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http://www.100md.com 2017年6月1日 《世界中医药》 201711
     摘要 中药成分复杂,大多数中药药效的发挥需要在经胃肠道吸收进入到体内与靶点相互作用后发生。而中药的品种、炮制、剂量、配伍等因素均会影响到药物的体内过程。研究中药在体内动态变化过程对于其毒效研究至关重要。课题组将药动学应用于中药减毒增效研究中,并探索了中药药动学/药效学整合分析的思路与方法。

    关键词 附子;药动学;药效学;毒效整合分析

    Abstract Chinese materia medica has complex compositions. Most Chinese materia medica played the pharmacology role after being absorbed into the body through the gastrointestinal tract and acting with the targets. The variety, processing, dose, compatibility and other factors affect in vivo process of drug. The study on in vivo dynamic changes was important for the explanation of toxicity-efficacy of Chinese materia medica. The research group applied pharmacokinetics in the study of ′enhancing efficiency and reducing toxicity" of Chinese materia medica ......
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