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Association between short term exposure to fine particulate matter and heart rate variability in older subjects with and without heart disea
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     Departments of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Biostatistics, and Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

    Correspondence to:

    Dr J H Sullivan

    Northwest Particulate Matter Center, Suite 355, 1107 NE 45th Street, Seattle 98105, USA; sulljh@u.washington.edu

    Received 29 April 2004

    Accepted for publication 5 January 2005


    Background: Short term increases in exposure to particulate matter (PM) air pollution are associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The mechanism behind this effect is unclear, although changes in autonomic control have been observed. It was hypothesised that increases in fine PM measured at the subjects’ home in the preceding hour would be associated with decreased high frequency heart rate variability (HF-HRV) in individuals with pre-existing cardiac disease.

    Methods: Two hundred and eighty five daily 20 minute measures of HRV (including a paced breathing protocol) were made in the homes of 34 elderly individuals with (n = 21) and without (n = 13) cardiovascular disease (CVD) over a 10 day period in Seattle between February 2000 and March 2002. Fine PM was continuously measured by nephelometry at the individuals’ homes.

    Results: The median age of the study population was 77 years (range 57–87) and 44% were male. Models that adjusted for health status, relative humidity, temperature, mean heart rate, and medication use did not find a significant association between a 10 μg/m3 increase in 1 hour mean outdoor PM2.5 before the HRV measurement and a change in HF-HRV power in individuals with CVD (3% increase in median HF-HRV (95% CI –19 to 32)) or without CVD (5% decrease in median HF-HRV (95% CI –34 to 36)). Similarly, no association was evident using 4 hour and 24 hour mean outdoor PM2.5 exposures before the HRV measurement.

    Conclusion: No association was found between increased residence levels of fine PM and frequency domain measures of HRV in elderly individuals.

    Abbreviations: AICD, automatic implantable cardioverter defribillator; CVD, cardiovascular disease; HRV, heart rate variability; MI, myocardial infarction; PM, particulate matter

    Keywords: air pollution; heart rate variability; cardiovascular disease; elderly

    Increased levels of particulate matter air pollution (PM) have been associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in elderly individuals with pre-existing cardiac and pulmonary disease.1–4 Furthermore, studies have shown that PM is associated with increased automatic implantable cardioverter defribillator (AICD) discharges5 and may trigger the onset of myocardial infarction (MI),6 suggesting a potential pro-arrhythmic effect.

    Despite substantial in vitro, in vivo, and human epidemiological investigations, the potential mechanism of the effect of PM on the cardiovascular system remains unknown. One potential mechanism is an altered autonomic regulation of cardiac rhythm.7,8 Animal and human electrophysiological studies suggest that changes in the autonomic regulation of the heart may contribute to the occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias.9–11 Cross sectional studies in individuals with and without pre-existing heart disease show that a baseline measure of decreased heart rate variability (HRV), a non-invasive measure of autonomic control of the heart, predicts an increased risk of developing MI and sudden death.12–15 Moreover, PM has been associated with a decline in HRV in previous air pollution panel studies and a large cross sectional community study.16–22 However, these panel studies have relied primarily on central site exposure measures and included small numbers of individuals with pre-existing cardiac disease. Even with these limitations, they suggest a role for decreased parasympathetic modulation of HRV by increased ambient derived PM exposures.

    To expand on this earlier work, we have performed a study in Seattle pairing daily measures of HRV with continuous short term mean fine PM measurements at the homes of elderly individuals with and without pre-existing cardiac disease. We hypothesised that increased short term exposure to fine PM would result in decreased high frequency (HF) HRV, especially in individuals with pre-existing cardiac disease. We further hypothesised that PM measured outside the subjects’ homes would have a greater effect than indoor PM.


