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    1.轻症 口服氨基水杨酸盐(结肠病变);也可用布地奈德(19mg/天,适用于回盲部病变,无全身并发症者);甲硝唑对肛周病及防止术后吻合口复发有效。长期服用剂量>10mg/kg时,可发生周围性神经病变。

    2.中度 口服皮质类固醇;硫唑嘌呤或6-mp(激素依赖性患者,难治性或肛周瘘管患者)

    3.重症 静脉质类固醇;静脉环孢霉素(难治性、瘘管或重症均有效,长期疗效尚不定)

    4.缓解期 口服美沙拉命(对口服氨基水杨酸盐好转者有效,可预防手术后复发)。


    1.潘国宗。 溃疡性结肠炎的治疗原则 消化系疾病新概念 1998;1(3):1-3.
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    2.欧阳钦。 我国炎性肠病研究的概况及展望 中华消化杂志 1993;13(6):313.

    3.Posenberg IH. 序三 见郑家驹主编:炎症性肠病 第一版 上海科技出版社 1998.

    4.Carpenter HA, Talley NJ. The imporatance of clinicopathological correlation in the diagnosis of inflammatory conditions of the colon: histological patterns with clinical implications. Am J Gastroenterol 2000;95(4):878-896.

    5.郑家驹。 炎症性肠病的定义与分类。 中华消化杂志 1987:7(3):158.

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    7.Kormbluth A, Sachar DB. Ulcerative colitis practice guidelines in adults. Am J Gastroenterol 1998;92(2):204-211.

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    9.Kornbluth A, Salomon P, Sachar DB. Crohn's disease. In: Sleisenger MH, Fordtran JS (eds). Gastrointestinal disease. W.B.Saunders Company. Philadelphia 1993;1270-1304.

    10.Schreiber, Nikolaus S, Raedler A, Stricture formation in Crohn's disease. Res clin forum. 1998;20(1):87-98.

    11.Gilberts ECAM, Greestein AJ, Katsel P, Harpaz N, Greenstein RJ. Molecular evidence for two forms of Crohn's disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1994;91:12721-12724.
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    12.郑家驹、诸行琦、贾黎明、史肖华。Crohn病不典型临床表现与有关因素。中国医师杂志 2000;2(3):142-144.

    13.潘国宗、陈敏章、刘彤华,等。克隆氏病I-60例分析。中华内科杂志 1980;428-432.


    15.Peria As, Heuwissen SGH. Diagnosis of the first attack of colitis. Res Clin Forum 1998;20(1):67-76.

    16.Gasche C, Moser G, Turetschek K, Schober E, Moeschl P, Oberhuber G, Transabdominal bowel sonography for the detection of intestinal complications in Crohn's disease. Gut 1999;44:112-117.
, 百拇医药
    17.Arndt JW, Grootscholten MI, van Hogezand RA, Griffioen G, Lamers CBHW, Pauwels EKJ. Inflammatory bowel disease activity assessment using Technetium-99m-HMPAO leukocytes. Dig Dis Sci 1997;42(2):387-393.

    18.黄大刚,钟捷,李彪,张晨莉,夏璐,江石湖。99mTc-hIg G 在炎症性肠病诊断与随访中的临床应用。胃肠病学 1999;4(3):147-149.

    19.Nielson OH, Vainer B, Madsen SM, Seidelin JB, Heegaard NHH. Established and emerging biological activity markers of inflammatory bowel disease. Am J Gastroenterol 2000;95(2):359-367., 百拇医药
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