☉ 11325201:肺癌患者舌下络脉形态变化规律探讨
☉ 11325202:Hemodynamic Effects of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Immediately After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
☉ 11325203:喷涂中药治疗宫颈癌前病变及原位癌96例疗效观察
☉ 11325204:Interobserver Reliability of Osteopathic Palpatory Diagnostic Tests of the Lumbar Spine: Improvements From Consensus Training
☉ 11325205:点按手法结合练功治疗腰椎间盘突出症100例
☉ 11325206:Increased Lymphatic Flow in the Thoracic Duct During Manipulative Intervention
☉ 11325207:胸痹颗粒治疗心肌梗死后心室重构(气虚痰瘀型)的临床观察
☉ 11325208:Surprised by Surgery Statistics
☉ 11325209:止汗灵颗粒治疗小儿多汗症气阴两虚型20例临床观察
☉ 11325210:American Osteopathic Association's Policy Statement on End-of-Life Care
☉ 11325211:American Osteopathic Association Adopts Policies on Treatment of Patients in Pain: An Overview
☉ 11325212:Pharmacologic Management of Cancer Pain
☉ 11325213:多联疗法治疗糖尿病周围神经病变短期疗效观察
☉ 11325214:Nonpharmacologic and Complementary Approaches to Cancer Pain Management
☉ 11325215:Palliative Care: Optimizing Quality of Life
☉ 11325216:Becoming an Advocate for Cancer Pain Management
☉ 11325217:Editor's Note
☉ 11325218:Reducing Suffering, Optimizing Living With Cancer Pain
☉ 11325219:Like AOA Custom Publications, JAOA Now Offers Uniform Life Span for Quizzes
☉ 11325220:Report of Case: Partial Ureteral Obstruction Masked by Diuretics During Intraoperative Cystoscopy
☉ 11325221:参附注射液联合多巴胺注射液对急性失血性休克患者围术期血流动力学和组织代谢的影响
☉ 11325222:Impact of Concierge Care on Healthcare and Clinical Practice
☉ 11325223:Community-Based Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Student Clinic: Changes in Curriculum and Student Confidence Levels
☉ 11325224:The Coming Influenza Pandemic: Lessons From the Past for the Future
☉ 11325225:桃红四物汤治疗妇科病验案3则
☉ 11325226:Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Out of a Horse and Buggy
☉ 11325227:徐景藩诊治胆囊术后疏泄太过经验
☉ 11325228:Dynamic Duo: Maine-Dartmouth Family Practice Residency Program and University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine
☉ 11325229:Doctors' Dilemma: Prescription Pain Medications
☉ 11325230:中药外敷加拔罐治疗股外侧皮神经炎46例
☉ 11325231:吴良德辨证治疗感冒的经验
☉ 11325232:Law Enforcement Campaign: Barrier to Optimal Pain Management
☉ 11325233:Report of Case: Relapse of Condyloma Acuminatum and Mistrust of Physicians in Homeless Patient
☉ 11325234:Quizzes in AOA Publications Now Have 18-Month Life Span
☉ 11325235:Survey of Osteopathic and Allopathic Residents' Attitudes Toward Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
☉ 11325236:Use of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment for Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome
☉ 11325237:Surgical Care in the 21st Century
☉ 11325238:Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment of Somatic Dysfunction Among Patients in the Family Practice Clinic Setting: A Retrospective Analysis
☉ 11325239:Response
☉ 11325240:Ripple Effects of Terrorism
☉ 11325241:Developing Professionalism of Osteopathic Trainees Through Mentorship: KCOM's "Societies" Model
☉ 11325242:Like AOA Custom Publications, JAOA Now Offers Uniform Life Span for Quizzes
☉ 11325243:Beating Asthma: A Community-Based Asthma Education Initiative
☉ 11325244:Computer Animation and Improved Student Comprehension of Basic Science Concepts
☉ 11325245:Documentation, Coding, and Reimbursement: An Outcomes-Based Northup Award Winner
☉ 11325246:Plans for New Conjoint Certificate of Added Qualifications in Hospice and Palliative Medicine
☉ 11325247:Navigation in Neurologic Localization: Web Site Launch
☉ 11325248:Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as an Imaging Tool for Cancer: A Review of the Literature
☉ 11325249:Osteopathic Continuing Medical Education
☉ 11325250:Board Certification of Osteopathic Physicians

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