☉ 10582851:慢性肺心病难治性心衰并低钾低镁血症100例临床分析
☉ 10582852:Medical risks in epilepsy
☉ 10582853:Meningioma presenting as stroke: report of two cases and estimation of incidence
☉ 10582854:美扶治疗花斑癣120例远期疗效观察
☉ 10582855:Subsegmental Pulmonary Emboli: Improved Detection with Thin-Collimation Multi–Detector Row Spiral CT
☉ 10582856:Multiple sclerosis in Finland: incidence trends and differences in relapsing remitting and primary progressive disease courses
☉ 10582857:The Fat Pad Sign
☉ 10582858:Outcome after mild traumatic brain injury: an examination of recruitment bias
☉ 10582859:莫沙必利治疗功能性消化不良对照观察
☉ 10582860:Parkinsonism associated with a serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor milnacipran
☉ 10582861:Persistent abnormality detected in the non-ictal electroencephalogram in primary generalised epilepsy
☉ 10582862:神经外科病人意识状态的评估
☉ 10582863:The Tyranny of Accuracy in Radiologic Education
☉ 10582864:Radiofrequency neurotomy for the treatment of third occipital headache
☉ 10582865:Tumor Vascularity: Evaluation in a Murine Model with Contrast-enhanced Color Doppler US ffect of Angiogenesis Inhibitors
☉ 10582866:Retinotopic modulation of space misrepresentation in unilateral neglect: evidence from quadrantanopia
☉ 10582867:Seizures medical causes and management
☉ 10582868:提高哮喘患儿的自我管理
☉ 10582869:Urinary Tract Abnormalities: Initial Experience with Multi–Detector Row CT Urography
☉ 10582870:Spontaneous retinal venous pulsation: aetiology and significance
☉ 10582871:Subcortical stroke 2nd edition
☉ 10582872:Thalamic proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in vegetative state induced by traumatic brain injury
☉ 10582873:Use of the American College of Radiology BI-RADS to Report on the Mammographic Evaluation of Women with Signs and Symptoms of Breast Disease
☉ 10582874:维生素C加典必殊治疗眼烧伤35例临床观察
☉ 10582875:The INTERMED: a screening instrument to identify multiple sclerosis patients in need of multidisciplinary treatment
☉ 10582876:US-guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Thyroid Nodules: Adequacy of Cytologic Material and Procedure Time with and without Immediate Cytologic Ana
☉ 10582877:The Neuromuscular Disease Center:
☉ 10582878:下颌第三磨牙阻生150例临床资料统计
☉ 10582879:The impact of delays in computed tomography of the brain on the accuracy of diagnosis and subsequent management in patients with minor stroke
☉ 10582880:The relation between daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and reduced motivation in patients with adult onset myotonic dystrophy
☉ 10582881:Uterine Arterial Embolization for Leiomyomas: Perfusion and Volume Changes at MR Imaging and Relation to Clinical Outcome
☉ 10582882:严重肺气肿并自发性气胸38例分析
☉ 10582883:Willis on narcolepsy
☉ 10582884:Loss of spatial learning in a patient with topographical disorientation in new environments
☉ 10582885:产后出血介入治疗后急性肺栓塞1例报告
☉ 10582886:产前子痫并发HELLP综合征抢救成功病例分析
☉ 10582887:易菲莎治疗慢性湿疹50例疗效观察
☉ 10582888:椎间盘镜手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症体会
☉ 10582889:多力玛治疗三胎妊娠早产1例报告
☉ 10582890:宫内宫外同时妊娠1例报告
☉ 10582891:宫腔残留物致不孕1例报告
☉ 10582892:CVC中心静脉导管在外周静脉中的应用及护理体会
☉ 10582893:米索前列醇治疗顽固性产后出血16例报告
☉ 10582894:川崎病60例的护理体会
☉ 10582895:对1例跳楼中学生的心理护理
☉ 10582896:乳糜尿合并妊娠1例报告
☉ 10582897:对急性腹痛患者的观察护理
☉ 10582898:输卵管妊娠合并对侧附件发育异常2例报告
☉ 10582899:双子宫合并腺肌病1例报告
☉ 10582900:同源异位型21-三体综合征1例报告

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