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[15] Longo A.Obstructed defecation because of rectal athologies.Novel surgical treatment:stapled trans-anal rectal resection(STARR).Presented at the international Colorectal Disease Symposium[J].Fort Lsuder-dale FL,2008(6):7-11.
, 百拇医药
[21]王业皇.丁泽民学术思想与临证经验研究[M].南京:东南大学出社,2007: 100-104.
, 百拇医药
[22] Morinaga K,Hasuda K,Ikeda T. A novel therapy for internal hemorrhoids:ligation of the hemorrhoidal artery with a newly devisedinstrument (Moricorn)inonjunction with a doppler flowmeter[J].Am J Gastroenterol,1995,90(4): 610-613.
, 百拇医药
[26]Abo-hashem AA,Sarhan A, Aly AM. Harmonic Scalpel compared with bipolar electro-cautery hemorrhoidectomy: a randomized controlled trial[J]. Int J Surg,2010,8(3):243-247.
[29]李毅,吴坚,李文忠等. 超声刀加皮桥缝合治疗重度脱垂性混合痔疗效观察[J].实用医院临床杂志,2014,11(3):127-128.
, 百拇医药
[30]Shrestha S,Pradhan GB, Shrestha R, et al. Stapled haemorrhoidec-tomy in the operative treatment of grade III and IV haemorrhoids[J].Nepal Med Coll J,2014,16(1):72-74.
[31]Maloku H, Gashi Z,Lazovic R, et al. Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty Procedure vs Open Surgical Hemorrhoidectomy: a Trial Comparing 2 Treatments for Hemorrhoids of Third and Fourth Degree[J]. ActaInform Med,2014,22(6):365-367.
[32]Athanasiou A, Karles D,Michalinos A, et al. Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation and rectoanal repair modification for the treatment of grade III and grade IV hemorrhoids: one-year follow-up[J]. Am Surg,2014,80(12):1279-1280.
, 百拇医药
[33]Chiappa A,Zbar AP, Bertani E,et al. The Ligasure vessel sealer inliver resection: a pilot study[J].Hepatogastroenterology,2007,54(80):2353-2357.
[34]Eroglu A,Turkyilmaz A, Aydin Y,et al. The use of the LigasureVessel Sealing System in esophageal cancer surgery [J].Ann Thorac Surg,2007,84(6):2076.
[35]Sayfan J,Becker A.Koltun L. Sutureless closed hemorrhoidectomy:anew technique[J].Ann Surg,2001,234(1):21.
, 百拇医药
[36]Palazzo FF, Francis DL, Clifton MA. Randomized clinical trail of Ligasure versus open hemorrhoidectomy[J].Br J Surg,2002,89(2).
[37]馬秀坤,华扬,秦海,等. Ligasure 血管闭合术在痔治疗中的应用观察[J].山东医药,2011,51(42):89-90.
[38]Altomare DF. Tips and tricks: hemorrhoidectomy with LigaSure[J].Tech Coloproctol,2009,13(4):321-322.
[39]Riegler M,Cosentini EP. Liga Sure for hemorrhoidectomy[J].Dis Colon Rectum,2004,47(9):1557-1558.
编辑/翟辰万, 百拇医药(王超 郭文涛 李一兵)
[15] Longo A.Obstructed defecation because of rectal athologies.Novel surgical treatment:stapled trans-anal rectal resection(STARR).Presented at the international Colorectal Disease Symposium[J].Fort Lsuder-dale FL,2008(6):7-11.
, 百拇医药
[21]王业皇.丁泽民学术思想与临证经验研究[M].南京:东南大学出社,2007: 100-104.
, 百拇医药
[22] Morinaga K,Hasuda K,Ikeda T. A novel therapy for internal hemorrhoids:ligation of the hemorrhoidal artery with a newly devisedinstrument (Moricorn)inonjunction with a doppler flowmeter[J].Am J Gastroenterol,1995,90(4): 610-613.
, 百拇医药
[26]Abo-hashem AA,Sarhan A, Aly AM. Harmonic Scalpel compared with bipolar electro-cautery hemorrhoidectomy: a randomized controlled trial[J]. Int J Surg,2010,8(3):243-247.
[29]李毅,吴坚,李文忠等. 超声刀加皮桥缝合治疗重度脱垂性混合痔疗效观察[J].实用医院临床杂志,2014,11(3):127-128.
, 百拇医药
[30]Shrestha S,Pradhan GB, Shrestha R, et al. Stapled haemorrhoidec-tomy in the operative treatment of grade III and IV haemorrhoids[J].Nepal Med Coll J,2014,16(1):72-74.
[31]Maloku H, Gashi Z,Lazovic R, et al. Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty Procedure vs Open Surgical Hemorrhoidectomy: a Trial Comparing 2 Treatments for Hemorrhoids of Third and Fourth Degree[J]. ActaInform Med,2014,22(6):365-367.
[32]Athanasiou A, Karles D,Michalinos A, et al. Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation and rectoanal repair modification for the treatment of grade III and grade IV hemorrhoids: one-year follow-up[J]. Am Surg,2014,80(12):1279-1280.
, 百拇医药
[33]Chiappa A,Zbar AP, Bertani E,et al. The Ligasure vessel sealer inliver resection: a pilot study[J].Hepatogastroenterology,2007,54(80):2353-2357.
[34]Eroglu A,Turkyilmaz A, Aydin Y,et al. The use of the LigasureVessel Sealing System in esophageal cancer surgery [J].Ann Thorac Surg,2007,84(6):2076.
[35]Sayfan J,Becker A.Koltun L. Sutureless closed hemorrhoidectomy:anew technique[J].Ann Surg,2001,234(1):21.
, 百拇医药
[36]Palazzo FF, Francis DL, Clifton MA. Randomized clinical trail of Ligasure versus open hemorrhoidectomy[J].Br J Surg,2002,89(2).
[37]馬秀坤,华扬,秦海,等. Ligasure 血管闭合术在痔治疗中的应用观察[J].山东医药,2011,51(42):89-90.
[38]Altomare DF. Tips and tricks: hemorrhoidectomy with LigaSure[J].Tech Coloproctol,2009,13(4):321-322.
[39]Riegler M,Cosentini EP. Liga Sure for hemorrhoidectomy[J].Dis Colon Rectum,2004,47(9):1557-1558.
编辑/翟辰万, 百拇医药(王超 郭文涛 李一兵)