck: Dual-Task and
☉ 11122267:Excitatory and Feed-Forward Inhibitory Hippocampal
☉ 11122268:AgDscam, a Hypervariable Immunoglobulin Domain-Con
☉ 11122269:B Cell Antigen Receptor Signaling and Internalizat
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☉ 11122271:Formation of the Ascidian Epidermal Sensory Neuron
☉ 11122272:Data Sharing: How Much Doesn't Get Submitted to Ge
☉ 11122273:DNA Detection Using Recombination Proteins
☉ 11122274:Translation Repression in Human Cells by MicroRNA-
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☉ 11122278:The Most Widespread Symbiosis on Earth
☉ 11122279:Pandemic Influenza: Risk of Multiple Introductions
☉ 11122280:The National Security Implications of HIV/AIDS
☉ 11122281:Improving Access to Medicines in Poor Countries: T
☉ 11122282:Mitral Stenosis Presenting with Acute Hearing Loss
☉ 11122283:Manslaughter by Fake Artesunate in Asia—Will Afric
☉ 11122284:Getting It Right: Being Smarter about Clinical Tri
☉ 11122285:Advertising in Medical Journals: Should Current Pr
☉ 11122286:Insights into the Physiology of Childbirth Using T
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☉ 11122288:The Commission on Social Determinants of Health: T
☉ 11122289:Suicide Rates and Antidepressant Prescribing: A Ca
☉ 11122290:Apolipoprotein E and Coronary Disease: A Puzzling
☉ 11122291:Confronting the Neglected Problem of Snake Bite En
☉ 11122292:Improving Prescribing Practices in Primary Care

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