☉ 10600801:以科技创新为龙头发挥专科优势 促进医院发展
☉ 10600802:微创手术治疗高血压脑出血
☉ 10600803:组织因子与冠状动脉疾病
☉ 10600804:无肝素血透在肾衰伴严重出血患者中的应用
☉ 10600805:血浆冷沉淀物在深度烧伤创面的实验及临床研究
☉ 10600806:耳廓再造术护理体会
☉ 10600807:先天性肠旋转不良的围手术期护理
☉ 10600808:小儿急性外伤性颅内血肿的诊疗
☉ 10600809:血气分析动脉采血体会
☉ 10600810:小儿外伤性硬膜外血肿的诊治
☉ 10600811:男性乳腺癌(附472例分析)
☉ 10600812:转变观念 迎接挑战———再谈二级医院的发展之路
☉ 10600813:眼结膜结石的取出方法
☉ 10600814:乙肝散治疗慢性乙肝48例疗效分析
☉ 10600815:Nonrandom Tripeptide Sequence Distributions at Protein Carboxyl Termini
☉ 10600816:乙状结肠代阴道成形术的护理
☉ 10600817:Novel Multilocus Measure of Linkage Disequilibrium to Estimate Past Effective Population Size
☉ 10600818:异丙酚复合咪唑安定对二尖瓣狭窄病人血流动力学的影响
☉ 10600819:异丙酚-氯胺酮复合液静脉麻醉用于烧伤植皮手术20例
☉ 10600820:Regulatory Roles of Conserved Intergenic Domains in Vertebrate Dlx Bigene Clusters
☉ 10600821:Species-Specific Class I Gene Expansions Formed the Telomeric 1 Mb of the Mouse Major Histocompatibility Complex
☉ 10600822:应用DispaseⅡ与淋巴细胞分层液获取高纯度基底细胞
☉ 10600823:创建学习型医院 破解组织纠结
☉ 10600824:Spectral Biclustering of Microarray Data: Coclustering Genes and Conditions
☉ 10600825:The First-Generation Whole-Genome Radiation Hybrid Map in the Horse Identifies Conserved Segments in Human and Mouse Genomes
☉ 10600826:胸导管瘘全肠道外营养支持及护理2例
☉ 10600827:应用脉冲Nd YAG激光治疗牙齿敏感症的临床疗效
☉ 10600828:The Gene Ontology Annotation (GOA) Project: Implementation of GO in SWISS-PROT, TrEMBL, and InterPro
☉ 10600829:Y Chromosome STR Haplotypes and the Genetic Structure of U.S. Populations of African, European, and Hispanic Ancestry
☉ 10600830:应用皮肤扩张器形式的皮肤移植技术
☉ 10600831:应用伸延式蛙式固定装置治疗小儿先天性髋关节脱位失败原因探讨
☉ 10600832:婴幼儿轻型颅脑外伤后基底节区缺血性损害
☉ 10600833:婴幼儿先天性唇腭裂手术麻醉体会
☉ 10600834:早产婴儿的临床观察及护理
☉ 10600835:中西医结合治疗急性盆腔炎效果观察
☉ 10600836:Accelerated Hippocampal Spreading Depression and Enhanced Locomotory Activity in Mice with Astrocyte-Directed Inactivation of Connexin43
☉ 10600837:中学生HBV感染血清学检测结果
☉ 10600838:Activity of Different Classes of Neurons of the Motor Cortex during Locomotion
☉ 10600839:Adaptive Plasticity in the Auditory Thalamus of Juvenile Barn Owls
☉ 10600840:肿瘤坏死因子-α和白介素-6与病毒性肝炎肝纤维化的关系
☉ 10600841:An Extranuclear Locus of cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Action Is Necessary and Sufficient for Promotion of Spiral Ganglion Neuronal Survival by cAMP
☉ 10600842:Ca2+ Signaling in Mouse Cortical Neurons Studied by Two-Photon Imaging and Photoreleased Inositol Triphosphate
☉ 10600843:重型颅脑损伤死亡48例临床分析
☉ 10600844:综合疗法治带状疱疹28例体会
☉ 10600845:Circuitry Underlying Regulation of the Serotonergic System by Swim Stress
☉ 10600846:严重腹部伤合并颅脑伤的早期诊治
☉ 10600847:严重肝损伤临床处理体会
☉ 10600848:严重型胫骨平台骨折的手术治疗
☉ 10600849:腰椎间盘镜治疗腰椎间盘突出症的护理
☉ 10600850:隐匿性气胸的CT诊断价值

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