☉ 11154701:硬膜外曲马多和氟哌利多超前镇痛的临床研究
☉ 11154702:单侧多功能外固定支架治疗肱骨干骨折40例
☉ 11154703:促动力剂对幼鼠胃肠动力作用的比较研究
☉ 11154704:综合矫治单侧唇裂术后继发鼻畸形
☉ 11154705:纳洛酮的临床应用
☉ 11154706:HPLC-UV法测定人血浆中头孢羟氨苄含量
☉ 11154707:老年髋部骨折的治疗
☉ 11154708:如何加强和改进卫生行业党的作风建设
☉ 11154709:内部审计和物资招标
☉ 11154710:注射用头孢唑肟钠与益保世灵治疗呼吸系统感染疗效比较
☉ 11154711:高血压病非药物治疗与老年痴呆
☉ 11154712:14例复治涂阳耐药菌肺结核患者治疗转归情况分析
☉ 11154713:对医用药品外包装的几点建议
☉ 11154714:蒙西医结合治疗胃十二指肠溃疡30例临床观察
☉ 11154715:顽固性支原体感染76例的中西医治疗
☉ 11154716:北京市某区接种A+C流脑疫苗后偶合死亡的1例报告
☉ 11154717:肾康注射液治疗慢性肾功能衰竭的疗效观察
☉ 11154718:毒性中药的抗肿瘤作用与临床应用
☉ 11154719:胃癌新辅助化疗的研究进展
☉ 11154720:非酒精性脂肪性肝炎的药物治疗进展
☉ 11154721:五加皮与香加皮鉴别与应用
☉ 11154722:Effects of Lipid Formulations of Amphotericin B on
☉ 11154723:Effect of Efflux on Telithromycin and Macrolide Su
☉ 11154724:Artesunate Suppositories versus Intramuscular Arte
☉ 11154725:Activities of Tizoxanide and Nitazoxanide Compared
☉ 11154726:Activities of Telithromycin, Erythromycin, Fluoroq
☉ 11154727:Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Invasive Streptococc
☉ 11154728:Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of Thre
☉ 11154729:Age-Related Effects on Nelfinavir and M8 Pharmacok
☉ 11154730:Efficacy and Potential for Resistance Selection of
☉ 11154731:Detection of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
☉ 11154732:Correlation between Reduced Daptomycin Susceptibil
☉ 11154733:Head-to-Head Comparison of the Activities of Curre
☉ 11154734:Evaluation of Disk Diffusion Method for Determinin
☉ 11154735:Enterococcus gallinarum N04-0414 Harbors a VanD-Ty
☉ 11154736:In Vitro Characterization of the Anti-Hepatitis B
☉ 11154737:In Vitro Activity of Novel Rifamycins against Rifa
☉ 11154738:Interlaboratory Comparison of PCR-Based Methods fo
☉ 11154739:Inactivation of Herpes Simplex Virus Clinical Isol
☉ 11154740:In Vitro Development of Resistance to Human Immuno
☉ 11154741:Medium Plays a Role in Determining Expression of a
☉ 11154742:Lack of Evidence for In Vivo Transformation of Zid
☉ 11154743:Involvement of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Acti
☉ 11154744:Molecular Epidemiology of Acquired-Metallo--Lactam
☉ 11154745:Molecular Characterization of Isoniazid Resistance
☉ 11154746:Mefloquine Induces Dose-Related Neurological Effec
☉ 11154747:Nuclear Translocation Peptides as Antibiotics
☉ 11154748:NorC, a New Efflux Pump Regulated by MgrA of Staph
☉ 11154749:Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Relationships Desc
☉ 11154750:Pharmacokinetic and Safety Evaluation of High-Dose

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