☉ 11416001:《中国藏医药》杂志在青海西宁创刊
☉ 11416002:程津培谈用中医理论推动中医药创新
☉ 11416003:明确临床分析用氨基酸分析仪等产品的分类界定
☉ 11416004:关于征求《诊断试剂经营许可管理办法》修改意见的函
☉ 11416005:关于征求《药品注册管理办法(征求意见稿)》意见的通知
☉ 11416006:新修订的《药品广告审查发布标准》公布
☉ 11416007:制定血液制品疫苗生产整顿实施方案
☉ 11416008:修订鱼金注射液、复方蒲公英注射液说明书
☉ 11416009:执行GB9706.1-1995标准相关产品医疗器械注册证延期第五号公告
☉ 11416010:征集全国口腔材料和器械设备标准化技术委员会齿科设备与器械分技术委员会委员
☉ 11416011:世卫组织称青蒿种植必须规范
☉ 11416013:日本成功开发抗疟疾新药物
☉ 11416014:中药材良种选育基本方法
☉ 11416017:续断栽培技术规程
☉ 11416019:雄黄
☉ 11416023:带状疱疹52例皮肤护理体会
☉ 11416024:断指再植后应用肝素的护理体会
☉ 11416025:妇产科手术患者麻醉前后导尿反应的比较
☉ 11416026:供应室护理纠纷的原因分析与防范对策
☉ 11416027:护理干预对介入治疗子宫肌瘤术后疼痛的影响
☉ 11416028:急性主动脉夹层的观察与护理
☉ 11416029:人工髋关节术后康复护理
☉ 11416030:手术前医务人员应用醋酸氯已定消毒手的调查
☉ 11416031:Cholesterogenic Lanosterol 14-Demethylase (CYP51) Is an Immediate Early Response Gene
☉ 11416032:Up-Regulation of Advanced Glycated Products Receptors in the Brain of Diabetic Rats Is Prevented by Antioxidant Treatment
☉ 11416033:Dehydroepiandrosterone Restoration of Growth Hormone Gene Expression in Aging Female Rats, in Vivo and in Vitro: Evidence for Actions via Estrogen Rec
☉ 11416034:Heterozygote Effects in Mice with Partial Truncations in the Growth Hormone Receptor Cytoplasmic Domain: Assessment of Growth Parameters and Phenotype
☉ 11416035:Betacellulin Overexpression in Transgenic Mice Causes Disproportionate Growth, Pulmonary Hemorrhage Syndrome, and Complex Eye Pathology
☉ 11416036:Regulatory Roles of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins and Glucocorticoids in Catecholamine Production by Rat Pheochromocytoma Cells
☉ 11416037:Oxygen-Dependent Modulation of Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein Biosynthesis in Primary Cultures of Rat Hepatocytes
☉ 11416038:The Local Expression and Abundance of Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF) Binding Proteins in Skeletal Muscle Are Regulated by Age and Gender But Not Loc
☉ 11416039:Regulation of Glucagon Secretion at Low Glucose Concentrations: Evidence for Adenosine Triphosphate-Sensitive Potassium Channel Involvement
☉ 11416040:Reduced Cardiac Efficiency and Altered Substrate Metabolism Precedes the Onset of Hyperglycemia and Contractile Dysfunction in Two Mouse Models of Ins
☉ 11416041:Sertoli Cell Expression of Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein-Related Lipid Transfer 1 and 5 Domain-Containing Proteins and Sterol Regulatory Elem
☉ 11416042:Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Induces Preferential Degradation of Insulin Receptor Substrate-2 through the Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Pathway in Hum
☉ 11416043:Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Pulse Frequency-Dependent Activation of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Pathways in Perifused LT2 Cells
☉ 11416044:Both Saturated and n-6 Polyunsaturated Fat Diets Reduce Phosphorylation of Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 and Protein Kinase B in Muscle during the Init
☉ 11416045:Effect of Cholesterol Depletion on Mitogenesis and Survival: The Role of Caveolar and Noncaveolar Domains in Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Mediated Cellu
☉ 11416046:Tau Is Hyperphosphorylated in the Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Null Brain
☉ 11416047:Prolactin Specifically Activates Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 5b in Neuroendocrine Dopaminergic Neurons
☉ 11416048:Cloning, Expression, and Localization of MNAR/PELP1 in Rodent Brain: Colocalization in Estrogen Receptor-- But Not in Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-P
☉ 11416049:Endogenous -Aminobutyric Acid Can Excite Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Neurons
☉ 11416050:Ontogeny of Rapid Estrogen-Mediated Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Signaling in the Rat Cerebellar Cortex: Potent Nongenomic Agonist and Endocr

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