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http://www.100md.com 2017年2月1日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第3期

    [关键词]地黄; 多元组学; 连作障碍; 分子机制; 栽培药用植物

    [Abstract]Although consecutive monoculture problems have been studied for many years, no effective treatments are currently available. The complexity of systems triggered the formation of consecutive monoculture problems was one major cause. This paper elaborated the physiological and ecological mechanisms of consecutive monoculture problem formation based on the interaction relationship among multiple factors presented in the rhizosphere soil of consecutive monoculture plants. At same time, in this paper the multiple interactions among cultivated medicinal plants, autotoxic allelochemicals and rhizosphere microbial were proposed to be most important causes that derived the formation of consecutive monoculture problem. The paper also highlighted the advantage of 'omics' technologies integrating plant functional genomics and metabolomics as well as microbial macro-omics in understanding the multiple factor interaction under a particular ecological environment. Additionally, taking R. glutinosa as an example, the paper reviewed the molecular mechanism for the formation of R. glutinosa consecutive monoculture problem from the perspective of the accumulation of allelopathic autotoxins, the rhizosphere microecology catastrophe and theresponding of consecutive monoculture plants. Simultaneously, the roles of mutilple 'omics' technologies in comprehending these formation mechanism were described in detail. This paper provides finally a new insight to solve systematically the mechanism of consecutive monoculture problem formation on molecular level.
, http://www.100md.com
    [Key words]Rehmannia glutinosa; mutil-omics; consecutive monoculture problem; molecular mechanisms; cultivated medicinal plants

    隨着现代中药农业的发展,药用植物大面积单一化连续种植,导致中药材产量降低、品质变劣、生长状况变差、病虫害加重等连作障碍现象日趋严重[1-2]。连作障碍现象在我国农业生产中普遍存在,在药用植物上表现尤为突出。据统计,约占70%以上的根(根茎)类药材人工种植时均存在不同程度的连作障碍,如人参、三七、地黄、黄连和当归等[3-5]。由于许多药农对连作障碍缺乏科学的认识,盲目加大农药和肥料的使用,以期防治病虫害和提高产量,致使生产成本大幅增加、农药残留超标、药材品质下降,严重制约了药用资源的可持续利用和区域经济的发展。同时,连作导致中药农业生境破坏、生物多样性下降、生态位变窄,过度使用的农药、化肥又加剧了农田生态系统的恶化,中药资源可持续发展受到空前严重的威胁和巨大的挑战。因此,连作障碍问题的研究已成为制约中药资源可持续利用和影响中医药行业健康发展的战略性课题,也是当前中药资源生态学迫切需要解决的重要内容,成为国内外同行研究的热点。, 百拇医药(李明杰 冯法节 张宝 古力 王丰青 杨艳会 田云鹤 陈新建 张重义)
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