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http://www.100md.com 2017年10月8日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第14期
     [摘要]制备桂枝饮片标准汤剂并建立质量标准,为配方颗粒等临床非传统用药形式提供质量参照,同时也为含挥发油的饮片标准汤剂研究提供參考。从市场上收集14批不同质量的桂枝饮片,在中药饮片标准汤剂制备原则基础上进一步完善提取工艺,制备桂枝饮片标准汤剂,计算出膏率、桂皮醛的转移率、pH等参数,评价工艺稳定性;建立指标成分含量测定方法和特征图谱。结果表明桂枝饮片标准汤剂的出膏率为606%~895%,平均出膏率为718%;桂皮醛转移率为296%~543%,平均转移率为432%;pH 433~482。14批桂枝饮片标准汤剂特征图谱与对照特征图谱相似度均>09。该研究建立的制备方法稳定、质量标准完善,适用于桂枝饮片标准汤剂质量评价。

    [关键词]桂枝饮片; 挥发油; 标准汤剂; 质量标准

    [Abstract]To prepare Cinnamomi Ramulus pieces standard decoction and establish its quality standard, provide quality reference for formula granules and other clinic nontraditional forms of medicines, and lay a foundation for standard decoction research for the pieces containing essential oil 14 batches of Cinnamomi Ramulus pieces with different quality were collected from market and their extraction process was further improved based on the preparation principle of standard decoction to prepare the standard decoction of Cinnamomi Ramulus pieces Then its transfer rate of Cinnamaldehyde, dry extract rate and pH value were calculated to evaluate its process stability; and a method for chromatographic fingerprint and content determination was also established Results revealed that the dry extract rate for standard decoction of Cinnamomi Ramulus pieces was from 606%895%, with an average value of 718%; the transfer rate of cinnamaldehyde was at the range of 296%543%, with an average of 432%; and the pH value was at the range of 433482 The fingerprint similarities between 14 batches of standard decoction of Cinnmomi Rammulus pieces and reference fingerprint were all>09 The established method for standard decoction was stable and its quality standard was perfect, suitable for evaluating the quality of standard decoction of Cinnanomi Ramulus pieces
, 百拇医药
    [Key words]Cinnamomi Ramulus pieces; volatile oil; standard decoction; quality standard


    桂枝来源于樟科植物肉桂Cinnamomun cassia Presl的干燥嫩枝。其辛、温、甘,归心、肺、膀胱经,具有发汗解肌、温通经脉、助阳化气、平冲降气之功效[3]。临床多用于风寒感冒、脘腹冷痛、血塞经闭、关节痹痛、痰饮、水肿、心悸等症。现代药理研究表明它有抑菌、抗炎、抗过敏、抗肿瘤、抗病毒、利尿、解热、镇痛、扩张血管等多种药理活性[4]。桂枝主要含有挥发性成分、有机酸类、香豆素类等化学成分,其中以桂皮醛为主的挥发性成分是其发挥药效的物质基础。据统计,它是《伤寒论》中继甘草临床应用第二多的药物。结合文献,有关标准汤剂研究的报道主要集中在不含挥发油的中药饮片上,如黄芩[5]、甘草[6]、白芍[7]、人参[8]、红花[9]、葛根[10]等。而对于含挥发油、指标成分水溶性差的饮片鲜有文章报道。本文开展了桂枝饮片标准汤剂质量标准研究,以期为含挥发油类成分的中药饮片标准汤剂研究提供参考。

    1材料, 百拇医药(邓哲 冯伟红 章军 焦梦姣 张国瑗 王淑慧 程锦堂 刘安)
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