☉ 11294051:Association of tumour necrosis factor alpha variants with the CF pulmonary phenotype
☉ 11294052:Acute hypoxia simultaneously induces the expression of gp91phox and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in the porcine pulmonary artery
☉ 11294053:Is late diagnosis of lung cancer inevitable? Interview study of patients’ recollections of symptoms before diagnosis
☉ 11294054:Assessment of progression of COPD: report of a workshop held in Leuven, 11–12 March 2004
☉ 11294055:Respiratory symptoms in older people and their association with mortality
☉ 11294056:A survey of sexual and reproductive health in men with cystic fibrosis: new challenges for adolescent and adult services
☉ 11294057:VEGF in idiopathic ILD
☉ 11294058:Pulmonary amoebiasis presenting as superior vena cava syndrome
☉ 11294059:Effect of treatments on the progression of COPD: report of a workshop held in Leuven, 11–12 March 2004
☉ 11294060:Absence of C/EBP may cause bronchial smooth muscle proliferation in asthma
☉ 11294061:Infected pulmonary sequestration caused by Mycobacterium kansasii
☉ 11294062:CARD 15 gene mutations in sarcoidosis
☉ 11294063:Anti-inflammatory gene therapy in the donor improves graft function after lung transplantation
☉ 11294064:Induced sputum for the diagnosis of paediatric pulmonary TB
☉ 11294065:Evidence for a genetic susceptibility to lung carcinoma
☉ 11294066:Airwaves
☉ 11294067:Development of mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa coincides with pulmonary deterioration in cystic fibrosis
☉ 11294068:Surfactant replacement does not reduce duration of ventilatory support in paediatric acute lung injury
☉ 11294069:Peripheral muscle training in COPD: still much to learn
☉ 11294070:Genetic association studies in Thorax
☉ 11294071:Publishing genetic association studies in Thorax
☉ 11294072:BOHRF guidelines for occupational asthma
☉ 11294073:Circulating endothelial progenitor cells in pulmonary inflammation
☉ 11294074:Recovery pathway of post-SARS patients
☉ 11294075:Epithelial stress and structural remodelling in childhood asthma
☉ 11294076:Exhaled nitric oxide in the diagnosis of asthma: comparison with bronchial provocation tests
☉ 11294077:Nodular pseudotumoral pulmonary amyloidosis mimicking pulmonary carcinoma
☉ 11294078:Polyunsaturated fatty acids improve exercise capacity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
☉ 11294079:How should COPD patients exercise during respiratory rehabilitation? Comparison of exercise modalities and intensities to treat skeletal mus
☉ 11294080:Impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) on pulmonary function, functional capacity and quality of life in a cohort of survivors
☉ 11294081:Increased circulating endothelial progenitor cells in patients with bacterial pneumonia: evidence that bone marrow derived cells contribute
☉ 11294082:Randomised controlled crossover trial of humidified continuous positive airway pressure in mild obstructive sleep apnoea
☉ 11294083:A simple procedure for measuring pharyngeal sensitivity: a contribution to the diagnosis of sleep apnoea
☉ 11294084:Asbestos, asbestosis, and lung cancer: a critical assessment of the epidemiological evidence
☉ 11294085:Reproducibility of non-specific bronchial challenge in adults: implications for design, analysis and interpretation of clinical and epidemio
☉ 11294086:Mucociliary transport using 99mTc-albumin colloid: a reliable screening test for primary ciliary dyskinesia
☉ 11294087:Inhaled corticosteroids: no association with pregnancy induced hypertension in asthmatics
☉ 11294088:Burkholderia infection and survival in CF
☉ 11294089:A patient with insidious onset of exertional dyspnoea
☉ 11294090:Development of a new mutation in EGFR leads to drug resistance in non-small cell lung cancer
☉ 11294091:Asthma deaths and bronchodilator therapy
☉ 11294092:Molecular techniques improve organism identification from pleural fluid in empyema
☉ 11294093:The endothelin system and its role in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)
☉ 11294094:The way to dusty death?
☉ 11294095:Airwaves
☉ 11294096:Association of asthma and hay fever with irregular menstruation
☉ 11294097:Mycotic aortic aneurysm probably caused by a pleural empyema
☉ 11294098:Association between short term exposure to fine particulate matter and heart rate variability in older subjects with and without heart disea
☉ 11294099:Traffic related pollution and heart rate variability in a panel of elderly subjects
☉ 11294100:C reactive protein levels are increased in non-allergic but not allergic asthma: a multicentre epidemiological study

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