☉ 11168901:室间隔缺损合并重度肺动脉高压活瓣补片修补术的手术配合
☉ 11168902:心理护理用于门诊输液患者的体会
☉ 11168903:高位截瘫患者的心理护理
☉ 11168904:高龄股骨颈骨折患者的心理分析与护理干预
☉ 11168905:射频导管消融进行肺静脉和腔静脉电隔离治疗52例阵发性心房颤动的护理
☉ 11168906:50例老年胃肠道术后经外周静脉全肠外营养支持的护理
☉ 11168907:关节镜器械的消毒灭菌及维护与保养
☉ 11168908:胸腰椎骨折AF钉系统内固定围手术期护理
☉ 11168909:无肝素法在连续性静脉—静脉血液滤过中的应用与护理
☉ 11168910:15例重症肌无力并发呼吸衰竭的护理体会
☉ 11168911:2例冠脉内支架术后合并腹壁血肿的护理
☉ 11168912:1例儿童急性播散性脑脊髓炎的护理
☉ 11168913:Default neural induction: neuralization of dissoci
☉ 11168914:Neural guidance molecules regulate vascular remode
☉ 11168915:Unwind and slow down: checkpoint activation by hel
☉ 11168916:Lozenge directly activates argos and klumpfuss to
☉ 11168917:成人与幼儿心脏介入手术的术前护理区别
☉ 11168918:Brain lipid-binding protein is a direct target of
☉ 11168919:恶性胸腔积液置管引流灌注化疗的护理
☉ 11168920:Functional uncoupling of MCM helicase and DNA poly
☉ 11168921:多胎妊娠产后出血的护理对策
☉ 11168922:Pervasive regulation of Drosophila Notch target ge
☉ 11168923:儿童螺旋CT增强扫描时的护理
☉ 11168924:Specific signals at the 3' end of the DHFR gene de
☉ 11168925:腹部中小手术后患者早期下床活动的可行性探讨
☉ 11168926:Polarity of the mouse embryo is established at bla
☉ 11168927:妇科患者入院后检出梅毒的护理
☉ 11168928:Overexpression of fasciculation and elongation pro
☉ 11168929:盖诺联合VP-16治疗难治性恶性淋巴瘤观察及护理
☉ 11168930:Unique coexpression in osteoblasts of broadly expr
☉ 11168931:The glucocorticoid receptor blocks P-TEFb recruitm
☉ 11168932:高血压患者患外科疾病手术前后的护理
☉ 11168933:Embryonic stem cell differentiation: emergence of
☉ 11168934:护理干预在脑癌患者中的作用——1例胶质母细胞瘤术后复发患者的护理
☉ 11168935:光动力疗法治疗胃癌的护理
☉ 11168936:截肢患者的全程护理干预
☉ 11168937:Zebrafish Hairy/Enhancer of split protein links FG
☉ 11168938:急性心肌梗死时心律失常的监测及护理对策
☉ 11168939:p38 MAP kinase inhibition enables proliferation of
☉ 11168940:PPM1D dephosphorylates Chk1 and p53 and abrogates
☉ 11168941:连续性血液净化的临床效果观察及护理体会
☉ 11168942:氢氟酸烧伤患者的护理
☉ 11168943:Developmentally induced changes in transcriptional
☉ 11168944:气管切开术在重型颅脑损伤患者中的应用及护理
☉ 11168945:A human splicing factor, SKIP, associates with P-T
☉ 11168946:四肢骨折患者树脂石膏的固定与护理
☉ 11168947:Spontaneous rDNA copy number variation modulates S
☉ 11168948:重型颅脑损伤的呼吸道护理
☉ 11168949:BRCA1/BARD1 inhibition of mRNA 3' processing invol
☉ 11168950:眼球摘除围手术期的护理

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