☉ 11341101:TV and Inactivity Are Separate Contributors to Metabolic Risk Factors in Children
☉ 11341102:Are Residents' Extended Shifts Associated With Adverse Events
☉ 11341103:Blindness in Sudan: Is It Time to Scrutinise Survey Methods
☉ 11341104:Visual Loss in Postconflict Southern Sudan
☉ 11341105:Impact of Antiretroviral Therapy on Intestinal Lymphoid Tissues in HIV Infection
☉ 11341106:Antibodies and Brain Disease: A Convergence of Immunology and Physiology
☉ 11341107:Mining Methylation for Early Detection of Common Cancers
☉ 11341108:Stem Cells and Metastatic Cancer: Fatal Attraction
☉ 11341109:Intensive Insulin Therapy in Intensive Care: An Example of the Struggle to Implement Evidence-Based Medicine
☉ 11341110:Do We Need a World Health Insurance to Realise the Right to Health
☉ 11341111:Drug Development Papers in PLoS Medicine: How We Try to Spot a Winner
☉ 11341112:Health Development versus Medical Relief: Not a Turf Battle
☉ 11341113:Health Development versus Medical Relief: The Illusion of Aid
☉ 11341114:Conjunctival FOXP3 in Trachoma: T Cells Not Specified
☉ 11341115:City Initiative: Baby Steps to a Better Future
☉ 11341116:Intellectual Property and Access to ART: Authors' Reply
☉ 11341117:Intellectual Property and Access to ART: Unwise Choice of Terminology
☉ 11341118:Fluoxetine and Suicide Rates: Author's Reply
☉ 11341119:Fluoxetine and Suicide Rates: Suicide and the Economy
☉ 11341120:Air Travel and the Spread of Influenza: Authors' Reply
☉ 11341121:Air Travel and the Spread of Influenza: Important Caveats
☉ 11341122:Disease Biomarkers in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients with First-Onset Psychosis
☉ 11341123:OPC-67683, a Nitro-Dihydro-Imidazooxazole Derivative with Promising Action against Tuberculosis In Vitro and In Mice
☉ 11341124:Hypertension and Maternal–Fetal Conflict during Placental Malaria
☉ 11341125:Population Pharmacokinetics of Artesunate and Dihydroartemisinin following Intra-Rectal Dosing of Artesunate in Malaria Patients
☉ 11341126:Internet Use among Ugandan Adolescents: Implications for HIV Intervention
☉ 11341127:Targeted Killing of Virally Infected Cells by Radiolabeled Antibodies to Viral Proteins
☉ 11341128:Complement Lysis Activity in Autologous Plasma Is Associated with Lower Viral Loads during the Acute Phase of HIV-1 Infection
☉ 11341129:Dominance of HIV-1 Subtype CRF01_AE in Sexually Acquired Cases Leads to a New Epidemic in Yunnan Province of China
☉ 11341130:Adherence to HAART: A Systematic Review of Developed and Developing Nation Patient-Reported Barriers and Facilitators
☉ 11341131:Packaging Health Services When Resources Are Limited: The Example of a Cervical Cancer Screening Visit
☉ 11341132:Projections of Global Mortality and Burden of Disease from 2002 to 2030
☉ 11341133:The Mechanistic Classification of Addictive Drugs
☉ 11341134:Criteria for Drugs Used in Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Trials against HIV Infection
☉ 11341135:Putting It Together: AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals
☉ 11341136:Educating Health Professionals about Drug and Device Promotion: Advocates' Recommendations
☉ 11341137:Does HIV Cause Cardiovascular Disease
☉ 11341138:Six Imprisoned Health-Care Workers in Libya Are Pawns in a Far Larger Strategic Game
☉ 11341139:What Is the Best Approach to Reducing Birth Defects Associated with Isotretinoin
☉ 11341140:Are We Publishing “The Right Stuff”
☉ 11341141:Spinal Delivery of p38: TNF-alpha Inhibitors
☉ 11341142:Preterm Birth: Effect of Corticosteroids or Immediate Cord Clamping
☉ 11341143:Profiling of CSF: Small Subgroups
☉ 11341144:Profiling of CSF: Reliability of Diagnosis
☉ 11341145:Industry-Sponsored Research: Author's Reply
☉ 11341146:Industry-Sponsored Research: A More Comprehensive Alternative
☉ 11341147:Research Ethics Boards: Reply from Trudo Lemmens and Carl Elliott
☉ 11341148:Research Ethics Boards: Reply from Ezekiel Emanuel
☉ 11341149:Research Ethics Boards: No Data on Quality of For-Profit or Non-Profit IRBs
☉ 11341150:Research Ethics Boards: The Protection of Human Subjects

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