☉ 10607951:涎腺癌预后与肿瘤基因标志的相关研究
☉ 10607952:小型接骨板在颌面骨骨折中的应用体会
☉ 10607953:循证医学--21世纪医学的新模式
☉ 10607954:翼外肌-髁状突骨折开放手术功能恢复的关键
☉ 10607955:应用游离腓骨复合瓣行上颌骨缺损修复的初步研究
☉ 10607956:粘附机制与口腔粘膜鳞状细胞癌侵袭和转移关系的研究进展
☉ 10607957:正颌外科患者术前的颞下颌关节功能评价
☉ 10607958:自体咀嚼粘骨膜游离移植关闭早期创口对即刻种植体骨结合的影响
☉ 10607959:改良正畸方法结合颌间牵引治疗复杂颌骨骨折
☉ 10607960:47例重度深覆合深覆盖外科治疗的临床分析
☉ 10607961:90例腮腺区肿块的诊治
☉ 10607962:rhBMP-2 胶原 珊瑚复合人工骨临床研究
☉ 10607963:瘢痕增生的生物学基础及放射治疗的现状
☉ 10607964:Comparative Gene Prediction in Human and Mouse
☉ 10607965:Reevaluating Human Gene Annotation: A Second-Generation Analysis of Chromosome 22
☉ 10607966:A Complexity Reduction Algorithm for Analysis and Annotation of Large Genomic Sequences
☉ 10607967:A Microarray-Based Antibiotic Screen Identifies a Regulatory Role for Supercoiling in the Osmotic Stress Response of Escherichia coli
☉ 10607968:A Recent Polyploidy Superimposed on Older Large-Scale Duplications in the Arabidopsis Genome
☉ 10607969:Centromere Satellites From Arabidopsis Populations: Maintenance of Conserved and Variable Domains
☉ 10607970:Evolutionary Implications of Microbial Genome Tetranucleotide Frequency Biases
☉ 10607971:Genome-Scale Reconstruction of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Metabolic Network
☉ 10607972:膀胱移行细胞癌微血管密度与临床病理的关系
☉ 10607973:Genomic Sequence and Transcriptional Profile of the Boundary Between Pericentromeric Satellites and Genes on Human Chromosome Arm 10p
☉ 10607974:Global RNA Half-Life Analysis in Escherichia coli Reveals Positional Patterns of Transcript Degradation
☉ 10607975:Identification and Functional Analysis of Human Transcriptional Promoters
☉ 10607976:替硝唑在根管治疗中的临床应用
☉ 10607977:Linkage Disequilibrium and Haplotype Diversity in the Genes of the Renin-Angiotensin System: Findings From the Family Blood Pressure Program
☉ 10607978:Polymorphism Ratio Sequencing: A New Approach for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Discovery and Genotyping
☉ 10607979:微波与干扰素联合治疗尖锐湿疣118例疗效观察
☉ 10607980:Sequence Analysis of a Functional Drosophila Centromere
☉ 10607981:Systematic Discovery of New Genes in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Genome
☉ 10607982:胃原发性非霍奇金淋巴瘤13例分析
☉ 10607983:病毒心肌炎致加速型室性并行心律1例
☉ 10607984:Transcriptional Interactions Between Yeast tRNA Genes, Flanking Genes and Ty Elements: A Genomic Point of View
☉ 10607985:吻合器痔上粘膜环切术治疗重度痔疮临床观察
☉ 10607986:Whole Genome Analysis of Genetic Alterations in Small DNA Samples Using Hyperbranched Strand Displacement Amplification and Array-CGH
☉ 10607987:学龄前儿童四肢骨折手术麻醉方式的比较
☉ 10607988:弹丸 注射质量对核素肾血流灌注平均通过时间的影响研究
☉ 10607989:13例延迟性脾破裂病人的护理
☉ 10607990:1例外伤性喉狭窄病人的护理干预
☉ 10607991:1例婴幼儿全肺切除术围手术期护理
☉ 10607992:2例原位肝移植术供肝灌注配合
☉ 10607993:备皮时不剃毛对心脏介入性治疗穿刺口感染的影响
☉ 10607994:黄芪对小鼠免疫功能影响的实验研究
☉ 10607995:不同浓度保养液用于小儿静脉留置针封管的效果观察
☉ 10607996:鼻导管吸氧法导管插入深度的临床研究
☉ 10607997:对文化水平较低病人的健康教育技巧
☉ 10607998:儿童不宜多吃的食品
☉ 10607999:分层次 分阶段带教模式在临床教学中的应用
☉ 10608000:改良式一次性注射器的制作

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