☉ 11175251:Punish the parent not the progeny
☉ 11175252:High throughput mRNA profiling highlights associat
☉ 11175253:Neuropilin-1 regulates attachment in human endothe
☉ 11175254:The platelet glycoprotein Ib–von Willebrand factor
☉ 11175255:Single-cell analysis of the human NK cell response
☉ 11175256:Both perforin and Fas ligand are required for the
☉ 11175257:Induction of BCR-ABL–specific immunity following v
☉ 11175258:Rh autoantigen presentation to helper T cells in c
☉ 11175259:TRAIL identifies immature natural killer cells in
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☉ 11175262:ZAP-70 directly enhances IgM signaling in chronic
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☉ 11175264:Analysis of the receptor-ligand interactions in th
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☉ 11175268:Detection of BCR-ABL kinase mutations in CD34+ cel
☉ 11175269:Immunotherapy of autoimmune encephalomyelitis with
☉ 11175270:高压电位治疗神经衰弱、功能性便秘的临床应用
☉ 11175271:Therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia–like MLL re
☉ 11175272:Therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia–like MLL re
☉ 11175273:Transforming property of TEL-FGFR3 mediated throug
☉ 11175274:High telomerase activity in granulocytes from clon
☉ 11175275:Deregulated expression of the Myc cellular oncogen
☉ 11175276:Enrichment of functional CD8 memory T cells specif
☉ 11175277:The Corfu thalassemia deletion disrupts -globin g
☉ 11175278:An erythroid differentiation–specific splicing swi
☉ 11175279:Liver Kupffer cells rapidly remove red blood cell–
☉ 11175280:Development and validation of a clinical predictio
☉ 11175281:Donor CD8+ T cells facilitate induction of chimeri
☉ 11175282:Immune responses and tolerance to the RhD blood gr
☉ 11175283:In vitro maturation of nascent reticulocytes to er
☉ 11175284:Overexpression of mitochondrial ferritin causes cy
☉ 11175285:Molecular analysis of a large cohort of patients w
☉ 11175286:Human mesenchymal stem cells alter antigen-present
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☉ 11175288:Hematopoietic stem cells from NOD mice exhibit aut
☉ 11175289:Flowing cells through pulsed electric fields effic
☉ 11175290:Distinct roles for donor- and host-derived antigen
☉ 11175291:Only the CD62L+ subpopulation of CD4+CD25+ regulat
☉ 11175292:Stimulation with 4-1BB (CD137) inhibits chronic gr
☉ 11175293:The nitric oxide pathway modulates hemangioblast a
☉ 11175294:Thrombin induces endocytosis of endoglin and type-
☉ 11175295:PD抗柯萨奇B3病毒的体外实验研究
☉ 11175296:Smad7 alters cell fate decisions of human hematopo
☉ 11175297:Treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma with Epstein
☉ 11175298:鼻前庭黏膜皱襞瓣在单侧唇裂同期鼻畸形整复中的应用
☉ 11175299:Rituximab plus infusional cyclophosphamide, doxoru
☉ 11175300:妊娠期妇女血浆总镁及游离镁浓度测定及临床意义

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