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http://www.100md.com 2001年4月8日 三九健康网


    Maybe my uncle, owner of a furniture shop in Tai Wai, he can help you.


    谈完家俱的事后,她跟她谈谈上面句子的错误。她多用了 "he"这个代词。 这种错误在口语中特别容易犯。实际上这个句


    Maybe my uncle, owner of a furniture shop in Tai Wai, can help you.


    同位语主要为前面的主语提供多一点资料。这部分可以删除,对句子本身不论意思上或结构上都无损害。 有时因为同位语


    (×) Mr You, an experienced teacher in his late twenties, he respected by all his students.


    (×) The government of that country, a government which is losing its sovereignty, it is very



    上面句中的 "he" 与"it"都是画蛇添足之举。

    short Quiz:

    Choose the best answer:

    1. …likes making jokes.

    A. My mum, a funny woman, she

    B. A funny woman, my mum,

    C. My mum, a funny woman,

    2. …was badly injured in a traffic accident.

    A. Jack, one of my best friends, he

    B. Jack, one of my best friends,

    C. One of my best friend, Jack., http://www.100md.com