    Daily 20 minute, supine, three-channel continuous Holter monitor measurements (Del Mar, Irvine, CA, USA) were performed in the homes of 34 elderly individuals with and without CVD during a 10 day monitoring period between February 2000 and March 2002. Twenty five individuals were monitored over a single 10 day session and nine individuals were monitored over two (n = 8) or three sessions (n = 1). These data were paired with indoor and outdoor nephelometry measurements of fine PM made at the individuals’ homes. These data were further enhanced by meteorological variables: hourly means of relative humidity (RH) and temperature from a central site air pollution monitor (Puget Sound Clean Air Agency); daily questionnaire responses on medication use, cardiac symptoms and clinic visits; and physiological measurements of sitting blood pressure, pulse rate, and oxygen saturation prior to HRV measurements.

    The study protocol was approved by the University of Washington institutional review board.

    Study population

    To assess eligibility, each potential subject had a baseline ECG to exclude cardiac arrhythmias or conduction disturbances. To optimise interpretation of HRV measurements we excluded individuals with atrial fibrillation, second degree heart block, left bundle branch block, paced rhythm, or known diabetes mellitus. Subjects were also excluded if they had unstable angina, MI, pneumonia, or an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease within 30 days of the study. No subject had a known MI within 18 months of the study.

    HRV measurements

    HRV was measured at the individual’s residence at the same time of day by trained study technicians. The measurements were performed after the subjects had rested in the supine position for 10 minutes. To diminish the effect of respiratory variation on HRV, participants followed a paced breathing protocol using audio cues at a respiratory rate of 12. The electrodes were placed in a modified V1–V5 position.

    Processing of HRV measurements

    A trained study technician reviewed and edited automatically determined readings of QRS complexes. Regions of artifact were eliminated. No recordings with more than 1% ectopic beats or 5% artifact were considered for analysis. After correction the cardiac rhythm data were analysed using Del Mar Dartscan software (Model DS-90, Irvine, CA, USA). Only normal-normal intervals between normal sinus rhythms with a successive N-N ratio of 0.8–1.2 were included for HRV analysis. The standard analysis included both time domain (SDNN, SDANN, r-MSSD) and frequency spectral measures (total power, high frequency (HF, 0.15–0.4 Hz), low frequency (LF, 0.04–0.15 Hz), and very low frequency (VLF, 0.01–0.04 Hz) HRV).23 The frequency measurement was obtained by performing a fast Fourier transformation method on 256 beat blocks sampled at 5 minute intervals using a Hamming windowed signal.

    Exposure measures

    The primary exposure metric was short term averaged (1, 4, and 24 hour averaged) fine PM measured by nephelometry (Radiance Research, Seattle, WA, USA) as a light scattering coefficient outside the participant’s residence. To allow for comparability with other studies we calibrated the nephelometric measure of PM against a gravimetric PM2.5 measure. This measure is referred to here as fine PM. Nephelometric data correlate well with gravimetric particle measurements in the 0.1–1.4 aerodynamic range.24 We also measured 1, 4, and 24 hour mean indoor fine PM by nephelometry at the subject’s residence. Outdoor nephelometry data were not measured for six individuals so we used the closest home outdoor nephelometer which was sited within 2 miles of the residences to capture local PM levels. A total of 28 days surrogate nephelometry exposure were used in our final analysis.

    Statistical analysis

    The data were analysed using SAS (Version 8.0, Cary, NC, USA). HRV power measures were log transformed before analyses.

    A linear mixed model with random intercepts was used to determine the within individual effect of 1, 4, and 24 hour averaged outdoor PM on log transformed HF-HRV measures for individuals with and without heart disease. The final models were adjusted for age, mean resting heart rate, medication use, and meteorological variables (temperature and relative humidity as both linear and quadratic terms). The same models were repeated using indoor measures of fine PM. Individuals with COPD and healthy subjects were grouped as a non-CVD subgroup because of the small numbers.

