☉ 11272651:乌藤镇痛胶囊对老龄血瘀大鼠活血化瘀作用的实验研究
☉ 11272652:肝脏肿瘤血管造影及介入治疗中副反应和并发症防治体会
☉ 11272653:利水消肿丸治疗关节滑囊炎临床观察
☉ 11272654:我院开展临床药学服务工作的意义
☉ 11272655:我院住院患者前十位病种统计分析
☉ 11272656:中药的毒性反应及预防对策探讨
☉ 11272657:手术部位感染的预防与控制
☉ 11272658:适应医院发展需要 加强全科护士培养
☉ 11272659:针刺疗法治疗中老年高血压病的临床观察
☉ 11272660:桂枝茯苓胶囊治疗慢性盆腔炎100例临床分析
☉ 11272661:银盐法测定水中砷反应温度优化研究
☉ 11272662:论地理信息系统在急救医学中的应用与展望
☉ 11272663:Xanthine Oxidoreductase Inhibition Causes Reverse Remodeling in Rats With Dilated Cardiomyopathy
☉ 11272664:肿瘤治疗新突破—抗VEGF及抗血管再生治疗
☉ 11272665:化瘀通淋排石汤治疗泌尿系结石98例临床观察
☉ 11272666:问荆的综合开发利用
☉ 11272667:Functional TRPM7 Channels Accumulate at the Plasma Membrane in Response to Fluid Flow
☉ 11272668:H11 Kinase Prevents Myocardial Infarction by Preemptive Preconditioning of the Heart
☉ 11272669:Downregulation of Endothelin-1 by Farnesoid X Receptor in Vascular Endothelial Cells
☉ 11272670:The Transforming Growth Factor- Superfamily Member Growth-Differentiation Factor-15 Protects the Heart From Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury
☉ 11272671:GDF15/MIC-1 Functions As a Protective and Antihypertrophic Factor Released From the Myocardium in Association With SMAD Protein Activation
☉ 11272672:Direct Interaction of the Cell Division Cycle 37 Homolog Inhibits Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity
☉ 11272673:LPP Expression During In Vitro Smooth Muscle Differentiation and Stent-Induced Vascular Injury
☉ 11272674:Inhibition of Versican Synthesis by Antisense Alters Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype and Induces Elastic Fiber Formation In Vitro and in Neoint
☉ 11272675:Acute Antiinflammatory Properties of Statins Involve Peroxisome ProliferatoreCActivated Receptor- via Inhibition of the Protein Kinase C Sig
☉ 11272676:Differences in Vascular Bed Disease Susceptibility Reflect Differences in Gene Expression Response to Atherogenic Stimuli
☉ 11272677:Hypercontractile Female Hearts Exhibit Increased S-Nitrosylation of the L-Type Ca2+ Channel 1 Subunit and Reduced Ischemia/Reperfusion Injur
☉ 11272678:Endothelial Cell Cortactin Phosphorylation by Src Contributes to Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Transmigration In Vitro
☉ 11272679:Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases Control Cardiac KChIP2 Gene Expression
☉ 11272680:Accelerated Arteriosclerosis of Vein Grafts in Inducible NO SynthaseeC/eC Mice Is Related to Decreased Endothelial Progenitor Cell Repair
☉ 11272681:Rotation of the Myocardial Wall of the Outflow Tract Is Implicated in the Normal Positioning of the Great Arteries
☉ 11272682:Compartmentalized Phosphodiesterase-2 Activity Blunts -Adrenergic Cardiac Inotropy via an NO/cGMP-Dependent Pathway
☉ 11272683:Selective Rac-1 Inhibition Protects From Diabetes-Induced Vascular Injury
☉ 11272684:Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor-2 Signaling Promotes Pulmonary Arterial Endothelial Cell Survival
☉ 11272685:Enhanced Vascular Responses to Adrenomedullin in Mice Overexpressing Receptor-ActivityeCModifying Protein 2
☉ 11272686:Impaired Angiogenesis in Glutathione Peroxidase-1eCDeficient Mice Is Associated With Endothelial Progenitor Cell Dysfunction
☉ 11272687:Increased Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Leak but Unaltered Contractility by Acute CaMKII Overexpression in Isolated Rabbit Cardiac Myocytes
☉ 11272688:Neurogenic Mechanisms Contribute to Hypertension in Mice With Disruption of the K-Cl Cotransporter KCC3
☉ 11272689:Interferon- Induces Major Histocompatibility Class II Transactivator (CIITA), Which Mediates Collagen Repression and Major Histocompatibilit
☉ 11272690:Exercise Can Prevent and Reverse the Severity of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
☉ 11272691:IP-10 Blocks Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-Induced Endothelial Cell Motility and Tube Formation via Inhibition of Calpain
☉ 11272692:Elevated Homocysteine Reduces Apolipoprotein A-I Expression in Hyperhomocysteinemic Mice and in Males With Coronary Artery Disease
☉ 11272693:Upregulated TRPC1 Channel in Vascular Injury In Vivo and Its Role in Human Neointimal Hyperplasia
☉ 11272694:Identification of Prostaglandin E2 Receptor Subtype 2 As a Receptor Activated by OxPAPC
☉ 11272695:Platelet-Derived Growth Factor BBeCMediated Normalization of Dermal Interstitial Fluid Pressure After Mast Cell Degranulation Depends on 3 b
☉ 11272696:Foxc2 Is a Common Mediator of Insulin and Transforming Growth Factor Signaling to Regulate Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type I Gene Expr
☉ 11272697:No Apparent Requirement for Neuronal Sodium Channels in Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Rat Ventricular Myocytes
☉ 11272698:Endogenous RGS Proteins and G Subtypes Differentially Control Muscarinic and Adenosine-Mediated Chronotropic Effects
☉ 11272699:Quantitative Trait Loci Modifying Cardiac Atrial Septal Morphology and Risk of Patent Foramen Ovale in the Mouse
☉ 11272700:Spontaneous Coronary Vasospasm in KATP Mutant Mice Arises From a Smooth MuscleeCExtrinsic Process

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