☉ 11273701:Arterial Stiffness in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
☉ 11273702:Arterial Elasticity as Part of a Comprehensive Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk and Drug Treatment
☉ 11273703:Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels and NO Regulate Human Peripheral Conduit Artery Mechanics
☉ 11273704:Vascular Development, Pulse Pressure, and the Mechanisms of Hypertension
☉ 11273705:Advanced Glycation End Products Are Associated With Pulse Pressure in Type 1 Diabetes
☉ 11273706:Basal NO Locally Modulates Human Iliac Artery Function In Vivo
☉ 11273707:Increased Stroke Volume and Aortic Stiffness Contribute to Isolated Systolic Hypertension in Young Adults
☉ 11273708:Urine Albumin Excretion and Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease
☉ 11273709:Noninvasive Assessment of Local Pulse Pressure
☉ 11273710:Progression of Coronary Artery Calcium and Occurrence of Myocardial Infarction in Patients With and Without Diabetes Mellitus
☉ 11273711:Differential Effects of Angiotensin II Type-1 Receptor Antisense Oligonucleotides on Renal Function in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
☉ 11273712:Role of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide in Hypertension-Induced Renal Damage
☉ 11273713:Blood Pressure Control, Drug Therapy, and Kidney Disease
☉ 11273714:Sex Hormones as Potential Modulators of Vascular Function in Hypertension
☉ 11273715:Obstructive Sleep ApneaeCDependent and eCIndependent Adrenergic Activation in Obesity
☉ 11273716:High Sodium Intake Increases Blood Pressure and Alters Renal Function in Intrauterine GrowtheCRetarded Rats
☉ 11273717:Modest Salt Reduction Lowers Blood Pressure in Isolated Systolic Hypertension and Combined Hypertension
☉ 11273718:Blockade of Endogenous Angiotensin-(1eC7) in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Reduces Renal Sympathetic Tone
☉ 11273719:Impaired Heart Rate Baroreflex in Older Rats
☉ 11273720:Melanocortin-4 ReceptoreCDeficient Mice Are Not Hypertensive or Salt-Sensitive Despite Obesity, Hyperinsulinemia, and Hyperleptinemia
☉ 11273721:Inhibition of Rho-Kinase in the Nucleus Tractus Solitarius Enhances Glutamate Sensitivity in Rats
☉ 11273722:Tyramine-Induced Vasodilation Mediated by Dopamine Contamination
☉ 11273723:Electrophysiological Properties of Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla Neurons in Angiotensin II 1a Receptor Knockout Mice
☉ 11273724:Renin-Dependent Hypertension Caused by Nonfocal Stenotic Aberrant Renal Arteries
☉ 11273725:Pioglitazone Improves Aortic Wall Elasticity in a Rat Model of Elastocalcinotic Arteriosclerosis
☉ 11273726:Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor- Activation Reduces Salt-Dependent Hypertension During Chronic Endothelin B Receptor Blockade
☉ 11273727:Comparison of Blood PressureeCAssociated Risk of Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
☉ 11273728:Effects of Noncardiovascular Comorbidities on Antihypertensive Use in Elderly Hypertensives
☉ 11273729:Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Calcium Channel Blockers for Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention
☉ 11273730:Relaxin Reverses Cardiac and Renal Fibrosis in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
☉ 11273731:North American Ginseng Exerts a Neutral Effect on Blood Pressure in Individuals With Hypertension
☉ 11273732:Cocoa Reduces Blood Pressure and Insulin Resistance and Improves Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilation in Hypertensives
☉ 11273733:Genetic Deletion of the p66Shc Adaptor Protein Protects From Angiotensin IIeCInduced Myocardial Damage
☉ 11273734:Angiotensin IIeCMediated Phenotypic Cardiomyocyte Remodeling Leads to Age-Dependent Cardiac Dysfunction and Failure
☉ 11273735:Unconventional Homologous Internalization of the Angiotensin II Type-1 Receptor Induced by G-ProteineCIndependent Signals
☉ 11273736:Parental Longevity and 7-Year Changes in Blood Pressures in Adult Offspring
☉ 11273737:Blood Pressure in Adulthood and Life Expectancy With Cardiovascular Disease in Men and Women
☉ 11273738:Role of Natriuretic Peptide Receptor Guanylyl Cyclase-A in Myocardial Infarction Evaluated Using Genetically Engineered Mice
☉ 11273739:Modest Salt Reduction Reduces Blood Pressure and Urine Protein Excretion in Black Hypertensives
☉ 11273740:某高校教职工高血压相关知晓与治疗情况分析
☉ 11273741:某高校高血压患者健康教育需求调查
☉ 11273742:在校大学生屈光力改变的纵向研究
☉ 11273743:合肥工业大学教职工高血压患病情况
☉ 11273744:枣庄学院新生军训就诊情况分析
☉ 11273745:济南市小饭桌卫生状况调查
☉ 11273746:南宁市2002~2004年学生食物中毒情况分析
☉ 11273747:娄底市直管学校食堂餐饮具大肠菌群检测结果分析
☉ 11273748:丹东市小学生营养与贫血状况
☉ 11273749:自制氯柳硼酊治疗痤疮80例疗效分析
☉ 11273750:金华市学校食品安全现状调查

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