    To further explore whether autonomic imbalance was responsible for the PM effect, we similarly modelled the effect of 1, 4, and 24 hour mean outdoor and indoor nephelometry measures of PM on r-MSSD, SDNN, LF, and the LF:HF ratio of HRV.


    HRV measurements were performed in individuals with and without CVD over 23 10 day study sessions. After editing, 285 HRV measurements were available in 34 individuals with (n = 21) and without (n = 13) CVD. After allowance for missing exposure data or unacceptable HRV measurements, a mean of six HRV measurements per individual was available for analysis in each study session.

    The overall study population was older (median age 77 years (range 57–87)), predominantly white (94%), and 44% were male (table 1). The demographic factors of the CVD and non-CVD study populations did not differ. The CVD population comprised three individuals with CHF and 18 with documented ischaemic heart disease without overt CHF. Beta-blockers were used in 57% of individuals with heart disease. Fifteen individuals were on antihypertensive medications, nine in the CVD group and six in the non-CVD group.

    Table 1 Demographic data of study participants

    Over the 23 study sessions there was a modest range of within session 1 hour averaged PM exposure (median 10.6 μg/m3, range 3.1–40.4; table 2). However, there was a relatively small range of 1 hour averaged exposure within individuals during each session (median 6.9 μg/m3, range 1.1–33.0; fig 1). Only 13 individuals (six in the CVD group and seven in the non-CVD group) experienced an intra-session variation in 1 hour averaged PM2.5 exposure of more than 15 μg/m3.

    Table 2 Summary of 1 hour mean outdoor exposure variables preceding HRV measurements

    Figure 1 Summary of the within individual range of PM2.5 exposure over the study sessions. N, number of exposure observations per individual during the study. Outdoor nephelometry converted to PM2.5 equivalent and expressed in μg/m3.

    Table 3 shows the range of HRV measurements in those with and without CVD. There was a slightly lower ln HF-HRV power in those with CVD (5.0 (1.2) ms2) than in those without CVD (5.6 (1.1) ms2). The range of measurements is consistent with previous studies of HRV in elderly populations.16,19

    Table 3 Comparison of mean (SE) heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) measurements according to the presence or absence of known cardiovascular disease (CVD)

    Final models adjusted for health status, relative humidity, temperature, and medication use did not find a significant association between a 10 μg/m3 increase in 1 hour mean outdoor PM2.5 preceding the HRV measurement and HF-HRV power in individuals with CVD (3% increase in median HF-HRV (95% CI –19 to 32)) or those without CVD (5% decrease in median HF-HRV (95% CI –34 to 36), table 4). A similar null association was evident using 4 hour and 24 hour mean outdoor PM2.5 exposures before the HRV measurement (table 4). Using the same model, no significant association was found for a 10 μg/m3 increase in 1 hour indoor measures of PM2.5 and HF-HRV power in those with CVD (13% decrease in median HF-HRV (95% CI –31 to 9)) or those without CVD (13% increase in median HF-HRV (95% CI –17 to 53)). A similar null association was evident using 4 hour and 24 hour mean indoor PM2.5 exposures before the HRV measurement (data not shown). Similarly, analyses of secondary HRV end points (change in LF power and LF:HF ratio) in those with and without CVD showed no significant association (data not shown).

    Table 4 Effect of a 10 μg/m3 increase in fine PM on HRV measurements in those with and without CVD adjusted for relative humidity, temperature, age, and medication use

    To confirm a genuine absence of autonomic influence of PM as suggested by our HF-HRV results, we performed similar analyses of the effect of a 10 μg/m3 increase in 1, 4, and 24 hour mean measures of outdoor and indoor PM2.5 on time domain indices of vagal control (r-MSSD). No significant association was found for a 10 μg/m3 increase in 1 hour mean outdoor PM2.5 preceding the HRV measurement and r-MSSD in individuals with CVD (4% decrease in median r-MSSD (95% CI –11 to 4)) or those without CVD (5% increase in median r-MSSD

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