☉ 11257251:Atorvastatin Induces T Cell Anergy via Phosphorylation of ERK
☉ 11257252:Identification of CD4+ T Cell-Specific Epitopes of Islet-Specific Glucose-6-Phosphatase Catalytic Subunit-Related Protein: A Novel Cell Aut
☉ 11257253:Reducing the Stimulation of CD8+ T Cells during Infection with Intracellular Bacteria Promotes Differentiation Primarily into a Central (CD6
☉ 11257254:Antibodies against Tumor Cell Glycolipids and Proteins, but Not Mucins, Mediate Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity
☉ 11257255:An Essential Role for Phospholipase D in the Activation of Protein Kinase C and Degranulation in Mast Cells
☉ 11257256:Accessory Protein-Like Is Essential for IL-18-Mediated Signaling
☉ 11257257:A Pivotal Role for the Multifunctional Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II in T Cells: From Activation to Unresponsiveness
☉ 11257258:An Important Role of CD80/CD86-CTLA-4 Signaling during Photocarcinogenesis in Mice
☉ 11257259:A Novel E3 Ubiquitin Ligase TRAC-1 Positively Regulates T Cell Activation
☉ 11257260:A Major Role for Memory CD4 T Cells in the Control of Lymphopenia-Induced Proliferation of Naive CD4 T Cells
☉ 11257261:A Role for CD103 in the Retention of CD4+CD25+ Treg and Control of Leishmania major Infection
☉ 11257262:Crossing the Threshold of Lymphocyte Activation
☉ 11257263:Corrections
☉ 11257264:BAFF Augments Certain Th1-Associated Inflammatory Responses
☉ 11257265:Complement Inhibitors Targeted to the Proximal Tubule Prevent Injury in Experimental Nephrotic Syndrome and Demonstrate a Key Role for C5b-9
☉ 11257266:急性心肌梗死患者便秘的护理体会
☉ 11257267:Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Contributes to the Peripheral Inflammatory Response in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
☉ 11257268:小儿头皮静脉一次穿刺成功技巧
☉ 11257269:Blocking IL-15 Prevents the Induction of Allergen-Specific T Cells and Allergic Inflammation In Vivo
☉ 11257270:Cellular FLIP (Long Form) Regulates CD8+ T Cell Activation through Caspase-8-Dependent NF-B Activation
☉ 11257271:采血车内献血反应的原因浅析及防范
☉ 11257272:B Lymphocytes Participate in Cross-Presentation of Antigen following Gene Gun Vaccination
☉ 11257273:Bleomycin-Induced E Prostanoid Receptor Changes Alter Fibroblast Responses to Prostaglandin E2
☉ 11257274:Dendritic Cells Endocytose Bacillus anthracis Spores: Implications for Anthrax Pathogenesis
☉ 11257275:ICU护士为气管切开患者安全吸痰的护理
☉ 11257276:Histamine H4 Receptor Stimulation Suppresses IL-12p70 Production and Mediates Chemotaxis in Human Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells
☉ 11257277:Human NK Cells Lyse Organ-Specific Endothelial Cells: Analysis of Adhesion and Cytotoxic Mechanisms
☉ 11257278:Gene Therapy to Manipulate Effector T Cell Trafficking to Tumors for Immunotherapy
☉ 11257279:静脉留置针的临床应用和护理
☉ 11257280:Differential Regulation of CCL22 Gene Expression in Murine Dendritic Cells and B Cells
☉ 11257281:语言在心理护理中的运用
☉ 11257282:Frequency, Specificity, and Sites of Expansion of CD8+ T Cells during Primary Pulmonary Influenza Virus Infection
☉ 11257283:Gene Expression Profiling of the Effect of High-Dose Intravenous Ig in Patients with Kawasaki Disease
☉ 11257284:Hypermutation Rate Normalized by Chronological Time
☉ 11257285:Endogenous Attenuation of Allergic Lung Inflammation by Syndecan-1
☉ 11257286:FcRIIB Regulates Nasal and Oral Tolerance: A Role for Dendritic Cells
☉ 11257287:HIV-1 Trans-Activator of Transcription Substitutes for Oxidative Signaling in Activation-Induced T Cell Death
☉ 11257288:Expression of RAGs in Peripheral B Cells outside Germinal Centers Is Associated with the Expression of CD5
☉ 11257289:晚期癌症患者的心理护理
☉ 11257290:Granzyme B Binds to Target Cells Mostly by Charge and Must Be Added at the Same Time as Perforin to Trigger Apoptosis
☉ 11257291:Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Controls Type 2 T Cell-Independent B Cell Response
☉ 11257292:Intracellular Trafficking of CD23: Differential Regulation in Humans and Mice by Both Extracellular and Intracellular Exons
☉ 11257293:Modulation of Memory CD4 T Cell Function and Survival Potential by Altering the Strength of the Recall Stimulus
☉ 11257294:Granulysin, a Cytolytic Molecule, Is Also a Chemoattractant and Proinflammatory Activator
☉ 11257295:Mass Tag-Assisted Identification of Naturally Processed HLA Class II-Presented Meningococcal Peptides Recognized by CD4+ T Lymphocytes
☉ 11257296:Manipulation of Allergen-Induced Airway Remodeling by Treatment with Anti-TGF- Antibody: Effect on the Smad Signaling Pathway
☉ 11257297:Membrane IgE Binds and Activates FcRI in an Antigen-Independent Manner
☉ 11257298:Lymphotoxin- Receptor-Dependent Genes in Lymph Node and Follicular Dendritic Cell Transcriptomes
☉ 11257299:Corrections
☉ 11257300:Multiple Products Derived from Two CCL4 Loci: High Incidence of a New Polymorphism in HIV+ Patients

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