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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 《中华中医药学刊》 2011年第3期
     (上海市针灸经络研究所,上海 200030)

    摘 要:《针灸资生经》以灸法的载述独见其长。就该书的灸法特点作了浅述。书中言及用灸法治疗的病证较广;对腧穴宜针宜灸、宜灸不宜针、宜少灸及禁灸穴都作了记述;所列病证灸方用穴精简, 大部分灸方只取一穴施灸;重视压痛穴的应用,作为确定施灸穴位的依据;提倡"先上后下, 先阳后阴" 的施灸原则;重视灸感,对灸感现象有详尽的描述;灸疗法众多,灸药并用的论述也较多;临证时根据患者身体强弱、年龄、部位、病情选择艾炷大小和艾灸壮数,控制灸量;阴虚燥盛之证及孕妇、产后应当慎灸;该书作者认为治病应以调理脾胃为本,并注重预防。该书对灸法的收录和运用广博, 而且实用, 对后世针灸医学产生了深远的影响。



    Analysis on the Characteristics of Moxibustion Therapy in Zhen Jiu Zi Sheng Jing

    QI Li-zhen,MA Xiao-peng,HONG Jue.

    (Shanghai Research Institute of Acupuncture and Meridian,Shanghai 200030,China)

    Abstract:The author analyzed and concluded the characteristics of moxibustion therapy stated in Zhen Jiu Zi Sheng Jing (Experience on Acupuncture and Moxibustion), which is famous for its elucidation on moxibustion therapy. According to this book, the indications of moxibustion involve a large scope. It also differentiated the acupoints based on their applicability to acupuncture and moxibustion. The moxibustion formulae covered in this book were always simple but precise. For most of the time, it only took a single acupoint for moxibustion treatment. This book also paid much attention to the application of a tender point, which was often recognized as the target point for moxibustion. Its principle of moxibustion therapy was to give moxibustion from upper body to lower body and from the Yang aspect to Yin aspect. Besides, it also emphasized on the moxibustion sensation. There were various forms of moxibustion therapy, including the combined application with pharmacotherapy. In clinical practice, the physician should modulate the size and dose in moxibustion therapy according to the age, body constitution, gender, affected area and disease severity. It should be cautious when giving moxibustion to pregnant or postpartum women, as well as the patients of Yin-deficiency. The author of the book believed that regulating the function of spleen-stomach should be predominant in treatment and prevention of a disease also plays an important role. In a conclusion, the records and application of moxibustion therapy in Zhen Jiu Zi Sheng Jing (Experience on Acupuncture and Moxibustion) were extensive and adoptable, which may have a great effect on the acupuncture-moxibustion science in the future.

    Key words:Zhen Jiu Zi Sheng Jing; Moxibustion; Incunabula; Acupuncture-moxibustion science




    《针灸资生经》[1]是宋代王执中据《铜人腧穴针灸图经》、《太平圣惠方》、《备急千金要方》等书的相关内容,以及王氏本人对针灸学的见解和临床经验类编而成,对后世针灸学有很大的影响。该书尤以灸法的载述独见其长, 值得认真研究。现就该书的灸法特点作一浅述。

    1 涉及病证 腧穴宜忌

    该书卷3至卷7所载病证中言及用灸法治疗的有165种,其中内科101种,外科24种,五官科23种,妇产科7种,儿科6种,男科4种,可见涉及病种相当广。纵观这些病证,则寒热虚实证型都有。其中虚寒病证尤多,如卷三中“久冷伤惫脏腑,泄利不止,中风不省人事等疾,宜灸神阙。”“阳气虚惫,失精绝子,宜灸中极。”卷四中“施秘监尊人患伤寒咳甚,医告技穷,施检《灸经》,于结喉下灸三壮,即瘥。盖天突穴也。”虚寒病证用灸已成共识,在此不再赘述。然书中所治热证也不少,如实热证有脏腑之热、湿热发黄、热毒疮疡等。如治疗“ 五脏热及身体热”、“热阳风”、“三焦、膀胱、肾中热气”、“热毒风盛, 眼睛痛”、“忽两眼大小眦俱赤”、“小儿口有疮蚀, 眼烂臭秽冲人”、“脑热疼”、“黄疸”等病证皆用灸法。其灸治热毒疮疡包括“发背”、“疔疮”、“乳痈”、“乳肿痛”等。虚热证用灸者有“劳瘵”、“骨蒸”等。然对某些热证用灸仍应慎重,如作者指出“ 凡治伤寒, 唯阴症可灸, 余皆当针。”又如卷五载“若始觉脚气,速灸风市、三里,各一二百壮,以泻风湿毒气,若觉闷热者,不得灸,以本有热,灸之则大助风生。”因而,对于热证施灸我们还是应持谨慎态度。, 百拇医药(齐丽珍,马晓芃,洪珏)
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